Enderle, P., Grooms, J., Sampson, V., Sengul, O. & Koulagna, Y. (2022). How the co-design, use, and refinement of an instructional model emphasizing argumentation relates to changes in teachers beliefs and practices. International Journal of Science Education. doi:.
Hutner, T., Sampson, V., Baze, C., Chu, L. & Crawford, R. (2022). An exploratory study of the goals science teachers satisfy by integrating engineering core ideas and practices into the science curriculum.. International Journal of Science Education, 44(1), 71-90.
Hutner, T., Sampson, V., Chu, L., Baze, C. & Crawford, R. (2022). A case study of science teachers' goal conflicts arising when integrating engineering into science classes. Science Education, 196, 88-118.
Doabler, C., Therrien, W., Longhi, M., Roberts, G., Hess, K., Maddox, S., Uy, J., Lovette, G., Fall, A., Kimmel, G., Benson, S., VanUitert, V., Emily, S., Powell, S., Sampson, V. & Toprac, P. (2021). Efficacy of a second-grade science program: Increasing science outcomes for all students. Remedial and Special Education, 42(3), 140-154.
Hosbein, K., Alvarez-Bell, R., Callis-Duehl, K., Sampson, V., Wolf, S. & Walker, J. (2021). Development of the Investigation Design, Explanation, and Argument Assessment for General Chemistry I Laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education Research, 98(2), 293-306.
Sampson, V., Hutner, T., Grooms, J., Kaszuba, J. & Burt, C. (2020). Argument-Driven Inquiry in 5th Grade Science: Three-dimensional investigations that integrate literacy and mathematics.. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Hutner, T., Sampson, V., Grooms, J., LaMee, A. & FitzPatrick, D. (2020). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics Volume 2: Electricity and magnetism lab investigations for grades 9-12. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Chu, L., Sampson, V., Hutner, T., Rivale, S., Crawford, R., Baze, C. & Brooks, H. (2019). Argument-Driven Engineering in middle school science: An exploratory study of changes in engineering identity over an academic year. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 9(2), 72-84.
Hutner, T., Sampson, V., Brooks, H., Baze, C., Gregory, J., Sommerhauser, K. & Broadway, M. (2019). Developing a highway crash safety barrier. Science Scope, 43(1), 36-43.
Schellinger, J., Mendenhall, A., Alemanne, N., Southerland, S., Sampson, V. & Marty, P. (2019). Using technology-enhanced inquiry-based instruction to foster the development of elementary students' views on the nature of science. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28(4), 341-352.
Sampson, V. & Murphy, A. (2019). Argument-Driven Inquiry in 4th Grade Science: Three-dimensional investigations that integrate literacy and mathematics. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Sampson, V. & Murphy, A. (2019). Argument-Driven Inquiry in 3rd Grade Science: Three-dimensional investigations that integrate literacy and mathematics. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Blanchard, M. & Sampson, V. (2018). Fostering Impactful Research Experiences for Teachers (RETs). EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(1), 4635-4649.
Grooms, J., Sampson, V. & Enderle, P. (2018). How concept familiarity and experience with scientific argumentation are related to the way groups participate in an episode of argumentation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. doi:.
Sampson, V., Murphy, A., Lipscomb, K. & Hutner, T. (2018). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Middle School Earth Space Science: Lab investigations for grades 6-10. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Strimaitis, A., Southerland, S., Sampson, V., Enderle, P. & Grooms, J. (2017). Promoting Equitable Biology Lab Instruction by Engaging All Students in a Broad Range of Science Practices: An Exploratory Study. School Science and Mathematics, 117(3-4), 92-103.
Schellinger, J., Mendenhall, A., Alemanne, N., Southerland, S., Sampson, V., Douglas, I., Kazmer, M. & Marty, P. (2017). Doing Science in Elementary School: Using Digital Technology to Foster the Development of Elementary Students Understandings of Scientific Inquiry. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(8), 4635-4649.
Sampson, V., Hutner, T., FitzPatrick, D. & LaMee, A. (2017). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physics Volume 1: Mechanics lab investigations for grades 9-12. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Grooms, J., Enderle, P., Murphy, A., Hutner, T. & Sampson, V. (2016). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Physical Science: Lab investigations for grades 6-8. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Walker, J., Sampson, V., Southerland, S. & Enderle, P. (2016). Using laboratory to engage students in science practices. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 17, 1098-1113.
Enderle, P., Gleim, L., Granger, E., Grooms, J., Hester, M., Murphy, A., Sampson, V. & Southerland, S. (2015). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Life Science: Lab investigations for grades 6-8. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Grooms, J., Enderle, P. & Sampson, V. (2015). Coordinating Scientific Argumentation and the Next Generation Science Standards through Argument Driven Inquiry. Science Educator, 24(1), 45-50.
Sampson, V., Enderle, P., Gleim, L., Grooms, J., Hester, M., Southerland, S. & Wilson, K. (2014). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Biology: Lab investigations for grades 9-12. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Sampson, V., Carafano, P., Enderle, P., Fannin, S., Grooms, J., Southerland, S., Stallworth, C. & Williams, K. (2014). Argument-Driven Inquiry in Chemistry: Lab investigations for grades 9-12. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.
Grooms, J., Sampson, V. & Golden, B. (2014). Comparing the effectiveness of verification and inquiry laboratories in supporting undergraduate science students in constructing arguments around socioscientific issues. International Journal of Science Education, 36(9), 1412-1433.
Walker, J. & Sampson, V. (2013). Learning to argue and arguing to learn in science: Argument-Driven Inquiry as a way to help undergraduate chemistry students learn how to construct arguments and engage in argumentation during a laboratory course. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(50), 561-596.
Sampson, V., Enderle, P., Grooms, J. & Witte, S. (2013). Writing to learn and learning to write during the school science laboratory: Helping middle and high school students develop argumentative writing skills as they learn core ideas. Science Education, 97(5), 643-670.
Sampson, V. & Walker, J. (2012). Argument-Driven Inquiry as a way to help undergraduate students write to learn by learning to write in chemistry. International Journal of Science Education, 34(10), 1443-1485.
Granger, E., Bevis, T., Saka, Y., Southerland, S., Sampson, V. & Tate, R. (2012). The efficacy of student-centered instruction in supporting science learning. Science, 338(105), 105-108.
Sampson, V. & Blanchard, M. (2012). Science teachers and scientific argumentation: Trends in views and practice. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(9), 1122-1148.
Sampson, V. & Clark, D. (2011). A comparison of the collaborative scientific argumentation practices in two high and two low performing groups. Research in Science education, 41(1), 63-97.
Sampson, V., Grooms, J. & Walker, J. (2011). Argument-Driven Inquiry as a way to help students learn how to participate in scientific argumentation and craft written arguments: An exploratory study. Science Education, 95(2), 217-257.
Blanchard, M., Southerland, S., Osborne, J., Sampson, V., Annetta, L. & Granger, E. (2010). Is inquiry possible in light of accountability? A quantitative comparison of the relative effectiveness of guided inquiry and traditional verification laboratory instruction. Science Education, 94(4), 577-616.
Sampson, V. & Clark, D. (2009). The impact of collaboration on the outcomes of scientific argumentation. Science Education, 93(3), 448-484.
Sampson, V. & Clark, D. (2008). Assessment of the ways students generate arguments in science education: Current perspectives and recommendations for future directions. Science Education, 92(3), 447-472.
Clark, D. & Sampson, V. (2008). Assessing dialogic argumentation in online environments to relate structure, grounds, and conceptual quality. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(3), 293-321.