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Search results for "education"


Lawrence D Abraham

Lawrence D Abraham

Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Focuses on biomechanic analysis and instruction, and neurological correlation to fine motor skills.

Jennifer K Adair

Jennifer K Adair

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Areas of expertise include early childhood education, racial justice and equity in early learning, educational anthropology, video-cued ethnography, immigration and education, impact of social injustices on childhoods, project-based learning led by community expertise and early childhood educational leadership and program transformation.

D. Michelle  Addington

D. Michelle Addington

Academic Center Affiliate, School of Architecture

Expertise: Sustainability; Smart Materials; Building Physics; Lighting; History of Building Technology; Leadership

Ricardo C Ainslie

Ricardo C Ainslie

M. K. Hage Centennial Professor in Education, Counseling Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0364, +1 512 471 4407

Expertise: Explores the intersection of psychology and culture through such topics as the psychological experience of immigration, ethnic conflicts and the impact of violence within communities, and the relationship between individual and collective identity. Is also interested in US-Mexico health, including addressing health disparities.

Celeste D Alexander

Celeste D Alexander

Director - Education Research Center, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 471 4528

Expertise: Manages and coordinates multiple research and evaluation grants and contracts for the Educational Research Center.

David T Allen

David T Allen

Co-Director, Center for Energy & Environmental Systems Analysis, McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering
+1 512 471 0049, +1 512 475 7842

Expertise: Atmospheric chemistry; Urban air quality and pollution prevention; Environmental and industrial reaction engineering

Cassandre Alvarado

Cassandre Alvarado

Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 3997

Expertise: Focuses research on student success and graduation initiatives, including innovative college readiness assignments, student success programs and understanding the completion agenda.

Edward G Anderson

Edward G Anderson

Professor, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 471 6394

Expertise: Edward Anderson is a professor of supply chain and operations management for The University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business. Within the school’s Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, he has taught supply chain and operations management courses, project management, health care, and new venture design and implementation for the BBA, MBA, Ph.D., and Executive Education programs. Anderson has also served as director of the McCombs Healthcare Innovation Center, a research center specializing in innovation in healthcare delivery. Anderson worked as a product design engineer in the automotive industry and currently holds six patents. Numerous national media outlets have featured Anderson for his expertise in supply chain innovation, disruption, outsourcing, and industrial policy.

Suzanne Barber

Suzanne Barber

Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 656 6152

Expertise: Software engineering, design and architectures; Distributed artificial intelligence; Information assurance, trust and security; Multi-agent systems

James P Barufaldi

James P Barufaldi

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Curriculum design, teacher education, science education

Aprile D Benner

Aprile D Benner

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1964

Expertise: Human development; adolescence and young childhood; social, emotional, and cognitive growth and maturation of young people

Tasha Beretvas

Tasha Beretvas

Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Faculty Affairs
+1 512 471 3007, +1 512 471 4363

Expertise: Interested in statistical models with a focus on deriving and evaluating multilevel model extensions and meta-analysis models for educational, behavioral, social and medical science data.

Carl S Blyth

Carl S Blyth

Associate Professor, Department of French and Italian, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 2312, +1 512 471 5531

Expertise: Applied linguistics (instructional technology, corpus linguistics, pedagogical grammar); French sociolinguistics (style, stance and interaction); Discourse studies (narrative analysis, cultural scripts, indexicality)

Maura  Borrego

Maura Borrego

Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering

Expertise: Studies engineering and STEM higher education, including faculty, graduate students and undergraduates.

Matthew Bowers

Matthew Bowers

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 2120

Expertise: Examines the management of systems for athlete development, including how different sport settings influence performance and participation over the lifespan. Focuses on re-imagining the youth sport experience, with a specific interest in the developmental role that playing in unstructured sports settings like sandlot/pickup sports or sports video games can have on shaping experiences and outcomes.

Kevin  Bozic

Kevin Bozic

Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5089

Expertise: management of patients with arthritis of the hip and knee, health policy and health care services research, healthcare technology assessment, cost-effectiveness analysis, shared medical decision making, and value-based payment and delivery models

Katie Bradford

Katie Bradford

Lecturer, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Video-based data, integrating technology into their face-to-face conversations

Danelle Briscoe

Danelle Briscoe

Associate Professor, School of Architecture

Expertise: Building Information Modeling (BIM), Fabrication, Relationships of analog to digital design

Keffrelyn D Brown

Keffrelyn D Brown

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4257

Expertise: Creates scholarship based around teacher education, especially relating to race and culture.

Christopher P Brown

Christopher P Brown

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 2288

Expertise: Researches the lived experiences of those working in contexts going through educational reform. By studying varied education stakeholders, I have sought to advocate for educational policies that seek to foster, sustain, and extend the complex educational, sociocultural, and individual goals and aspirations of children, their families, teachers, and school leaders.

Anthony L Brown

Anthony L Brown

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 3902

Expertise: Focuses on historical and contemporary issues and discourses concerning African American students in schools and society.

Sharon A Brown

Sharon A Brown

Professor, School of Nursing

Expertise: Type 2 diabetes, health promotion,self-management, health disparities, meta-analysis

Chris Brownson

Chris Brownson

Clinical Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 475 6990

Expertise: Research interests include mental health public policy, college student mental health and suicide prevention, collaborative care models of behavioral health in primary care, and the intersection of mental health and academic success.

Erika M Bsumek

Erika M Bsumek

Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3261, +1 512 475 7253

Expertise: Native American History; Navajo arts and crafts; labeling of Indian made goods; history of the U.S. West and American Southwest; Modern Western urban/rural development including how large-scale engineering projects such dams, highways, and suburbs transformed the Western landscape/environment; transportation; urban management, environmental history, digital history, educational technology. Water politics in the West, the history of Glen Canyon Dam, and Climate change.

John C Butler

John C Butler

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 232 6821

Expertise: Dr. Butler's research focuses on the Decision Sciences: decision analysis, operations, information systems, management science and statistics. He serves as Secretary/Treasurer of INFORMS Decision Analysis Society, an organization comprised of over 900 academics and practitioners in the field of decision analysis. For EMIC, Dr. Butler is focused on building energy-specific business curriculum. He teaches MBA-level energy finance classes and supervises student participation in practicums and case competitions.

Courtney T Byrd

Courtney T Byrd

Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 9426

Expertise: Communication disorder; causes and therapies of childhood stuttering; adulthood stuttering; linguistic processing; motor planning; fluency disorders; voice disorders; speech disfluencies; speech-language contributions to childhood stuttering; innovative treatment; bilingualism and multiculturalism in speech-language pathology; accessible clinical training tools

Esther  Calzada

Esther Calzada

Associate Dean for Research, School of Social Work
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Latino children, parenting, academic achievement, mental health, immigration, acculturation

Debra  Cantu

Debra Cantu

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 471 6137

Expertise: Leadership Development *Develops PK-12 school leaders. Designs and coordinates learning objectives, knowledge development, and effective practices for graduate students to apply theory into practice in their internship based on the following learning outcomes: *Develop Capacity for Teaching and Learning Excellence *Advocate for and Ensuring Support Systems for All *Build Executive Leaders to Promote Ethical Policies and Practices *Partner Authentically with Families and Communities Curriculum and School Improvement *Leads and develops curriculum content, scope and sequence, standards alignment and performance assessments for higher education and school district curriculum. *Diagnose problems and challenges using school data, research and planning, implementation and progress monitoring and reflection. Improvement Science - Strategic Planning *Identify the Problem *Analyze the Problem and Diagnose Its Causes *Develop a Theory of Action *Design the Strategy *Plan for Implementation *Implement the Strategy *Assess Progress *Adapt and Modify for Continuous Improvement Certification *Leads the program in design and practices required by Texas Education Agency for admissions, clinical experiences and certification. School District Partnerships *Building an Effective Partnership *Co-designing curriculum *Collaboration and Planning *Implementation and Progress Monitoring Executive Coaching *Design *Implementation *Strategic Planning *Progress Monitoring

Kate Catterall

Kate Catterall

Associate Professor, Department of Design
+1 512 471 0902

Expertise: History and theory of design; furniture and product design

Shannon E Cavanagh

Shannon E Cavanagh

Department Chair, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8319

Expertise: Families, Family Demography, Life Course & Human Development, Gender, Interpersonal Relationships, Adolescents, Young Adulthood during economic/cultural change, Family relationships, Census, Race/Ethnicity and Family change

Stephanie W Cawthon

Stephanie W Cawthon

Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0378

Expertise: Investigates issues of access and equity for disabled people, with a special focus on systems change, research translation, and assessment.

Karma R Chavez

Department Chair, Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, College of Liberal Arts

Wenhong  Chen

Wenhong Chen

Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: digital media; global media; entrepreneurship; social capital; social networks; China; US-China relation

Joshua  Childs

Joshua Childs

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education

Expertise: Examines collaborative approaches involving community organizations and stakeholders that improve academic achievement and reduce opportunity gaps for students. Also studies chronic absenteeism, the role of high school athletics in school settings, and computer science education.

Danielle P Clealand

Danielle P Clealand

Associate Professor, Department of Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Afro-Latino politics and identity, Black politics in the Spanish speaking Caribbean and the United States, group consciousness, Black and Latino public opinion and racial inequality. Cuba. Puerto Rico.

North Cooc

North Cooc

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7923

Expertise: Explores how family background, culture, and school contextual factors influence decisions and trajectories within special education.

Robert L Crosnoe

Robert L Crosnoe

Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8329

Expertise: Life Course & Human Development, Children & Youth, Education, Health, Family, Immigration, Adolescents.

Noah  De Lissovoy

Noah De Lissovoy

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 1954
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Examines effects of race, class and capital in schools and society; investigates and extends traditions of critical pedagogy and philosophy.

Andrew P Dillon

Andrew P Dillon

Professor, School of Information
+1 512 471 3821

Expertise: the psychology of internet use, world wide web, human performance with technology, digital design, education, digital libraries, human-computer interaction, usability, social informatics, applied cognition, digital documents, online learning, information architecture, individual differences, technology, digital libraries

Diana M Dinitto

Diana M Dinitto

Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 471 9227

Expertise: Alcohol use, drug use, social welfare, social policy, social work

Lisa Dobias

Lisa Dobias

Associate Professor of Instruction, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1101

Expertise: social media; branding

Edwin  Dorn

Edwin Dorn

Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs

Expertise: International affairs; national security/ defense policy; human resources policy (especially military personnel); civil rights/ race relations; policy making (especially the executive branch); federal education policy; African politics, business

Robert A Duke

Robert A Duke

Marlene and Morton Meyerson Centennial Professor, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 0972

Expertise: Human learning and behavior; procedural memory consolidation; skill learning

John S Dzienkowski

John S Dzienkowski

Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1367

Expertise: John Dzienkowski teaches and writes in the areas of professional responsibility of lawyers, real property, international energy transactions, and oil and gas taxation. He is widely regarded as one of the most dynamic and effective speakers on topics of professional responsibility and he has delivered almost one hundred ethics presentations to in-house corporate departments, large and small law firms, state bar continuing legal education programs, and law faculties throughout this country. 

Susan B Empson

Susan B Empson

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Elementary children's mathematics thinking; sociocognitive theories of learning, classroom processes; teacher development

Carlton K Erickson

Carlton K Erickson

Professor Emeritus, College of Pharmacy

Expertise: Addiction science education, neurobiology of addiction, chemical dependency

Toni Falbo

Toni Falbo

Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0603, +1 512 471 8020

Expertise: Falbo uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address problems in education and health. She is an internationally recognized expert on only children, including their academic, social, emotional, and health outcomes. Falbo is also an expert on conducting cross-cultural research and research aimed at improving the education of ethnic minorities in the U.S.

Terry S Falcomata

Terry S Falcomata

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Assessment and treatment of problem behavior displayed by individuals with ASD/DD, methods for increasing behavioral variability in individuals with ASD/DD, and methods for preventing clinical relapse pertaining to challenging behavio

Brian K Farr

Brian K Farr

Director, Athletic Training Program
+1 512 471 1273, +1 512 471 9885

Expertise: Serves as Director of the Athletic Training Education Program and specializes in sports medicine, training athletes, athletic injuries, strength and conditioning, and sports rehabilitation.

Monica Faulkner

Monica Faulkner

Research Associate Professor, School of Social Work

Expertise: Child welfare, child and family policy, foster care, teen pregnancy prevention, Latino families

Sherry L Field

Sherry L Field

Advisor to the Dean for Faculty Development, Education - Office of the Dean
+1 512 475 8327

Expertise: Curriculum history; oral history; social studies curriculum and teaching; childrens thinking and historical thinking; teachers as school leaders; teacher preparation

Keely D Finkelstein

Keely D Finkelstein

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3339

Carol Fletcher

Carol Fletcher

Director of Expanding Pathways in Computing (EPIC), Texas Advanced Computing Center
+1 512 232 5690

Expertise: Equity in computer science education; Evaluating large-scale professional development; Collective impact models for social change

Richard R Flores

Richard R Flores

Professor, Department of Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Cultural theory; folklore and expressive culture; Mexican American history and culture; public history of the Alamo; critical race theory; cultural citizenship; cultural studies; higher education leadership

Douglas E Foley

Douglas E Foley

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: American ethnic and race relations; educational policy for ethnic minorities; ethnographic research; critical theory

Kevin M Foster

Kevin M Foster

Associate Professor, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 4362

Expertise: African American student achievement; intersection of sports and academics; impact of race and gender on student academic outcomes; cultural theory in education; Improvement of academic outcomes for African American, Latina/o and other students; education; race relations

Wallace T Fowler

Wallace T Fowler

Professor and Paul D.& Betty Robertson Meek Centennial Professorship in Engineering & Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Spacecraft and Mission Design; Aircraft Design; Vehicle Modeling; Lunar and Planetary Exploration Systems; Multimedia Engineering Education

David W Fowler

David W Fowler

Professor and T.U. Taylor Professorship in Engineering; Joe J. King Chair of Engineering No. 2; Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Polymer-concrete materials; Structural building systems in wood and reinforced concrete; Concrete aggregates

Christina Fragale

Christina Fragale

Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Works with culturally diverse individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders to assess and treat challenging behavior.

Maria E Franquiz

Maria E Franquiz

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Examines ethnographic language and literacy practices in K-12 classrooms, specifically focusing on how Latinx critical race theory explains the relationship between heritage language and culture and the evolving identities of future teachers.

Alan W Friedman

Alan W Friedman

Professor Emeritus, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: British and American modernism; the novel; drama, especially Shakespeare; international programs, faculty governance and academic freedom; literature

Shernaz B Garcia

Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Bilingual special education; multicultural issues in special education; education of students who are at educational risk; prereferral intervention

Kristin A Garling

Kristin A Garling

Assistant Director- Programs, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 0861

Expertise: Healthcare communications, patient engagement, patient-centric communication, health solutions, public health, rural health education and advocacy, healthcare professional development, chronic disease, medication therapy management, health outcomes

Elizabeth T Gershoff

Elizabeth T Gershoff

Director, Population Research Center, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: Child and youth development; adolescence; parenting; parental discipline; violence; early childhood education

David V Gibson

Senior Research Scientist Emeritus, IC2 Institute
+1 512 475 8901, +1 512 475 8941

Expertise: Texas border region; South America; Caribbean; Australia; entrepreneurship research and education

Joshua T Gindele

Joshua T Gindele

Associate Professor of Practice, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 232 1526

Expertise: Classical music, Chamber music, String quartet, Media relations, PR, Record production

Erik  Gnagy

Erik Gnagy

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Specializes in behavior, sports performance, and decision making in golf; teaches golf and courses need to be certified in physical education.

Celestine  Gonzalez De Bustamante

Celestine Gonzalez De Bustamante

Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Historical and contemporary issues related to media in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands, Mexico, and other parts of Latin America

Jane S Gray

Jane S Gray

Director of Clinical Training, Counseling and School/Clinical Child Psychology Doctoral Programs, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education

Expertise: Supports the clinical training of doctoral students, teaches clinically-focused courses and prepares students for psychology internship training. <em>Jane Gray does not serve as a research mentor for students in the School Psychology nor Counseling Psychology programs.</em>

Terrance L Green

Terrance L Green

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education

Expertise: Examines principals and school-community engagement/community development and issues of educational equity and opportunity.

Sherri R Greenberg

Sherri R Greenberg

Professor of Practice, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8324, +1 512 656 6592

Expertise: A member of the Texas House of Representatives from 1991-2001, Greenberg?s areas of expertise include state and local government, public finance and budgeting, education, health care, transportation, and campaigns and elections in the state of Texas.

Benjamin G Gregg

Benjamin G Gregg

Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7274

Expertise: Democracy, Rule of Law, Human Rights, Political Theory, Social Theory, Bioethics, Genetic Manipulation of Humans

Lisa  Griffin

Lisa Griffin

Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 2786

Expertise: Investigates neuromuscular control mechanisms during fatigue, training, rehabilitation and aging with single-motor unit recording, and designs electrical stimulation protocols for individuals with paralysis.

Dottie R Hall

Dottie R Hall

Assistant Professor of Practice-CURR, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 475 8573

Expertise: Explores ethical campus leadership and factors that lead to successful leadership of educators.

Xiaofen D Hamilton

Xiaofen D Hamilton

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 3565

Expertise: Researches fitness education, physical activity promotion among k-16 students, and technologies related to physical education teacher education.

Z Leah  Harris

Z Leah Harris

Department Chair, Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics, Dell Medical School
+1 240 426 7428, +1 512 324 0595

Michelle  Harrison

Michelle Harrison

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 9879

Expertise: Biochemical techniques including ELISA's, multiplexing, automated western blotting, associated data analyses, and standard wet lab skills. Research involving diabetes, inflammation, and neural control of circulation.

Mark D Hayward

Mark D Hayward

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8382

Expertise: Population and Life Course and Aging, Morbidity and Mortality, and Biodemography, Social Epidemiology, Quantitative Methods and Dynamic Models, Life Table Techniques, Death and Dying

Terry  Hemeyer

Terry Hemeyer

Associate Professor of Practice, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
+1 713 819 1322, +1 713 819 1671

Expertise: Crisis management; public, employee, community, government and investor relations; advertising; marketing; consumer segmentation; human resources; communicating corporate layoffs, and corporate security.

Megan L Hildebrandt

Megan L Hildebrandt

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts

Expertise: contemporary art, foundations art pedagogy, drawing, artist mothers, arts-in-healthcare, community-based art practices

Lucas G Hill

Lucas G Hill

Adjunct Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy
+1 512 232 7832

Expertise: Opioid harm reduction, substance use disorder, interprofessional education, service learning

Martha F Hilley

Martha F Hilley

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts

Expertise: Group piano; piano pedagogy; career goals and management; dedicated web sites created for both non-music major and music major group piano classes.

Carole K Holahan

Carole K Holahan

Professor Emerita, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Studies psychosocial factors in health behavior and health and well-being in adulthood and aging.

Madeleine Holland

Madeleine Holland

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: professional communication; teamwork; college success; first-year students; stigma; identity; social identity; stereotypes; relational communication; interpersonal communication; romantic relationships

Jennifer J Holme

Jennifer J Holme

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education

Expertise: Focuses on the politics and implementation of educational policy with an emphasis on school reform, equity and diversity in schools; and the intersection between housing and education policy.

Susan D Hovorka

Susan D Hovorka

Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 4863

Expertise: Geologic carbon sequestration in deep sedimentary environments as part of carbon capture and storage. PI of the Gulf Coast Caron Center ( focused on research relevant to commercial development of geologic sequestration in regions where it is both needed and possible. Monitoring field projects. Petrography and sedimentology supporting hydrogeology in karst and contaminated systems. K-12 and public outreach and education.

Joan  Hughes

Joan Hughes

Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4145

Expertise: Research focuses on school contexts and teacher knowledge and experiences that support the establishment of digital equity for learning in K-12 schools, classrooms, and communities.

Thomas M Hunt

Thomas M Hunt

Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 1540

Expertise: Examines the intersection of sport and international political history.

Wendy A Hunter

Wendy A Hunter

Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Comparative Politics; Social Policy; Latin America Affairs; Brazil; Military in Brazil; Military in the Southern Cone; Latin America politics; education reform

Syed A Hyder

Syed A Hyder

Director, South Asia Institute, Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Islam in South Asia, Urdu language and literature, Aesthetics in South Asian and the Middle East

John L Ivy

John L Ivy

Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Exercise physiology; carbohydrate metabolism; ergogenic aids; exercise and diabetes; nutrition and exercise

Judith Jellison

Judith Jellison

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts

Expertise: Elementary music education; music and children with disabilities; observation and evaluation in classroom/rehearsals; music in special education and therapy

David B Jemison

David B Jemison

Professor Emeritus, Department of Management, Red McCombs School of Business

Expertise: Strategic management; managing multibusiness global firms; mergers and acquisitions; strategic alliances; strategy development; strategy implementation

Jody L Jensen

Jody L Jensen

Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Studies biomechanics and changes in motor competencies across a lifetime with an emphasis on posture and locomotor control including populations of autism and cerebral palsy.

Esbelle M Jowers

Esbelle M Jowers

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 6027
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Studies school and community-based interventions regarding physical activity, healthy eating, and the prevention of chronic disease.

Jerry F Junkin

Jerry F Junkin

Director (0379), Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 4093

Expertise: classical music, wind ensemble/band music, conducting, band programs

Manuel J Justiz

Manuel J Justiz

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 1695

Expertise: Bringing the experience of 28 years as dean of the College of Education, Justiz shares his expertise in topics of public policy, the politics of education, and providing equal access for minorities in education.

Marilyn C Kameen

Marilyn C Kameen

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 1695, +1 512 232 1696

Expertise: Interests include academic administration, faculty in higher education, and college student development with research on college teaching and minorities in higher education.

Stuart Kelban

Stuart Kelban

Associate Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 232 6037

Expertise: screenwriting; television; film industry

Deborah C Kelt

Deborah C Kelt

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Brings her experience in literacy education to UT with a specialization in preparing secondary teachers to work in urban schools.

Charles  Kerans

Charles Kerans

Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 3519, +1 512 471 4282

Expertise: Carbonate sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, reservoir characterization, basin analysis, seismic interpretation, seismic stratigraphy, paleokarst analysis, carbonate diagenesis

Carey W King

Carey W King

Research Scientist, Energy Institute
+1 512 471 5468

Expertise: Macroeconomics; Energy and renewable energy generation, usage, conservation, policy, and education; energy systems approaches; energy return on energy invested (EROI), net energy; carbon capture and sequestration; nexus of water and energy; renewable energy and electricity integration

Prabhudev C Konana

Prabhudev C Konana

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management, Red McCombs School of Business

Expertise: Global sourcing, supply chain management, electronic commerce, virtual communities

J. Richard Kyle

J. Richard Kyle

Professor Emeritus, Department of Geological Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 4351

Expertise: Ore deposits geology, mineral resources and society, geology and supply chains of critical materials, minerals exploration and evaluation, industrial mineral resources, origin of ore-forming fluids in sedimentary environments, fluid inclusions, stable isotopes, salt dome cap rock formation, surficial processes and earth resource formation, high resolution X-ray computed tomography applications to petrology, adaptive reuse of mining and processing sites.

Travis J Laduc

Travis J Laduc

Curator, Herpetology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 6339

Expertise: Reptiles and amphibians, biodiversity, evolution, ecology

Dorothy D Lambdin

Dorothy D Lambdin

Clinical Professor Emeritus, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education

Expertise: Elementary physical education; teachers'''' careers; assessment in physical education; teachers'''' goals and intents

John C Largess

John C Largess

Associate Professor of Practice, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 232 9540

Expertise: string quartet, classical music, performance, chamber music, coaching, Ludwig van Beethoven

Lara  Latimer

Lara Latimer

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7190

Expertise: Teaches from a holistic health perspective with a focus on personal health, including mental health, meditation and other stress management techniques.

David A Laude

David A Laude

Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2154

Expertise: As the graduation champion for The University of Texas at Austin, Laude is an expert on using data, academic support and incentives to help ensure that students succeed as undergraduates and graduate on time.

William  Lawson

William Lawson

Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry

Expertise: Mental Health, Violence and Mental Illness, Racial and Ethnic Issues in Mental Health, Mental Disorders, Substance Abuse, Ethnic Disparities in Care, Access to Care, Ethnic Issues in Pharmacotherapy

Wei-Na  Lee

Wei-Na Lee

F. J. Heyne Centennial Professor Emerita in Communication, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: advertising, education; practice; communication process; how culture influences consumer response to communication; personal factors; message design; psychological response); communicating philanthropy and corporate social responsibility (CSR); overcoming skepticism

Cristine H Legare

Cristine H Legare

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Cognitive development, cultural learning, cognitive evolution, cognitive science, social cognition, children’s learning, social learning, science education, biological education, evolution; ritual, religious cognition, science and religion

Anne  Lewis

Anne Lewis

Professor of Practice, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 656 0507

Expertise: Documentary filmmaking

Leigh L Linden

Leigh L Linden

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 8556

Expertise: Economic development; poor countries; economics of education

Min  Liu

Min Liu

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 6248, +1 512 471 5942

Expertise: Areas of expertise include designing and developing immersive, media-rich environments for learners at all age levels and research the effects of them using mixed-methods; studying the effect of other emerging technologies on learning and motivation; focusing on problem-based learning, project-based learning, and game-based learning pedagogical approaches; learning analytics in serious games and other online environments, and understanding MOOCs as an emerging online learning tool.

Jonathan E Macclements

Jonathan E Macclements

Senior Associate Dean and DIO of Graduate Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5104

Beth Maloch

Beth Maloch

Senior Associate Dean, College of Education
+1 512 471 3476

Expertise: Examines literacy teacher preparation, specifically the role of coaching and mentoring that occurs inside programs.

Michael P Marder

Michael P Marder

Executive Director - UTeach, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3612

Expertise: Fracture; deformation of materials; computational materials science; condensed matter physics; nonlinear dynamics; teacher preparation; discovery learning; Uteach.

Arthur B Markman

Arthur B Markman

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Extended Education Ventures
+1 512 232 4645

Expertise: Similarity, Analogical Reasoning and Analogical Problem Solving, Decision Making , Consumer Behavior, Motivation and Preference, Category Use and Category Learning, Taxonomic Hierarchies and Conceptual Combination, Symbolic and Connectionist models of Analogy, Similarity and Categorization, Knowledge Representation and Causal Mental Models

Monica M Martinez

Monica M Martinez

Associate Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Monica Muñoz Martinez an associate professor in the department of history, in the College of Liberal Arts. She is an award-winning author, educator, and historian, specializing in the history of race, racial violence, policing on the US-Mexico border, Latinx history, women and gender studies, public humanities, digital humanities, and restorative justice. She is the author of "The Injustice Never Leaves You: Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas" and a founding member of the non-profit organization Refusing to Forget. racial violence, policing on the US-Mexico border, Latinx history, women and gender studies, public humanities, digital humanities, and restorative justice

Robert G May

Robert G May

Professor Emeritus, Department of Accounting, Red McCombs School of Business

Expertise: Management of higher education; financial accounting and reporting practice; business, economics & labor

Linda R McCall

Linda R McCall

Public Information Geologist, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 0320

Chris J McCarthy

Chris J McCarthy

Professor and Area Chair for Counselor Training Programs, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 232 4835

Expertise: My Coping and Stress in Education Lab conducts research at the intersection of health, psychology, and education. The focus of our work generally is on promoting wellness and optimal functioning in educational settings. Current work includes studies on educator stress and wellness, focuses on understanding the stress that teachers and administrators experience and how to help them cope and thrive. We use both local and national samples of teacher’s and administrators to understand how stress impacts their occupational health and overall well-being. We also conduct research on group interventions, which is an effective way to help teachers identify and reduce the stress they experience in their work. Finally, we conduct research in Preventive Coping. Much of our work in this area includes the Preventive Resources Inventory, a measure of psychological assets that individuals can use to proactively cope with stress, particularly in the context of careers.

Julia L Mickenberg

Julia L Mickenberg

Professor, Department of American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 2650, +1 512 471 7277

Expertise: General U.S. cultural history (1865-present); History of the Left/Radical Cultures (especially in the United States); Children's Literature; U.S. Women's History (esp. 1865-present); History of Childhood; Americans and the Soviet Union

Juan  Miro

Juan Miro

Professor, School of Architecture
+1 512 471 0182

Expertise: In his teaching, practice and research, Miro explores the role of the architectural profession in civic life, the relationship between the manmade and Nature, and the relevance of history for designers. Miró was named a Distinguished Professor by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). He is also a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers of the University of Texas at Austin. Other teaching awards include the Texas Excellence in Teaching Award and the ACSA New Faculty Teaching Award.

David  Mohrig

David Mohrig

Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 2282

Expertise: Sedimentary Geology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Geomorphology, Rivers, Deltas, Coastlines, Submarine Channels, Geohazards, Sediment-Gravity Currents, Sediment Transport, Seismic Interpretation, Basin Analysis

Sharon  Mosher

Sharon Mosher

Dean Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Expertise: Structural petrology, field-oriented structural geology, the evolution of complexly deformed terranes, strain analysis, deformation mechanisms, the interaction between chemical and physical processes during deformation

Michael W Mosser

Michael W Mosser

Director, Center for European Studies, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7280

Expertise: International relations; security studies; comparative foreign policy; Western Europe; European security; military art and science; military sociology

Chandra L Muller

Chandra L Muller

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8377

Expertise: The effects of family, community, education policy and health behaviors on education and the transition to adulthood; STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) preparation and careers

Richard  Murphy

Richard Murphy

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 8525

Expertise: Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Applied Econometrics

Sheri  Mycue

Sheri Mycue

Associate Director for Compliance, Education - Office of the Dean
+1 512 232 0000

Expertise: Coordinates the placement of teachers in field experiences and prepares students for ESL education.

Elizabeth A Nelson

Elizabeth A Nelson

Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5106

Charles B Nemeroff

Charles B Nemeroff

The Matthew P. Nemeroff Endowed Chair, Dell Medical School

Dev  Niyogi

Dev Niyogi

Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Expertise: Research Group: The University of Texas Extreme weather and Urban Sustainability "TExUS" Lab. Research seeks to significantly contribute to our understanding of the Earth system, particularly the urban and agricultural landscapes, and the dynamic role of coupled land surface processes on regional hydroclimatic extremes. Translate the scientific work undertaken into decision tools and portals with a particular focus on sustainable climate-ready/resilient coastal, cities, and agricultural systems. Dr. Niyogi has coauthored over 200 peer-reviewed papers for international journals, 18 book chapters, and over 150 conference proceedings or abstracts for professional conferences such as the AMS and AGU annual meetings. According to Google Scholar, his research has been cited over 19,000 times (h index = 70), and his work has been read over 122,000 times per Research Gate statistics. His work has been highlighted in various media outlets including in the popular press such as Yahoo!, MSNBC, Wired, CNN, LiveScience, National Geographic, Tedx Talk, NASA press releases. Dr. Niyogi's research is funded through a variety of competitive federal grants- NSF (Atmospheric and Geosciences, Hydrology, Cyberinfrastructure, Computer Sciences, Geoscience Education, International Programs, RAPID, and CAREER), NASA (Hydrology, Interdisciplinary Sciences), Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, DOE, NOAA, and USDA/NIFA. He has developed over 30 successful research projects, which have led to a total award of more than $100 million to Purdue ($ 6 million as an individual share) through grants. At Purdue, Dr. Niyogi received Purdue Seeds for Success award, Million Dollar research award, and the University Faculty Scholar recognition, the NSF CAREER award, the USDA NIFA Partnership Award, and has been part of the 2018 Indiana Governor Award for Environmental Excellence- amongst other. <strong>At University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Niyogi is also part of the Theme Organizing Committee of the Planet Texas 2050 </strong> <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>

James A Nolen

James A Nolen

Associate Director of Hicks, Muse, Tate and Furst Center for Private Equity, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 232 6834, +1 512 471 4368

Expertise: Corporate finance, entrepreneurship, mergers & acquisitions

Aaron  O'Connell

Aaron O'Connell

Associate Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 202 235 3820

Expertise: 20th century military history, cultural history, U.S. foreign affairs, and American politics, Afghanistan, South Sudan, civil-military relations, national security policy, military culture

Mark F O'Reilly

Mark F O'Reilly

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Assesses and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities and develops social skill/communication interventions for children with ASD.

M  Ovando Villanueva

M Ovando Villanueva

Professor Emeritus, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 471 7551
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Scholarly work has concentrated on understanding the processes related to the supervision of instruction, as well as on instructional leadership.

Tolga  Ozyurtcu

Tolga Ozyurtcu

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 6018
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Studies the historical, philosophical, sociocultural, and political dimensions of sport and physical culture.

Lorraine S Pangle

Lorraine S Pangle

Professor, Co-Director, Thomas Jefferson Center, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 1447

Expertise: Ancient, early modern, and American political philosophy; ethics; the philosophy of education; problems of justice

Randall M Parker

Randall M Parker

Professor Emeritus, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Rehabilitation counseling; adjustment to disabling conditions; vocational assessment; research design and data analysis

Keryn E Pasch

Keryn E Pasch

Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 8295

Expertise: Examines the relation between marketing influence on youth and young adult risk behavior such as substance use, nutrition, sleep and energy drink consumption.

James R Patton

James R Patton

Professor of Instruction, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 4161, +1 512 740 4082

Expertise: Focuses on adults with disabilities and their participation in higher education, study skills, instruction, and interaction with the criminal justice system.

Donald R Paul

Donald R Paul

Professor and Ernest Cockrell, Sr. Chair in Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Interests include the broad areas of polymer science and engineering and chemical engineering. Current research involves various aspects of polymeric materials including polymer blends; membranes for separations, drug delivery, packaging, etc.; and polymer processing.  The blend research deals with the thermodynamics of polymer-polymer interactions (miscibility, phase diagrams, interfaces), reactive compatibilization of multiphase mixtures, rubber toughening, the control of phase morphology during processing by both chemical and physical means, and polymeric nanocomposites.  The research on diffusion in polymers involves investigation of structure-property relationships to design better membranes for separation processes and improved barrier materials plus an interest in theories and models for describing sorption and permeation of small molecule penetrants in polymers including the rubbery, glassy, semi-crystalline, and liquid crystalline states of these materials.  The research on nanocomposites involves devising chemical and processing strategies for exfoliating layered silicates in polymer matrices for improvement of performance using nanoscale reinforcement.  Synthesis, characterization, and performance of polymers are an integral part of the research in all these areas.

Gaylen  Paulson

Gaylen Paulson

Associate Dean and Director of Executive Education, Red McCombs School of Business
+1 512 471 8541

Expertise: Negotiation, conflict management, influence processes, attitudes and attitude change, creative thinking

Katherina A Payne

Katherina A Payne

Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Researches civic education, early childhood/elementary education, and teacher education to examine the role of relationships, community, and justice to make classrooms democratic and equitable spaces.

Suzanne A Pierce

Suzanne A Pierce

Assistant Professor of Research, Environmental Science Institute, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 954 1810

Expertise: Integrated Water Resources Management; Decision Support Systems; Sustainability Science; Energy-Water; Groundwater Management; Participatory Modeling

Sarah R Powell

Sarah R Powell

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6556

Expertise: Develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision making, and the vocabulary within mathematics.

Heath J Prince

Heath J Prince

Research Scientist, Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 2193

Expertise: workforce development, labor markets, measuring poverty in developing countries

David M Rabban

David M Rabban

Professor and Dahr Jamail, Randall Hage Jamail and Robert Lee Jamail Regents Chair, University Distinguished Teaching Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1308

Expertise: Higher education law, academic freedom, free speech, labor law, legal history, constitutional law

Richard J Reddick

Richard J Reddick

Senior Vice Provost and Dean of the Undergraduate College, Undergraduate College
+1 512 471 7551, +1 512 475 8587

Expertise: Examines the experiences of faculty of color at predominantly White institutions; mentoring relationships between faculty and Black students; and work-life balance in academia.

Stephen D Reese

Stephen D Reese

Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1845, +1 512 471 1966

Expertise: journalism; media; media framing; press performance; news; news media; press critique; media critique; blogs; terrorism; war; sports journalism; media framing of public issues; globalization of journalism

Sarah J Rehnborg

A&P Hourly Employment, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 232 7062, +1 512 475 7616

Expertise: Non-Profit Management, Civil society, Education Policy

Robert S Reifel

Robert S Reifel

Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Early childhood education; play therapy; early development

Erin  Reilly

Erin Reilly

Professor of Practice, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Audience motivation and emotion, immersive and interactive storytelling, Web3, blockchain, AI, emerging technologies, immersive and interactive storytelling, extended reality technologies (AI, IoT, AR, VR, MR, Virtual Worlds)

Pedro  Reyes

Pedro Reyes

Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Geoff B Rich

Geoff B Rich

Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 3948

Expertise: Studies the culture of youth sports through elementary and secondary physical education curricula, and teacher education.

Timothy E Riedel

Timothy E Riedel

Associate Professor of Practice, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: I am the faculty in charge of a course-based research experience for undergraduates devoted to developing at-home or DIY Diagnostics.

Catherine  Riegle-Crumb

Catherine Riegle-Crumb

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 2388, +1 512 475 8642

Expertise: Focuses on the social construction of gender and racial/ethnic inequality in educational opportunities and experiences in STEM fields from a sociological perspective. Methodological expertise in quantitative research methods and analyses of large scale datasets.

Haydee M Rodriguez

Haydee M Rodriguez

Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 5750, +1 512 471 5942

Expertise: Prepares students to become educators in bilingual and ESL education and mentors novice bilingual educators.

Loriene  Roy

Loriene Roy

Professor Emeritus, School of Information

Expertise: Library development in Native American communities; creation of virtual museums of Native American artifacts; literacy efforts in Native American communities; library collection development and evaluation; oral tradition; organizing gatherings of indigenous librarians worldwide

Victor  Saenz

Victor Saenz

Associate Dean for Student Success, Community Engagement, and Administration, College of Education
+1 512 232 7519, +1 512 471 7551
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Leads the Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success Initiative focused on Latino males in education; seeks to advance research-informed policy solutions that enhance educational outcomes for students in secondary and post-secondary education.

Cinthia S Salinas

Cinthia S Salinas

Ruben E. Hinojosa Regents Professor in Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 3539

Expertise: Dr. Salinas is a member of the Social Studies Education program area and is an affiliate faculty member in the Bilingual/Bicultural and the Cultural Studies in Education program areas. Her focus in the social studies includes critical historical inquiry in elementary bilingual and secondary education late arrival immigrant ESL classroom settings, as well as broader understandings of citizenship. Her work also examines social studies teachers' enactment/countering of curriculum through narratives that include civic identities, agency, and membership of others.

Victor  Sampson

Victor Sampson

Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 7504

Expertise: Studies the ways culturally and linguistically diverse groups of people use disciplinary the core ideas and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to explain phenomena or to solve problems that are meaningful and consequential to them.

Justin T Samuel

Justin T Samuel

Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 9756

Expertise: Centers research on college student identity development, personal branding for student leaders, and work/life integration for student affairs administrators

Bridget R Scanlon

Bridget R Scanlon

Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 1534, +1 512 471 8241

Expertise: Evaluation of the impact of climate variability and land use change on groundwater recharge, application of numerical models for simulating variably saturated flow and transport, controls on nitrate contamination in aquifers

Julie  Schell

Julie Schell

Assistant Vice Provost of Academic Technology and Director of the Office of Academic Technology
+1 512 232 1772

Expertise: Academic technology, technology-enhanced learning, learning technologies, online education, college teaching and learning, course evaluations, design thinking, design pedagogy, learning experience design, and developing expertise in generative AI tools in higher education.

Lawrence P Schooler

Lawrence P Schooler

Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: conflict resolution; mediation; consensus building; civic/community/public engagement (involving the public in decisions that affect them) (sometimes also called deliberative democracy); digital engagement (using technology innovatively to involve the public in decision making); restorative justice; transitional justice; memory/memorials and historic preservation; accessibility; public policy and public administration; urban affairs/urban planning

Lauren  Schudde

Lauren Schudde

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 471 1623

Expertise: Studies how to ameliorate social inequities in the United States through higher education policy; focuses on college pathways at broad-access institutions, including community colleges.

Bob E Schutz

Bob E Schutz

Professor and Joe J. King Chair; FSX Professorship in Space Applications and Exploration, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Spaceborne laser altimetry; especially GLAS on ICESat; Airborne laser altimetry; Space Geodesy; including Global Positioning System (GPS) and laser ranging; Spacecraft dynamics; including orbit and attitude determination; Satellite mission design; Applications of satellites to Earth system studies

Sonia T Seeman

Sonia T Seeman

Associate Professor, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 2854

Expertise: world music; Romani ("Gypsy") communities; Southeastern Europe, Turkish, Former Ottoman culture and music; neighborhood/grassroots activism; culture of diasporic commmunities; migration

Harel  Shapira

Harel Shapira

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 8075

Expertise: Right wing politics, gun owners, notion of self-defense, group identity

Michael  Sierra-Arévalo

Michael Sierra-Arévalo

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Police; policing; gangs; gun violence; violence prevention

Allison  Skerrett

Allison Skerrett

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4883

Expertise: Focuses on secondary English and literacy education in urban contexts, including among transnational youth.

Ya'Ke Smith

Ya'Ke Smith

Professor, Department of Radio-Television-Film, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: social cinema; independent cinema; storytelling; television writing and directing; directing actors

Mary A Steinhardt

Mary A Steinhardt

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 3535

Expertise: Focuses on how individuals successfully adapt to stress and build health resilience.

Steve Strakowski

Steve Strakowski

Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Psychiatry
+1 512 495 5047

Expertise: Mental Health, Psychiatry

Mark  Strama

Mark Strama

Director, Organized Research Unit, Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Texas politics; Political campaigns; Political polarization; Voting technology and systems; Redistricting; ranked choice voting and alternative voting methodologies; Civic participation and civic engagement; Civics education

Ben  Streetman

Ben Streetman

Dean Emeritus, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Engineering education; Engineering workforce issues; Microelectronics; Semiconductor materials and devices; Epitaxy

Pauline T Strong

Pauline T Strong

Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 3555, +1 512 471 4206, +1 512 471 8524

Expertise: Cultural, historical, feminist anthropology; Identity and difference; Politics of representation; Public culture; Youth organizations; Museum studies; Public humanities; Medical humanities; US, Indigenous North America.

Marie-Anne Suizzo

Marie-Anne Suizzo

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0379, +1 512 471 4155

Expertise: Studies how cultural beliefs and values shape parent-child relationships, parental socialization, and children's and adolescents' development and learning.

Elizabeth  Swanson

Elizabeth Swanson

Research Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 2320

Expertise: All of my work focuses on developing and testing for efficacy literacy practices for struggling readers. This includes: * infusing literacy practices into elementary and middle school content area classes; * empowering parents to provide reading support to their own children; * providing intervention to struggling readers; * translating research to practice for teachers; * designing effective professional development; * translating research into usable products for parents.

George E Sylvie

George E Sylvie

Associate Professor Emeritus, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Media management; Internet newspaper economics; motivation and satisfaction in the newsroom; change and newspapers; newspaper organizational cooperation; technology''s role in media management; black press economics; mass media and minorities; newspaper reporting and editing; communication; journalism

Katie Tackett

Katie Tackett

Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6566

Hirofumi  Tanaka

Hirofumi Tanaka

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 4801

Expertise: Effects of vascular dysfunction due to aging, and the lifestyle habits that can prevent or reverse dysfunction. Role of peripheral vascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cognitive and cerebrovascular dysfunction Reduction in physiological functional capacity with advancing age Community-based studies in minority cardiovascular health Masters athletes as a model of successful aging Health benefits of swimming

Elizabeth  Teisberg

Elizabeth Teisberg

Professor of Medical Education, Department of Medical Education, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5179

Expertise: value-based health care strategy,

Michael J Telch

Michael J Telch

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3393, +1 512 475 8488, +1 512 560 4100

Expertise: Agrophobia; Anxiety and phobic disorders; Behavioral medicine; Behavioral therapies; Cognitive processes of behavior change; Therapy outcome evaluation

Natalie T Tindall

Natalie T Tindall

Department Chair, Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Organizational composition, the situational theory of publics; intersectionality in public relations; NIL; athlete branding; PR issues with actors, athletes and influencers

Janice (Jan) S Todd

Janice (Jan) S Todd

Department Chair, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 0993, +1 512 471 0995

Expertise: Specializes in the history of strength and conditioning, doping, women and sport, and history of physical culture.

Jessica R Toste

Jessica R Toste

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6551

Expertise: Focuses on effective interventions for students with and at-risk for reading disabilities, with a focus on intensifying intervention through data-based instruction and attention to motivational processes

Philip U Treisman

Philip U Treisman

Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 2271, +1 512 471 6190

Expertise: Education Policy; mathematics education; economics of education; educational equity; education program design and evaluation volunteerism

Sean J Upshaw

Sean J Upshaw

Assistant Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: culture-centered health communication; visual communication; health and culture; health message design; health promotion messaging; health information messages; health communication; media messaging; communication education

Luis  Urrieta

Luis Urrieta

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4129
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Follows trends around cultural and racial identities, agency, migration, and social movements in education.

Angela  Valenzuela

Angela Valenzuela

Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 6008
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Specializes in urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level.

Sharon  Vaughn

Sharon Vaughn

Executive Director, Meadows and VGC, College of Education
+1 512 423 8207

Expertise: Investigates effective interventions for a diverse group of students with reading difficulties and students who are English language learners.

Paul  Von hippel

Paul Von hippel

Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 537 8112

Expertise: Demographic Analysis, Education Policy, Healthcare, Statistics

Heather K Way

Heather K Way

Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 1210

Expertise: Issues related to affordable housing, community development, social equity, and transit-oriented development.

Michael  Webber

Michael Webber

John J. McKetta Centennial Energy Chair, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 475 6867

Expertise: Energy policy; Energy & Water; Alternative and renewable energy; Biofuels; Energy in Texas; Smart Grid; Power Sector

Melissa Wetzel

Melissa Wetzel

Department Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Expertise: Literacy teacher preparation, coaching and mentoring, equity and justice in literacy instruction

Mary F Wheeler

Mary F Wheeler

Professor Emeritus, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering

Expertise: Numerical solution of partial differential systems with applications to the modeling of subsurface and surface flows and parallel computation.

Rachel S White

Rachel S White

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education

Expertise: Examines issue of power and voice in education policy making and implementation processes, with a focus on public school district superintendents and school boards.

Sarah J Whitehead

Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Foreign Language Pedagogy, Curriculum Design, Concept-Based Language Instruction, Epistemology, Conversation Analysis, Discourse Analysis, Ecology Theory, Critical Theory, Spanish Language

Robert H Wilson

Robert H Wilson

Professor; Mike Hogg Professor in Urban Policy, Department of Geography and the Environment, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Urban and regional economic development; urban policy; technology policy; telecommunications policy; urban governance in developing countries; decentralized policymaking; the impact technological change on urban and regional economies

Lucille D Wood

Lucille D Wood

Clinical Professor, School of Law
+1 512 232 2656

Jacqueline D Woolley

Jacqueline D Woolley

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 5196, +1 512 471 6261

Expertise: Conceptual development in preschool and elementary school children--the fantasy-reality distinction, evaluation of evidence, supernatural beliefs and reasoning, child development, developmental psychology, perceptions of reality and possibility, the role of testimony in children’s beliefs, and the development of scientific and supernatural reasoning.

David S Yeager

David S Yeager

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Social-cognitive development during adolescence; Motivation; Behavior change; Aggression and bullying; Research methodology and psychological measurement; Psychological interventions

Nina Zuna

Nina Zuna

Associate Director, School of Social Work
+1 512 232 0758