Mary A Steinhardt

Associate Vice President for Research - Research Integrity Officer
Phone: +1 512 232 3535
CV (pdf)
Dr. Mary Steinhardt is a professor in the College of Education and serves as the university Research Integrity Officer. She previously served as the university Faculty Ombuds and as a Senior Provost Teaching Fellow. She is a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, and in 2017, received the Civitatis Award, the highest distinction made by the university in recognition of outstanding faculty citizenship. Her research examines the behavioral and biological pathways by which resilience resources impact type 2 diabetes health outcomes among African Americans (NIH Award: R01DK123146).
M.A. in Professional Counseling, Texas State University, 1999
Ed.D. in Education: Curriculum and Instruction, University of Houston, 1985
M.S. in Health Education, Lamar University, 1980
B.S. in Health and Physical Education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1978
Focuses on how individuals successfully adapt to stress and build health resilience.
Chair, Intercollegiate Athletics Council, The University of Texas at Austin
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Health Behavior,
Steinhardt, M., Brown, S., Lehrer, H., Dubois, S., Wright, J., Whyne, E., Sumlin, L., Harrison, L. & Woo, J. (2021). Diabetes self-management education and support culturally tailored for African Americans: COVID-19 related factors influencing restart of the TX STRIDE study. The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care. doi:.
Wright, J., Whyne, E., Lehrer, H., Woo, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2021). The roles of resilience and belonging in mediating the association between positivity and anxiety among underrepresented college students. Journal of American College Health. doi:.
Dubois, S., Lehrer, H., Whyne, E. & Steinhardt, M. (2020). A resilience intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes: Proof-of-concept in community health centers. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 27(5), 565-575. doi:.
Lehrer, H., Goosby, B., Dubois, S., Laudenslager, M. & Steinhardt, M. (2020). Race moderates the association of perceived everyday discrimination and hair cortisol concentration. Stress, 23(1). doi:.
Brissette, C., Whyne, E., Lehrer, H., Woo, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2020). Historical loss, resilience, and coping strategies are associated with loss-related symptoms in the Anishinaabe population. American Journal of Health Behavior, 44(2), 244-251.
Lehrer, H., Steinhardt, M., Dubois, S. & Laudenslager, M. (2020). Perceived stress, resilience, hair cortisol concentration, and metabolic syndrome severity: a moderated mediation model. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 113(104510). doi:.
Woo, J., Lehrer, H., Whyne, E. & Steinhardt, M. (2019). The longitudinal association of psychological resources with chronic conditions and the mediating roles of health behaviours and allostatic load. Psychology & Health, 35(5), 629-643.
Zhong, L., Woo, J., Steinhardt, M. & Vangelisti, A. (2019). Our Job is that whole gray zone in between there: Investigating genetic counselors strategies for managing and communicating uncertainty. Health Communication, 35(13), 1583-1592.
Lehrer, H.M., Janus, K.C., Gloria, C.T. & Steinhardt, M.A. (2017). Personal and environmental resources mediate the positivity-emotional dysfunction relationship. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(2), 186-193.
Lehrer, H.M., Janus, K.C., Gloria, C.T. & Steinhardt, M.A. (2017). Too much of a good thing: Effect of the positivity ratio on emotional dysfunction and perceived resources in adolescent females.. Journal of Depression and Anxiety,, 6(3). doi:.
Lehrer, H.M., Dubois, S.K., Brown, S.A. & Steinhardt, M.A. (2017). Resilience-based diabetes self-management education: Perspectives from African American Participants, Community Leaders, and Healthcare Providers. The Diabetes Educator, 43(5), 367-377.
Lehrer, H., Dubois, S., Maslowsky, J., Laudenslager, M. & Steinhardt, M. (2016). Hair cortisol concentration and glycated hemoglobin in African American adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 72, 212-218.
Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2016). Relationships among positive emotions, coping, resilience and mental health. Stress and Health, 32(2), 145-156.
Janus, K., Lehrer, H., Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2016). Resilience moderates the effect of stress on depressive symptoms in adolescent females. Health Behavior and Policy Review, in press.
Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2016). The direct and mediating roles of positive emotions on work engagement among postdoctoral fellows. Studies in Higher Education, in press.
Steinhardt, M., Brown, S., Dubois, S., Harrison Jr, L., Lehrer, H. & Jaggars, S. (2015). A resilience intervention in African-American adults with type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(4), 507-518.
Steinhardt, M., Dubois, S., Brown, S., Harrison Jr, L., Dolphin, K., Park, W. & Lehrer, H. (2015). Positivity and indicators of health among African Americans with diabetes. American Journal of Health Behavior, 39(1), 43-50.
Brown, S., Garcia, A., Steinhardt, M., Guevara, H., Moore, C., Brown, A. & Winter, M. (2015). Culturally tailored diabetes prevention in the workplace: focus group interviews with Hispanic employees. The Diabetes Educator, 41(2), 175-183.
Dolphin, K., Steinhardt, M. & Cance, J. (2015). The role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms among Army wives. Military Psychology, 27(1), 22-35.
Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2014). Relationships among positive emotions, coping, resilience and mental health. Stress and Health. doi:.
Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Flourishing, languishing, and depressed postdoctoral fellows: Differences in stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Journal of Postdoctoral Affairs, 3(1), 1-9.
Faulk, K., Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Coping profiles characterize individual flourishing, languishing, and depression. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 26(4), 378-390.
Gloria, C., Faulk, K. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Positive affectivity predicts successful and unsuccessful adaptation to stress. Motivation and Emotion, 37(1), 185-193.
Coffee, K., Raucci, C., Gloria, C., Faulk, K. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Perceptions of adolescent wellness at a single-sex school. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 51(6), 300-311.
Coffee, K., Raucci, C., Gloria, C., Faulk, K. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Perceptions of adolescent wellness at a single-sex school. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 51(6), 300-311.
Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Flourishing, languishing, and depressed postdoctoral fellows: Differences in stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Journal of Postdoctoral Affairs, 3(1), 1-8.
Faulk, K., Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Coping profiles characterize individual flourishing, languishing, and depression. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 26(4), 378-390.
Gloria, C., Faulk, K. & Steinhardt, M. (2013). Positive affectivity predicts successful and unsuccessful adaptation to stress. Motivation and Emotion, 37, 185-193.
Gavaza, P., Brown, C., Lawson, K., Rascati, K., Steinhardt, M. & Wilson, J. (2012). Effect of social influences on pharmacists intention to report adverse drug events. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 52, 622-629.
Gavaza, P., Brown, C., Lawson, K., Rascati, K., Steinhardt, M. & Wilson, J. (2012). Pharmacist reporting of serious adverse drug events to the Food and Drug Administration. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 52(5), e109-e112.
Faulk, K., Gloria, C., Cance, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2012). Depressive symptoms among U.S. military spouses during deployment: The protective effect of positive emotions. Armed Forces & Society, 38(3), 373-390.
Faulk, K., Gloria, C., Cance, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2012). Depressive symptoms among U.S. military spouses during deployment: The protective effect of positive emotions. Armed Forces & Society, 38(3), 373-390.
Steinhardt, M., Jaggars, S., Faulk, K. & Gloria, C. (2011). Chronic work stress and depressive symptoms: Assessing the mediating role of teacher burnout. Stress and Health, 27(5), 420-429.
Gavaza, P., Brown, C., Lawson, K., Rascati, K., Wilson, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2011). Examination of pharmacists intention to report serious adverse drug events (ADEs) to the FDA using the theory of planned behavior. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, 7(4), 369-82.
Gavaza, P., Brown, C., Lawson, K., Rascati, K., Wilson, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2011). Influence of attitudes on pharmacists intention to report serious adverse drug events to the Food and Drug Administration. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 72, 143-152.
Stanforth, D., Steinhardt, M., Mackert, M., Stanforth, P. & Gloria, C. (2011). An investigation of exercise and the placebo effect. American Journal of Health Behavior, 35(3), 257-268.
Gavaza, P., Brown, C., Lawson, K., Rascati, K., Wilson, J. & Steinhardt, M. (2011). Texas pharmacists knowledge of reporting serious adverse drug events to the food and drug administration. The Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, 51(3), 397-403.
Steinhardt, M., Jaggars, S., Faulk, K. & Gloria, C. (2011). Chronic work stress and depressive symptoms: Assessing the mediating role of teacher burnout. Stress and Health, 27(5), 420-429.
Dolbier, C., Smith Jaggars, S. & Steinhardt, M. (2010). Stress-related growth: Pre-intervention correlates and change following a resilience intervention. Stress and Health, 26, 135-147.
Dimiceli, E., Steinhardt, M. & Smith Jaggars, S. (2010). Stressful experiences, coping strategies, and predictors of health-related outcomes among wives of deployed military servicemen. Armed Forces & Society, 36, 351-373.
Gloria, C. & Steinhardt, M. (2010). Texas nutrition environment assessment of retail food stores (TxNEA-S): development and evaluation. Public Health Nutrition, 11, 1764-72.
Dolbier, C., Smith Jaggars, S. & Steinhardt, M. (2010). Stress-related growth: Pre-intervention correlates and change following a resilience intervention. Stress and Health, 26, 135-147.
Dimiceli, E., Steinhardt, M. & Smith Jaggars, S. (2010). Stressful experiences, coping strategies, and predictors of health-related outcomes among wives of deployed military servicemen. Armed Forces & Society, 36, 351-373.
Fellow - American Academy of Health Behavior (2019)
The Civitatis Award - The University of Texas at Austin (2017)
Senior Provost Teaching Fellow - The University of Texas at Austin (2013 - 2017)
Regents' Outstanding Teacher Award - The University of Texas System (2011)
Academy of Distinguished Teachers - The University of Texas at Austin (2004)
Texas Excellence Teaching Award - The University of Texas at Austin, College of Education (2003)
First Annual Dean's Distinguished Teaching Award - The University of Texas at Austin, College of Education (2002)
Outstanding Professor Award - Alpha Lambda Delta/ Phi Eta (2002)