Charles Kerans

Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences
Robert K. Goldhammer Chair of Carbonate Geology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
Phone: +1 512 471 3519, +1 512 471 4282
CV (pdf)
Charlie Kerans is Goldhammer Chair of Carbonate Geology at the Department of Geological Sciences, and co-Principal Investigator of the Bureau of Economic Geology's Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin. Since 2006 Kerans has held an appointment at the Department of Geosciences as Goldhammer Chair of Carbonate Geology and offers courses in modern and ancient carbonate deposition and diagenesis as well as sequence stratigraphy. Areas of focus are carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization, with an emphasis on integrating outcrop analog information for improved understanding of the subsurface. Kerans has won 10 best paper/poster/oral presentation awards with co-workers and students, including two Wallace Pratt awards for best published paper in AAPG, and the Carlos Dengo award for best paper presented at the International AAPG in South Africa in 2008. In 2014 Kerans was named AAPG Grover Murray Distinguished Educator. He also was received the Society of Sedimentary Geology's second highest medal, the Francis J. Pettijohn Medal, for Distinguished Contributions to Sedimentology in 2014, and for 2017 the SEPM Honorary Membership Award At the Jackson School Kerans has won three Knebel teaching awards as well as the Walter Award.
Ph.D. in Geology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 1982
B.S. in Geology, St. Lawrence University, 1977
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy, depositional systems, reservoir characterization, basin analysis, seismic interpretation, seismic stratigraphy, paleokarst analysis, carbonate diagenesis
Session Chair (with Steve Flint), Use of Outcrop Analogs in Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas (2004)
Keynote Speaker, GeoArabia Shuaiba Workshop, (2004)
Field Trip Leader, Cretaceous rudist buildup, Pipe Creek, Texas, Gulf Coast Association of Geological (2004)
Co-Organizer, AAPG Hedberg Conference on Origin of Lower Paleozoic Fracture/Breccia Reservoirs, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Hedberg, Germany (2003)
Presenter, ChevronTexaco Technology Conference (2003)
Session Chair, Porosity Development within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Carbonates, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah (2003)
Session Chair (with Mitch Harris and A. S. Al Sharhan), New Approaches in Carbonate Reservoir Modeling, American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Convention, Cancun, Mexico (2003)
Short Course Taught, AAPG Field VR Seminar, Presented to American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2003)
Field Trip Leader, UT Austin Field Trip: Cretaceous Rudist Reefs of Pipe Creek Area, AAPG Student Chapter, Lake Medina, South Texas (2003)
Field Trip Leader, STGS Pipe Creek Field Trip, South Texas Geological Society and Gulf Coast Section SEPM, Lake Medina, South Texas (2003)
Field Trip Leader, STGS Pipe Creek Field Trip, South Texas Geological Society and Gulf Coast Section SEPM, Lake Medina, South Texas (2003)
Continuing Education - Short Course, Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization: Concepts and Application, Southwest Section, AAPG Continuing Education Series, Abilene, Texas (2003)
Continuing Education - Short Course, Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Outcrop and Subsurface Seminar, AAPG Field Seminar, Carlsbad and Cloudcroft, New Mexico (2003)
Continuing Education - Short Course, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Styles in Cretaceous Carbonates, ExxonMobil, Del Rio, Texas (2003)
Co-Author, 2003 RCRL program research goals (2003)
Field Trip Leader, Geologic setting of Wolfcampian carbonates, Apache Canyon, Permian Basin Section, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Annual Field Trip (2001)
Short Course Taught, The role of outcrop analogs for taking reservoir characterization to the next level in the Permian Basin: Short Course Section: Integrated Sedimentology and Stratigraphy on Reservoir Characterization and Field Management Strategies, SEPM, Midland, Texas (2000)
Short Course Taught, Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization: SEPM Short Course (co-instructed with S. W. Tinker), Offered during San Antonio AAPG annual meeting (1999)
Workshop, Carbonate reservoir characterization: 2-week course, Presented to Perez Companc S.A., Austin, Texas and Carlsbad, New Mexico (with Jerry Lucia (1997)
Member, Distinguished Lecture Committee, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1996 - 2000)
Member, Development Geology Committee, Society of Petroleum Engineers (1996 - 2000)
Session Chairman, Reservoir Characterization Session, 3rd International DOE/SPE Reservoir Characterization Conference, Tulsa, U. S. Department of Energy (1996)
Short Course Taught, Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization: SEPM Short Course (co-instructed with S. W. Tinker), Dallas AAPG annual meeting (1996)
Field Trip Leader, Painted Canyon Window: Tide-dominated foreshore-shoreface rudist grainstones and bafflestones; Albian 10 HST, Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory annual meeting (1996)
Co-chairman, "High-frequency eustatic cycles, control on depositional processes," technical session, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1995)
Co-leader of field trip, "Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir geology of the San Andres Formation, Sacramento and Guadalupe Mountains," Permian Basin Section, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Annual Meeting, Permian Basin Section-SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) (1995)
Co-lecturer of short course, Milankovitch sea-level changes, cycles, and reservoirs on carbonate platforms in greenhouse and icehouse worlds, Presented to SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Annual Meeting (1995)
Short Course Taught, Impact of Advanced Geological Characterization Studies on Ellenburger Reserve Growth: Current Activities and Future Directions, Presented in the continuing education seminar "Strategies for Advanced Oil Recovery in the Permian Basin: Targeting the Remaining Resources" (1992)
Short Course Taught, High-frequency sequences and cycle stratigraphy for description of Clearfork, San Andres, and Grayburg carbonate reservoirs: short course, Presented (with Stephen C. Ruppel) to the Permian Basin Graduate Center (1992)
Short Course Taught, Recognition and correlation of high-frequency cyclicity in mixed clastic-carbonate sequences, Presented (with Stephen C. Ruppel) to the Permian Basin Graduate Center (1992)
Associate Editor, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (1989 - 1991)
Field Trip Leader, San Andres Reservoir Facies and Interwell-Scale Heterogeneity, Field trip for Industrial Associates review meeting, Carlsbad. Also for Texaco, Inc., Marathon, ARCO, and AGIP (1989)
Field Trip Leader, Paleozoic Buildups and Associated Facies of the Llano Uplift, Central Texas, Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (1988)
Field Trip Leader, Paleozoic Buildups and Associated Facies of the Llano Uplift, Central Texas, Austin Geological Society, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Annual Midyear meeting, Austin, Texas (1988)
Co-chairman, "Climatic and biologic signals in sequence stratigraphy" (with John Armentrout), 1997 Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1983 - 1997)
Member, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Member, American Institute of Professional Geologists
Member, Permian Basin Section-SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Member, West Texas Geological Society
Leader of field trip, "Permian Reef Geology Trail, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains: facies, depositional models, and sequence stratigraphy," American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Lecturer, Four lectures for Sequence Stratigraphy (GEO 380N), Jackson School
Lecturer, Helped coordinate, teach five lectures and one lab for 383M, Carbonate and Evaporite Petrography, Jackson School
Reviewer, Arab D Reservoir Geologic Characterization, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia: Present Status and Future Directions, Submitted to Saudi Aramco for $20K, approved, finished
Collector , Collection of ILRIS data for Saudi Outcrop studies, Submitted to Aramco for $15K, in progress
to be entered, Integrated Reservoir Characterization of the Poza Rica Field within a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Submitted to Pemex, approved in two phases for approximately $1.2 million
to be entered, Superhigh resolution seismic imaging of realistic 3D geologic models, (Kerans, PI, co-authored by Sergey Fomel) , DOE PRIME Proposal
Publications (url)
Honorary Life Membership Award - West Texas Geological Society (2022)
Honorary Membership Award, 2017 - SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology (2017 - 2017)
Best Paper Award for 2015 for Ted E. Playton and Charles Kerans, 2015, Late Devonian Carbonate Margins and Foreslopes of the Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia, Part A: Development During Backstepping and the Aggradation-To-Progradation Trans - SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology (2015 - 2015)
Joseph C. Walter Jr. Excellence Award - Jackson School of Geosciences (2014 - 2014)
SEPM Francis J. Pettijohn Medal for Sedimentology - SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology (2014 - 2014)
2012 Best Paper Award - West Texas Geological Society (2012 - 2012)
AAPG Gabriel Dengo Memorial Award, 2009, Best International Paper at AAPG International Convention - AAPG International (2009 - 2009)
SEPM Excellence of Poster Presentation Award, 2008: Beatriz Garcia-Fresca, Jerry Lucia and Charlie Kerans, Numerical Model of Reflux Circulation during the Deposition of the Permian San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains and Algerita Escarpment - SEPM (2008 - 2008)
Groover E. Murray Best Published Paper Award for 2007 (Waite lead author) - Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (2007)
Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award - Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (2004)
Seismic frequency control on carbonate seismic stratigraphy: a case study of the Kingdom Abo Sequence, West Texas - Wallace E. Pratt Award for Best Original Article published in the AAPG Bulletin (2003)
Gordon I. Atwater Best Poster Award - Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (2002)
Jackson Fellow - to be entered (2002)
1st Place Best Published Paper Award, Styles of rudist buildup development along the northern margin of the Maverick Basin, Pecos River Canyon, Southwest Texas - Grover E. Murray Award (2002)
Selected Best Papers, presented at EAGE conference session in Florence, Italy - American Association of Petroleum Geologists for AAPG International talk (2002)
Honorary Life Member - Permian Basin Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (2002)
International Distinguished Lecturer - American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2002)
International Distinguished Lecturer - American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2000 - 2001)
Qualline Lectureship - The University of Texas at Austin (1998 - 1999)
Best of 1996 AAPG Hedberg Reservoir Compartmentalization Conference (Woodlands, Texas) - Vienna International AAPG (1996)
Distinguished Lecturer - American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1994 - 1995)
Pratt Award for Best Paper in American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin - American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1994)
Distinguished Service Award - West Texas Geological Society (1993 - 1994)
Best Paper Award - PBS-SEPM Noon Luncheon Program (1992 - 1993)
Best Paper Award, Permian Basin Section - Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Invited Lecture Series (1992 - 1993)
Best Poster Award - West Texas Geological Society Annual Convention (1992)
Best Poster Award - Southwest American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention (1992)
Distinguished Lecturer - American Association of Petroleum Geologists (1990 - 1991)
Best of AAPG paper - Society of Petroleum Engineers (1988)
Best Paper Award, Permian Basin Section - Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Invited Lecture Series (1987 - 1988)
Western Australian Mining and Petroleum Research Institute Grant - Petrology of Subsurface Lennard Shelf Carbonates, Canning Basin (1982 - 1985)
Epstein Scholarship - Carleton University (1979 - 1982)
Graduated Cum Laude - St. Lawrence University (1977)
Carbonate Reservoirs, Keynote Speaker: AAPG Hedberg Conference , (2004)
Industrial research consortiums-developing new methods to better understand hydrocarbon reservoirs, Presented at Meeting of the Texas PTTC Producers Advisory Group (PAG) and State of Texas Policy Makers, Austin, Texas (2003)
Bringing outcrops to life as animated 3D models: application to Wolfcamp deepwater carbonate play, Presented at PBS-SEPM luncheon meeting, Midland, Texas (2003)
Stratigraphic patterns and controls on reservoir quality of the giant Poza Rica field, Albian, Cretaceous, Mexico, Presented at Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory, Austin, Texas (2003)
Integrated analysis of the Cogdell field-stratigraphic framework from core, logs, and 3D seismic data, Presented at Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review, Austin, Texas (2003)
Review of icehouse characteristis and reservoirs-new generalizations, presented at Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review, Austin, Texas (2003)
3D modeling of deep-water carbonate outcrops, Victorio Canyon, Presented to Reservoir Characterization Division, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, Texas (2003)
3D Modeling of carbonate outcrops and application to deep-water systems, Victorio Canyon, Presented to ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston, Texas (2003)
New developments in carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization, presented to South Texas Geological Society, Austin, Texas (2002)
New developments in carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization, Presented to South Texas Geological Society, (2002)
Three-dimensional modeling of carbonate outcrop analogs for enhanced reservoir characterization, Presented to Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2002)
Three-dimensional modeling of carbonate outcrop analogs for enhanced reservoir characterization, Presented to Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2002)
Integrating Ilris data to construct a 3D model-carbonate toe-of-slope fan-channel complexes, Early Permian, Victorio Canyon, Presented at RCRL annual review meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
The value of 3D seismic for interpretation of icehouse reservoir frameworks-Sacroc and selected examples, Presented at RCRL annual review meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
Internal anatomy and lateral facies variability of a Cretaceous (lower Albian) caprinid buildup-Pipe Creek, Texas, a preview, Presented at RCRL annual review meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
Upper Shuaiba reservoirs of North Oman, Presented at RCRL annual review meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
Seismic and sequence stratigraphy in carbonate reservoir characterization, Presented at Permian Basin Geophysical Society Exploration Symposium, Midland, Texas (2002)
Seismic and sequence stratigraphy in carbonate reservoir characterization, Presented at Permian Basin Geophysical Society Exploration Symposium, Midland, Texas (2002)
New developments in the application of sequence stratigraphic concepts to analysis of carbonate reservoir characterization, Presented to ExxonMobil, U.S. West Division, Houston, Texas (2002)
New developments in the application of sequence stratigraphic concepts to analysis of carbonate reservoir characterization for ExxonMobil U.S. West division, Presented to Greenspoint, Houston, Texas (2002)
The evolving role of sequence stratigraphy in carbonate reservoir characterization, invited lecture, Presented at Vail Symposium on Sequence Stratigraphy, Rice University Geology Department, Houston, Texas (2002)
The evolving role of carbonate sequence stratigraphy in reservoir characterization, presentation at Vailfest, Symposium in Honor of Peter Vail, Rice University, Houston, Texas (2002)
Sacroc reservoir model and implications for construction of reservoir models along the Horseshoe At9oll trend, presented to Oxy Permian, Austin, Texas (2002)
The evolving role of carbonate sequence stratigraphy in reservoir characterization, Presented at Vailfest, a symposium in honor of Peter Vail, Rice Universtiy, Houston, Texas (2002)
Sequence framework and depositional models of Middle Eastern Cretaceous reservoirs, Presented to the Dhahran Geological Society, Kobar, Saudi Arabia (2002)
Sequence framework and depositional models of Middle Eastern Cretaceous reservoirs, Presented to the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Kuwait City, Kuwait (2002)
Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, Presented to the Emirates Geological Society, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2002)
Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, Presented to Petroleum Development Oman, Muscat, Oman (2002)
Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, Presented at King Faad University, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2002)
Distinguished Lecture Series: Sequence framework and depositional models of Middle Eastern Cretaceous reservoirs, Dhahran Geological Society, Kobar, Saudi Arabia (2002)
Distinguished Lecture Series: Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, King Faad University, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2002)
Distinguished Lecture Series: Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, Petroleum Developmen Oman, Muscat, Oman (2002)
Distinguished Lecture Series: Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, Geological Society, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2002)
Sequence framework and depositional models of Middle Eastern Cretaceous reservoirs, Presented to the Oman Geological Society, Muscat, Oman (2002)
Sacroc reservoir model and implications for construction of reservoir models along the Horseshoe Atoll trend, Presented to OXY Permian, Austin, Texas (2002)
Distinguished Lecture Series: Sequence framework and depositional models of Middle Eastern Cretaceous reservoirs, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Kuwait City, Kuwait (2002)
Distinguished Lecture Series: Sequence framework and depositional models of Middle Eastern Cretaceous reservoirs, Oman Geological Society, Muscat, Oman (2002)
Construction of a static reservoir model for the Sacroc Unit, Presented to Kinder Morgan, Austin, Texas (2002)
Construction of a static reservoir model for the Sacroc Unit, Presented to Kinder Morgan, Austin, Texas (2002)
Integrating ILRIS data to construct a 3D model-carbonate toe-of-slope fan-channel complexes, Early Permian, Victorio Canyon, Presented at RCRL Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
Internal anatomy and lateral facies variability of a Cretaceous (lower Albian) caprinid buildup-Pipe Creek, Texas, a preview, Presented at RCRL Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
Upper Shuaiba Reservoirs of North Oman, Presented at RCRL Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
The value of 3D seismic for interpretation of icehous reservoir frameworks-Sacroc and selected examples, presented at RCRL Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2002)
Facies, 1D, and 3D model of Northern Platform, SACROC Area, Presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2001)
Regional trends in Shuaiba shelf margin reservoir architecture, Presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2001)
Slope and basin systems of the Lower Permian-depositional architecture in a sequence framework, Presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (2001)
Slope and basin systems of the Lower Permian-depositional architecture in a sequence framework, Presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Van Horn, Texas (2001)
Carbonate facies dimensions for petrophysical modeling, Presented to Abu Dhabi Geological Society, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2001)
Geologic setting of Wolfcampian carbonates, Apache Canyon, Presented at Permian Basin Section, SEPM, Annual Field Trip, Van Horn, Texas (2001)
Recent developments in carbonate reservoir characterization, Presented to Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2001)
Carbonate stratigraphy and reservoir framework of SACROC Unit, Permian Basin, Presented to Kinder Morgan and Marathon Oil Companies, Austin, Texas (2001)
Stratigraphy and reservoir facies development: part of Corporate School, Slope-Basin Carbonate and Mixed Clastic-Carbonate Systems for Bureau's RCRL program(with Ted Playton), Van Horn, Texas (2001)
Sequence framework and facies architecture of a Cretaceous carbonate ramp: late Albian of the Pecos River, West Texas , Corporate School for BP (with Laura Zahm and Scott Tinker), Austin, Texas (2001)
Carbonate reservoir characterization, Corporate School for ADCO/ADMA (with Jim Jennings), , Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2001)
Carbonate reservoir characterization, Corporate School for ADCO/ADMA (with Jim Jennings),, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2001)
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy , Research Seminar for Sequence Stratigraphy, GEO 380N: Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (series of 3 lectures), Austin, Texas (2001)
Carbonate reservoir characterization, Corporate School for Oxy International (with F. J. Lucia and Jim Jennings), Houston, Texas (2001)
Carbonate reservoir characterization, Corporate School for Oxy International (with F. J. Lucia and Jim Jennings), Houston, Texas (2001)
Sequence geometry and stratal architecture as indicators of reservoir heterogeneity styles, Presented to American Association of Petroleum Geologists - European Association of Geologists and Explorationists Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Modeling for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Discovery and Recovery, CITY?, (2000)
New play concepts for the latest Wolfcamp-Early Leonardian of the Permian Basin, Presented at SEPM, Permian Basin Section, luncheon , Midland, Texas (2000)
Sequence geometry as a predictor of reservoir heterogeneity styles, Presented at BP-Amoco Carbonate Reservoirs Conference, London, England (2000)
Integrated research in the Bureau's Carbonate RCRL Group, Presented to BP-Amoco Carbonate Reservoirs Conference, London, England (2000)
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Yibal Shuaiba field and relation to Shuaiba fields in the Bab intrashelf basin, Presented to Petroleum Development Oman, Muscat, Oman (2000)
Comparison of reservoir architectures of Idd el Shargi North Dome and South Dome, Presented to OXY Qatar, Doha, Qatar (2000)
Stratigraphy and reservoir architecture of Shuaiba reservoirs, Middle East, Presented to Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (2000)
Diamond M Abo and Clear Fork reservoirs, eastern Midland Basin, remaining hydrocarbon potential, Presented to Southwestern Energy, Houston, Texas (2000)
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization for Permian and Cretaceous carbonate systems, Presented to Shell International Exploration and Production, Rijswijk, Netherlands (2000)
Process approach to sequence stratigraphic reservoir characterization , AAPG Field Seminar for American Association of Petroleum Geologists (co-instructed with S. W. Tinker) , Carlsbad, New Mexico (2000)
Integrated reservoir characterization , Corporate School for Pemex (with F. J. Lucia), Tampico, Mexico (2000)
Integrated reservoir characterization , Corporate School for Pan Canadian (with F. J. Lucia), Calgary, Canada (2000)
Integrated reservoir characterization , Corporate School for Saudi Aramco (with F. J. Lucia), Dharan, Saudi Arabia (2000)
Integrated reservoir characterization , Corporate School for YPF (with F. J. Lucia), Austin, Texas (2000)
Integrated reservoir characterization , Corporate School for Petroleum Development (with F. J. Lucia), Muscat, Oman (2000)
Integrated reservoir characterization , Corporate School for Elf Aquitane (with F. J. Lucia), Pau, France (2000)
Carbonate reservoir database for prediction of reservoir architecture and reservoir heterogeneity styles, Presented to Chevron Intercompany Technology Group on Carbonates, Chevron USA, New Orleans, LA (1999)
Carbonate object modeling for advanced reservoir characterization, Presented to Chevron Intercompany Technology Group on Carbonates, , Chevron USA, New Orleans (1999)
A methodologic approach to sequence stratigraphic reservoir model construction, Presented to Chevron Intercompany Technology Group on Carbonates, Chevron USA (1999)
Predicting stratigraphic layering schemes for reservoir modeling, Presented to Petroleum Development Oman, , Muscat, Oman (1999)
Icehouse carbonate reservoirs of the Horseshoe Atoll, Permian Basin, Presented to the 1999 Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory for Carbonates Annual Review Meeting, Carlsbad, New Mexico (1999)
Stratigraphic framework of carbonate reservoir analog strata, Big Hatchet Range, southwestern New Mexico, Presented to the 1999 Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory for Carbonates Annual Review Meeting, Carlsbad, New Mexico (1999)
Developing an integrated database for carbonate stratigraphic, petrophysical, and engineering data, Presented to the 1999 Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory for Carbonates Annual Review Meeting, Carlsbad, New Mexico (1999)
Carbonate reservoir characterization with a focus on Permian fields of the Permian Basin, Presented to Anadarko Petroleum Company, Houston, Tx(with F. J. Lucia) (1999)
Carbonate reservoir characterization: series of three lectures, Presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences (Geology 383R, Austin, Texas (1999)
Sequence stratigraphic analysis for reservoir characterization, how carbonates fit, Presented at Elf Aquitaine Exploration/Production Research and Total Exploration/Production /Research, Pau, France, and Paris, France (1999)
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy of Cretaceous and Permian systems: presented at IFP School, Paris, France (1999)
Advanced methods of carbonated reservoir characterization, Presented at Southwestern Energy, Houston (1999)
Quantification of carbonate systems for flow modeling, Presented at Gordon Research Conference on Flow in Porous Media, invited theme paper, , Andover, New Hampshire (1999)
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy, Series of five lectures for Sequence Stratigraphy, (1999)
Process approach to sequence stratigraphic reservoir characterization, AAPG Field Seminar (co-instructed with S. W. Tinker), (1999)
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, How Carbonates Fit, Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, How Carbonates Fit, (1999)
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, How Carbonates Fit, Elf Aquitaine Research, (1999)
Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization, Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characterization, (1999)
Integrated Reservoir Characterization (co-taught with F. J. Lucia) (offered on request), Petroleum Development Oman, Saudi Aramco, Pan Canadian, Pemex, YPF, Elf Aquitane (1999)
Stratigraphic framework of Permian carbonate platforms of the Permian Basin, Presented at Permian Basin Graduate Center, (1998)
Quantification of carbonate systems for flow modeling, Gordon Research Conference, Invited theme paper, Andover, New Hampshire (1998)
Sequence stratigraphy of Cretaceous carbonate ramp systems, Presented to the Fort Worth Geological Society, Fort Worth, Texas (1998)
Forward modeling of the Permian Basin, Fundamentals of carbonate sequence stratigraphy, Tools of carbonate sequence stratigraphy, Contrasting styles of carbonate ramp development, Permian of West Texas and Cretaceous of South Texas, High-frequency sequenc, Presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, Qualline Lecture Series, Austin, Texas (1998)
AAPG current processes and technologies: recent advances in sequence stratigraphy for reservoir characterization, Presented to the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah (1998)
Process approach to sequence stratigraphic reservoir characterization, AAPG Field Seminar (co-instructed with S. W. Tinker), (1998)
"Recent advances in sequence stratigraphy" module: AAPG Annual Meeting, AAPG current processes and technologies school, (1998)
Integrated Reservoir Characterization (co-taught with F. J. Lucia) (offered on request), Petroleum Development Oman, Saudi Aramco, Pan Canadian, Pemex, YPF, Elf Aquitane (1998)
Three-dimensional modeling of Cretaceous foreshore grainstones and rudist buildups, Presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Industrial Associates Annual Review, RCRL, El Paso, Texas (1997)
Paleokarst systems within a stratigraphic hierarchy, Presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Industrial Associates Annual Review, RCRL, El Paso, Texas (1997)
Results of the Ellenburger study, GRI Secondary Gas Recovery Initiative presentation, Altura offices, Houston, Texas (1997)
Geologic characterization of the Seminole reservoir, Gaines County, Texas, Presented to Seminole San Andres Unit partners, Marathon Technology Center, Littleton, Colorado (1997)
Paleokarst systems within a stratigraphic hierarchy, Presented to Unocal, Sugarland, Texas (1997)
Seismic stratigraphy of San Andres reservoirs, northern Midland Basin, Pesented to Altura Ltd, (1997)
Reservoir architecture of Cretaceous outcrops and Middle Eastern fields, Presented to Pennzoil, Houston, Texas (1997)
Carbonate sequence stratigraphy in reservoir characterization: towards a more predictive stratigraphy, Presented at TOTAL Exploration Production International Annual Technical Conference, Paris, France (1997)
Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy to characterization of carbonate fields, Presented to Kuwait Oil Corporation, (1997)
Carbonate stratigraphic research within the Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory, Presented at Petroleum Development Oman, Muscat, Oman (1997)
"Recent advances in sequence stratigraphy" module: AAPG Annual Meeting, AAPG current processes and technologies school, (1997)
Sequence Stratigraphy and Characterization of Carbonate Reservoirs (3-day course with Scott Tinker), Marathon Oil Company, (1997)
Integrated Reservoir Characterization (co-taught with F. J. Lucia) (offered on request), Petroleum Development Oman, Saudi Aramco, Pan Canadian, Pemex, YPF, Elf Aquitane (1997)
University Lands Advanced Recovery Initiative: status and future directions, Presented at First ULARI Technology Transfer Workshop, Midland, Texas (1996)
New trends and potential for the Ellenburger play in the Permian Basin, Presented at First ULARI Technology Transfer Workshop, Midland, Texas (1996)
Stratigraphic framework of San Andres and Grayburg reservoirs, University Lands, West Texas, Presented at First ULARI Technology Transfer Workshop, Midland, Texas (1996)
Advances in modeling carbonate reservoirs using outcrop analogs, Presented to Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (1996)
Reservoir-scale sequence architecture of a Cretaceous (Albian) carbonate ramp complex, analog for Shuaiba fields of the Middle East, Presented to Society of Explorationists in the Emirates (SEE), Abu Dhabi, U. A. E. (1996)
Stratigraphy of the Shuaiba Formation, Idd el Shargi Reservoir, Qatar, presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (1996)
Sequence framework and object dimensions of key reservoir facies in Cretaceous carbonate ramp successions, Presented at British Petroleum, Research Center, Sunbury, England (1996)
Contrasting styles of reservoir heterogeneity in transgressive versus highstand systems tracts, Albian carbonate ramp, Pecos River Canyon, presented at Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Annual Review Meeting, Austin, Texas (1996)
Application of high-resolution sequence stratigraphic concepts to reservoir characterization, Presented at Amoco Production Research Laboratory, Austin, Texas (1996)
New technological advances in geosciences, Presented to Mobil Producing E&P, Annual Technology Review, Austin, Texas (1996)
Cretaceous reservoir-scale facies architecture within a sequence stratigraphic framework, Presented to Exxon Production Research Company, (1996)
Cyclic stratigraphy of the Guadalupian section, Permian Basin, West Texas and New Mexico, Presented to Cyclostratigraphy Research Group, 1996 annual American Association of Petroleum Geologists convention, San Diego, CA (1996)
Ellenburger karst analogs for lower Paleozoic karst reservoirs of the former CIS, Presented to Mobil Producing E&P, Dallas, Texas (1996)
Cretaceous outcrop analogs for Albian reservoirs of the western Atlantic, Presented to Mobil Producing E&P, Dallas, Texas (1996)
Compartmentalization, Presented at Woodlands Conference, American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Meeting (with F. J. Lucia), Vienna (1996)
Sequence stratigraphy of Cretaceous carbonate ramp reservoir analogs, Presented to Dhahran Geological Society, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (1996)
"Recent advances in sequence stratigraphy" module: AAPG Annual Meeting, AAPG current processes and technologies school, (1996)
Integrated Reservoir Characterization (co-taught with F. J. Lucia) (offered on request), Petroleum Development Oman, Saudi Aramco, Pan Canadian, Pemex, YPF, Elf Aquitane (1996)
Carbonate stratigraphic research: evolution and future directions, Presented to the Wilson Symposium, Midland, Texas (1995)
Outcrop and subsurface sequence stratigraphy of Guadalupian-age carbonate reservoirs, Permian Basin, Presented to TOTAL and Shell Canada, Austin, Texas (1995)
Application of high-frequency sequence stratigraphy to exploration and exploitation of carbonate reservoirs, Presented to Amoco, Houston, Texas (1995)
Future directions in the application of high-frequency sequence stratigraphy of carbonate reservoirs, Presented to ARCO International, Austin, Texas (1995)
Example of greenhouse carbonate platform, Albian of Pecos River Canyon, Presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, Soft Rock Seminar, Austin, Texas (1995)
Carbonate depositional systems, Presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences (Geology 391), Austin, Texas (1995)
High-frequency stratigraphic analysis of mixed siliciclastic/carbonate platform, Queen Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, Presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences (Geology 391), Austin, Texas (1995)
Insights for understanding architecture of Cretaceous ramp reservoirs: the Albian of the Pecos River Canyon, Presented to Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (1995)
Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir analog setting of Cretaceous (Albian) carbonate ramp, Pecos River, West Texas: implications for Cretaceous reservoirs of Oman, Presented to Oman Petroleum Development, Muscat, Oman (1995)
San Andres reservoirs of the Permian Basin, Presented to Pogo Exploration, Austin, Texas (1995)
Risk assessment in carbonate reservoir development and exploration, Presented to Unocal, Houston, Texas (1995)
Integrated Reservoir Characterization (co-taught with F. J. Lucia) (offered on request), Petroleum Development Oman, Saudi Aramco, Pan Canadian, Pemex, YPF, Elf Aquitane (1995)
Geologic and seismic modeling of Sacroc field, Presented at BEG seminar (with Fred Wang), Austin, Texas
Evolving technologies and opportunities in carbonate systems, Presented at BEG seminar on AAPG talk, Austin, Texas