David W Fowler

Email: dwf@mail.utexas.edu
Dr. Fowler's academic experience includes teaching at The University of Texas at Austin since 1964 in architectural and civil engineering. Courses taught include reinforced concrete design, structural analysis, civil engineering materials, wood engineering, special concretes, forensic engineering, repair of concrete, materials and methods of building materials, and structural building components. Teaching awards include the College of Engineering General Dynamics (now Lockheed) Teaching Award and the U.T. Amoco Teaching Award. He is a member of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers at U.T. Fowler serves as the Director of the International Center for Aggregates Research, which is supported by the Aggregates Foundation for Technology, Research, and Education. His research has been in polymer concrete, corrosion protection of concrete, bonded concrete overlays, repair of concrete, concrete sealers, FRP wraps for concrete protection, materials data base for highway materials, monomers for sealing cracks in concrete, use of micro fines for producing concrete, test methods and mitigation methods for alkali-silica reaction in concrete, effect of aggregate characteristics on concrete properties, frictional resistance of seal coat pavements, protective coatings for reinforcing steel in concrete, and use of recycled materials in concrete. Consulting clients include Bechtel Corporation, Lockheed Corporation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jim Walter Homes, DuPont, many home builders, many attorneys in litigation related to materials and structures, and many materials suppliers and structural engineers. Dr. Fowler is a Fellow of the American Concrete Institute and the American Society of Civil Engineers. He has served on the Board of Direction of ACE and is currently the chair of the Concrete Research Council of ACI. He is past president of the International Congress on Polymers in Concrete, is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and is an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Engineering. He has received the ACI Delmar Bloem Award and the ICPIC Owen Nutt Award. In addition, Dr. Fowler is a Distinguished Engineering Alumnus of the University of Colorado. He has received the Joe J. King Award for Professional Achievement at U.T.