Sean J Upshaw

Dr. Sean J. Upshaw (Howard University, 2018) is an Assistant Professor of Visual Information and Persuasion in Health Communication in the Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations in the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas-Austin. Dr. Upshaw is a distinguished Edward Alexander Bouchet Scholar with publications in academic journals such as Health Communication, Patient Education & Counseling, and Journalism Studies.
Dr. Upshaws research interest consists of health disparity and communication in the context of visual information and persuasion. The primary focus of Dr. Upshaws research explores and explicates what/how/why underserved populations in the United States engage with health messages. Currently, Dr. Upshaw is a member of the National Communication Association (NCA), International Communication Association (ICA), Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Media (AEJMC), and the Association of Medical Illustration (AMI).