Susan D Hovorka

Susan D Hovorka
Research Professor, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences

Phone: +1 512 471 4863
CV (pdf)

Media Rep Contact

Mark Blount (primary)

Anton Caputo (primary)


Susan D. Hovorka is a Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, at The University of Texas at Austin. She has a BA in geology from Earlham College and an MA and PhD from the University of Texas. She has worked on diverse topics related to water quality protection, waste storage in bedded salt, and reservoir characterization. Her current research focuses on assessment of effectiveness of subsurface geologic sequestration of CO2 as a mechanism for reducing atmospheric greenhouse gas emissions. Hovorka is the principle investigator of the Gulf Coast Carbon Center ( an industry/academic partnership working on economically viable approaches to geologic sequestration of CO2. She is the project lead for the " Early" test of the Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB) which has monitored injection of 3 million tons of CO2 at Denbury's Cranfield Field. She has recently completed leading a research team in completion of the two-phase Frio Pilot, a first US field test of storage of CO2 in brine-filled sandstones also funded by DOE-NETL. Both of these projects have recently been recognized by the international Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum. Hovorka is also active in facilitating exchange between applied scientists and the broader public, with a focus on pre-college students and teachers, and is co-investigator for the STORE education program (

Media Rep Contact

Mark Blount (primary)

Anton Caputo (primary)