Philip U Treisman

Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
Phone: +1 512 232 2271, +1 512 471 6190
Uri Treisman is professor of mathematics at The University of Texas at Austin and director of the Charles A. Dana Center. The Dana Center maintains an active program of policy research and evaluation in support of efforts to raise educational standards and to enhance the state's educational accountability system. The Center works with local communities and school districts to support their efforts to respond creatively and constructively to state education law and policy. The Center's primary focus in this work is equity and in improving the quality of education for all Texas children. The Dana Center managed the process of developing the current Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills documents (which define the state curriculum)in mathematics and science. Under a mandate from the 76th Texas Legislature, the Dana Center is designing and managing a study of the Education Cost Index, a component of the Texas school finance system that controls the allocation of approximately $1.5 billion a year in education funding. . Professor Treisman also continues his long-standing work in designing programs that strengthen the teaching and learning of mathematics and science. In its January 2000 issue, the magazine Black Issues in Higher Education named him "one of the Outstanding Educators of the Twentieth Century. For his work in developing programs to strengthen the education of minority and rural students he received a MacArthur Fellowship in 1992 and, in 1990, was named by Newsweek as one of three American educators on the leading edge of innovation. Professor Treisman serves on the Policy and Priorities Committee of the Education Commission of the States and is a founding board member of the National Center for Public Policy in Higher Education. He is the president of the board of the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP). He serves as a member of three National Academy of Science Committees concerned with American education including a study of science of mathematics learning. He is an advisor to the Military Child Education Coalition and serves as an expert juror for a DOD study of the challenges of transition for high school-aged military students. Uri Treisman is especially proud of his service as a founding member of Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service to which he was appointed by former Texas Governor Ann Richards and subsequently reappointed by Governor George W. Bush. He sits on the Commission's executive committee and has served as its vice chair.