Judith Jellison

Email: jjellison@austin.utexas.edu
Judith A. Jellison is the Mary D. Bold Regents Professor Emeritus and University Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus in the Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music. Her experiences working with diverse populations in schools and hospitals have shaped her philosophy, teaching practices, and scholarly works. She is an Internationally and Nationally recognized expert in the areas of music and disabilities and inclusive educational practices. Her recent book Including Everyone: Creating Music Classrooms Where All Children Learn is published by Oxford University Press. She has served on editorial boards of major journals in music education and music therapy and is the recipient of the Senior Researcher Award from MENC: The National Association for Music Education and the Publications Award from the American Music Therapy Association. She is a member of The University of Texas's Academy of Distinguished Teachers and is a recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award from The University of Texas System Board of Regents.
Dr. Jellison retired from the University in 2019.