Wallace T Fowler

Email: wallace.fowler@austin.utexas.edu
Dr. Wallace Fowler joined the faculty at The University of Texas at Austin since 1965. He holds the rank of Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. Dr. Fowler earned his BA (Mathematics, 1960), MS (Engineering Mechanics, 1961) and PhD (Engineering Mechanics, 1965) from The University of Texas. He holds Fellow rank in both the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). He is a member of the UT Academy of Distinguished Teachers. His other honors include a 1998 UT Ex-Student?s Association Texas Excellence Teaching Award, a 1996 Piper Professorship, the 1994 ASEE Fred Merryfield Design Education Award, the 1991 Chancellor?s Council Award for Outstanding Teaching, the 1989 William David Blunk Professorship, the 1984 AIAA/ASEE National Distinguished Aerospace Educator Award and several earlier teaching awards. Dr. Fowler has worked with NASA since the Apollo program. His major research interests are dynamics, orbital mechanics, flight mechanics, spacecraft design and mission planning, aircraft flight test, and engineering education. His current activities focus on spacecraft and mission design research for earth orbital missions, lunar missions, and planetary exploration. Working with Dr. Anthony Bedford, Dr. Fowler has co-authored two basic engineering textbooks, "Statics" and "Dynamics." Dr. Fowler currently serves as Associate Director of the Texas Space Grant Consortium and leads a multi-university cooperative design program involving students and faculty at universities across Texas. He is the 2000-2001 President of the American Society for Engineering Education.