David Mohrig

David  Mohrig
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Phone: +1 512 471 2282
Email: mohrig@jsg.utexas.edu
CV (pdf)

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)


Dr. Mohrig's research group focuses on the application of sedimentary deposits and transport processes to unraveling the evolutions of terrestrial and submarine landscapes. They study the behavior of topography generated at the interface between a granular material and a moving fluid from very short to very long time and space scales, with particular emphasis on processes controlling channel formation, both on land and in the deep ocean. Research methods used by his group include carefully designed laboratory and natural experiments on sediment-transporting flows, field studies of modern and ancient sediment-dispersal systems, theoretical modeling of evolving granular-bed topography, and the remote sensing of subsurface sedimentary deposits using seismic data.

For additional information please visit: www.jsg.utexas.edu/mohrig/

Dr. Mohrig would like to acknowledge IHS Markit [ https://ihsmarkit.com/ ] and their Educational Grant Program for IHS Markit Engineering and Geoscience Software used in GEO371C and GEO380G, Construction and Interpretations of 3D Stratigraphy.

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)