Suzanne A Pierce

Assistant Director, Digital Media Collaboratory, Center for Agile Technology
Phone: +1 512 954 1810
Suzanne A. Pierce is a Research Scientist with the Texas Advanced Computing Center. She is also a Lecturer for the Environmental Science Institute in the Jackson School of Geosciences. A trained hydrogeologist with a focus on participatory deliberation, Dr. Pierce has prior professional background as a Scientist with Sandia National Laboratories and as the Environmental Manager for one of the worlds largest metals mines.
Dr. Pierce adopts a scholar-practitioner approach to integrate science-based information with human organizational systems for application to groundwater management and energy-water problems. Resultant decision support systems link participatory modeling with simulation, optimization, and multi-stakeholder concerns. Current projects include development of hydroinformatics for sustainable aquifer yield in Central Texas and South Australia, along with creation of the ENCOMPASS cyberinfrastructure for a geothermal basin in the Atacama Desert of Chile. ENCOMPASS is a scientific platform for sharing data, algorithms, and educational modules that has been funded by the Fulbright Nexus program and the Longhorn Innovation Fund for Technology for energy, innovation, and engagement.