Browse By Name

Marika Cabral
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: Economics; health-related economics; health insurance; insurance; taxation; privatization of health markets

Carlos H Caldas
Professor, Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
+1 512 471 6014
Expertise: Information technologies for project management; Life-cycle information integration; Project data analysis; Construction knowledge discovery and dissemination; Product and process modeling; Project control systems; Field management technologies; Communication, collaboration and coordination technologies

Catherine Calder
Professor, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 8802
Expertise: Spatial statistics, Bayesian modeling and computation, and statistical network analysis. Focused on applications in the environmental, social, and health sciences.

Esther Calzada
Associate Dean for Research, School of Social Work
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Latino children, parenting, academic achievement, mental health, immigration, acculturation

Julia Campbell
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Central auditory and visual processing in children and adults. Cortical plasticity, or the ability of the brain to adapt to incoming information.

Jorge Canizares
Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 7694
Expertise: Early Modern Atlantic History; History of Science and Colonialism; History of Knowledge; Colonial Spanish and British America.

David Cannatella
Department Chair, Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 453 1620
Expertise: My team and I investigate the evolution of amphibians. Some areas of interest are the higher-level phylogeny of amphibians, biodiversity of Neotropical frogs, signal evolution in frog mating calls, behavioral ecology of poison frogs, and relationship of bioinformatics and systematics. I am also the Associate Director for Biodiversity Collections in the Department of Integrative Biology.

Charlotte Canning
Professor, Department of Theatre and Dance, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 471 5793
Expertise: US theatre history, Broadway, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, historiography, feminist theatre, theatre and American society, historical entertainment industry.

Debra Cantu
Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 471 6137
Expertise: Leadership Development
*Develops PK-12 school leaders. Designs and coordinates learning objectives, knowledge development, and effective practices for graduate students to apply theory into practice in their internship based on the following learning outcomes:
*Develop Capacity for Teaching and Learning Excellence
*Advocate for and Ensuring Support Systems for All
*Build Executive Leaders to Promote Ethical Policies and Practices
*Partner Authentically with Families and Communities
Curriculum and School Improvement
*Leads and develops curriculum content, scope and sequence, standards alignment and performance assessments for higher education and school district curriculum.
*Diagnose problems and challenges using school data, research and planning, implementation and progress monitoring and reflection.
Improvement Science - Strategic Planning
*Identify the Problem
*Analyze the Problem and Diagnose Its Causes
*Develop a Theory of Action
*Design the Strategy
*Plan for Implementation
*Implement the Strategy
*Assess Progress
*Adapt and Modify for Continuous Improvement
*Leads the program in design and practices required by Texas Education Agency for admissions, clinical experiences and certification.
School District Partnerships
*Building an Effective Partnership
*Co-designing curriculum
*Collaboration and Planning
*Implementation and Progress Monitoring
Executive Coaching
*Strategic Planning
*Progress Monitoring

Constantine Caramanis
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 471 9269
Expertise: Robust and adaptive optimization and control; Statistical learning; Applications in telecommunications; Applications in air traffic control

M Bayani Cardenas
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 6897
Expertise: Hydrology and Hydrogeology

Don E Carleton
Executive Director, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
+1 512 495 4527
Expertise: U.S. History, Texas History, history of broadcast journalism,

William D Carlson
Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
Expertise: Field, analytical, and experimental studies of metamorphic petrogenesis, with emphasis on the rates and mechanisms of metamorphic reactions.
Geological applications of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography.
Analytical and computational studies of intracrystalline and intergranular diffusion.
Heather L Carter
Professor Emeritus, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education

Caitlin M Casey
Academic Center Affiliate, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: galaxy formation and evolution, galaxy clusters, starbursting galaxies, extragalactic, James Webb Space Telescope, JWST

Ginny Catania
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 0403
Expertise: Ice sheet mass balance, ice dynamics, subglacial hydrology, ice sheet stratigraphy, radar, GPS methods, uncertainty in ice sheet response to climate, satellite observations, remote-sensing observations, outlet glaciers, Greenland, glaciology, Antarctica, sea level, ice-ocean interactions. <a href="">UT Cryosphere</a>.

Kirsten Cather
Associate Professor, Department of Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: modern Japanese literature and film; censorship, suicide, and death in modern Japan; adaptations; translation theory and practice

Elizabeth J Catlos
Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 471 4762
Expertise: Please see

Kate Catterall
Associate Professor, Department of Design
+1 512 471 0902
Expertise: History and theory of design; furniture and product design

Shannon E Cavanagh
Department Chair, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8319
Expertise: Families, Family Demography, Life Course & Human Development, Gender, Interpersonal Relationships, Adolescents, Young Adulthood during economic/cultural change, Family relationships, Census, Race/Ethnicity and Family change

Stephanie W Cawthon
Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0378
Expertise: Investigates issues of access and equity for disabled people, with a special focus on systems change, research translation, and assessment.

John Cazes
Director Of High Performance Computing, Texas Advanced Computing Center
+1 512 232 5777
Expertise: Parallel I/O; Advanced computer architectures

Eddie Chambers
Professor, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 232 2474, +1 737 326 3023
Expertise: African Diaspora Art

Jane D Champion
Professor, School of Nursing
+1 512 471 8208
Expertise: STI/HIV, substance abuse, adolescent and womens health, unintended pregnancy, interpersonal violence

Terrence L Chapman
Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 7221
Expertise: International organizations, international conflict, international law, international political economy, formal modeling, peacekeeping,

Randall J Charbeneau
Professor Emeritus, Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Expertise: Hydraulics; Stormwater management; Groundwater hydrology; Subsurface fate and transport of chemicals and radionuclides; Radiological assessment; Modeling

Davida H Charney
Instructor - Extended Education Ventures, Extended Education Ventures
+1 512 567 3144
Expertise: Scholarly writing; public policy discourse; scientific and technical writing; proposal writing; public opinion writing; cognitive skill learning; writing processes; reading processes; rhetorical theory; college writing; Jewish studies; Hebrew Bible

Mounira M Charrad
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6300, +1 512 232 6311
Expertise: Political Sociology; State Formation; Social Movements; Gender and Women's Rights; Colonialism; Comparative-Historical Sociology; Middle East and North Africa; gender issues

Swarat Chaudhuri
Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
Expertise: artificial intelligence, AI, formal methods, safe autonomous systems, trustworthy machine learning, automated reasoning, programming languages, compilers, program synthesis
Eduardo C Chavez
Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
+1 512 743 6538
Karma R Chavez
Department Chair, Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, College of Liberal Arts

James R Chelikowsky
Professor, Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 9083
Expertise: Quantum models for functionalized nanostructures; simulations of liquids and crystal growth; simulated images from probe microscopies; defects in oxides; materials informatics; high performance algorithms for the electronic structure problem.

Ray T Chen
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 471 4349, +1 512 471 7035
Expertise: Micro and nano-optical interconnect devices; Polymer-based guided-wave optical interconnection and packaging; True time delay wide band phased array antenna

Dongmei Chen
Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
+1 512 471 4487
Expertise: Fuel cell systems and control; Nonlinear systems and optimal control; Hybrid propulsion system architectures and control; Wind turbine systems

Wenhong Chen
Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: digital media; global media; entrepreneurship; social capital; social networks; China; US-China relation

Robert M Chesney
Dean, School of Law, School of Law
+1 512 232 1120
Expertise: National security law and policy; terrorism (history, law, policy); law of war; federal criminal law relating to national security; intelligence and the law; constitutional law.

Joshua Childs
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
Expertise: Examines collaborative approaches involving community organizations and stakeholders that improve academic achievement and reduce opportunity gaps for students. Also studies chronic absenteeism, the role of high school athletics in school settings, and computer science education.

Daniel Ching
Associate Professor of Practice, Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 232 2093
Expertise: classical music, chamber music, string quartet, chamber music coaching, violin teacher, string pedagogy

John Chisholm
Assistant Professor, Department of Astronomy, College of Natural Sciences

Namkee Choi
Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 232 9590
Expertise: Geriatric mental health, depression treatment in aging services, social policy for older adults.

Jessica A Church-Lang
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 7009
Expertise: Brain networks, development of task control, development of reading, developmental disorders, neuroimaging

Erica Ciszek
Associate Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Dr. Ciszek is a leader in strategic communication research and critical theories. Their research, teaching and service are closely tied to commitments of advocacy and mobilization in public relations and strategic communication. Before launching their academic career, Ciszek worked in advertising and public relations. Additionally, they have worked in strategic analytics, market research and contributed to community media. As someone with professional experience in strategic communication working with nonprofits and Fortune 500 companies, Ciszek recognized the importance of work with demographic depth and epistemic plurality in the fields of public relations and advertising. Through their research and teaching, Ciszek is committed to making a space for voices and perspectives that have historically been written out of research and practice.
Kasey Claborn
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Expertise: Kasey Claborn is a licensed clinical psychologist and assistant professor of Social Work and Psychiatry at The University of Texas at Austin. She is the Steve Hicks Fellow of Addiction and Recovery Services and Director for the Addictions Research Institute. Claborn is the Principal Investigator for several projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Claborns research focuses on improving the addiction system of care through community based participatory research methods and system science. She has expertise in drug policy, designing and building digital technologies to improve care coordination and community overdose prevention efforts. In 2021, Claborn received an international award from Google for her work in building innovative technologies for social impact. Claborns current work seeks to use innovative methods to combine traditional and non-traditional overdose surveillance methods to inform data-driven community response.

John R Clarke
Professor, Department of Art and Art History, College of Fine Arts
+1 512 232 2355
Expertise: Ancient Greek and Roman art and architecture; classical archaeology; digital modeling; contemporary art and criticism; gender studies; art-historical methodology; cultural studies

Julia A Clarke
Professor and Jackson Chair in Geobiology, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Evolution of anatomical novelty, vertebrate paleontology, systematic biology, avian vocalization and the evolution of flight, fossil birds. Dinosaurs.

Danielle P Clealand
Associate Professor, Department of Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Afro-Latino politics and identity, Black politics in the Spanish speaking Caribbean and the United States, group consciousness, Black and Latino public opinion and racial inequality. Cuba. Puerto Rico.

Richard L Cleary
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture
Expertise: Architectural history; architecture

Noel T Clemens
Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 471 6773
Expertise: Fundamental Studies of Turbulent Combustion and Mixing; Unsteadiness of Shock-induced Turbulent Separation; Supersonic Cavity Flows

Tanya E Clement
Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: Archives, Digital Humanities, American Literary Modernism, Textual Studies, Sound Studies, Scholarly Information Infrastructure, Humanities Data Curation, Anne Sexton, HiPSTAS (High Performance Sound Technologies for Access and Scholarship)

Anita L Cochran
A&P (Part-Time), McDonald Observatory, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 1471
Expertise: Astronomy, our solar system (particularly comets, asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects); origins of planetary systems; optical spectroscopy; McDonald Observatory

Olivier Coibion
Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts
Expertise: unemployment; U.S. unemployment; recession; employment; fiscal policy; economics; macroeconomics; inflation; economic growth; European economics

Renita Coleman
Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1969
Expertise: visual communication; ethics; agenda setting; journalism and public relations; stereotyping in the media; media; photojournalism; photography

Laura L Colgin
Professor, Department of Neuroscience, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 6361, +1 512 232 6564
Expertise: behavior, cell biology, learning and memory, synaptic biology and small circuits, integrative neuroscience

Sarah M Collins
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
Expertise: Statistics

Lydia M Contreras
Associate Dean, Graduate School
+1 512 471 2453
Expertise: RNA-protein interactions, RNA-protein folding; Novel molecular tools for intracellular studies of RNA-metabolism; Protein engineering for novel mechanisms of molecular recognition; Diagnostics for RNA-related diseases; Discovery of drugs targeting RNAs; Optimization strategies for therapeutic RNA/protein expression

North Cooc
Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7923
Expertise: Explores how family background, culture, and school contextual factors influence decisions and trajectories within special education.

Kerry H Cook
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences
+1 512 232 7931
Expertise: Climate dynamics, atmospheric dynamics, global climate change, paleoclimate, climate and weather of Africa and South America, climate system modeling, climate change in Texas
Sherri L Cook-Rousey
Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Stephanie B Corliss
Assistant Dean for Educational Evaluation, Assessment, and Research, Department of Medical Education, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 5673

Julia L Coronado
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Red McCombs School of Business
Expertise: Julia Coronado is a clinical associate professor of finance at the McCombs School of Business and associate director for the school's real estate center. The Texas Real Estate Center aims to facilitate cutting-edge research in finance, real estate, law, design, and planning, and to allow students to connect and learn from industry professionals. Before joining McCombs faculty, Coronado worked for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., contributing to the Federal Open Market Committee forecasts for eight years. Coronado is also president and co-founder of MacroPolicy Perspectives LLC, which leverages the expertise of former Federal Reserve and Treasury senior officials who understand how economic and financial developments impact policy decisions. Coronado has researched and published several papers on pension finances and market valuations, social security, retirement saving adequacy and behavior, the frontier of private and public data collection, and monetary policy.

Richard L Corsi
Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Expertise: Indoor air quality; Sources, fate and control of indoor air pollution; Homogeneous and heterogeneous indoor environmental chemistry; Human exposure to toxins in indoor environments
Ronald Covey
Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 2084

Martin Cox
Professor of Instruction, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1957
Expertise: Speech
James H Cox
Associate Dean, Graduate School

Richard H Crawford
Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering
+1 512 471 3030
Expertise: Computer-aided mechanical design and manufacturing; Geometric modeling; Solid freeform fabrication

Kelley A Crews
Associate Professor, Department of Geography and the Environment, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 5909, +1 512 415 3701
Expertise: Spatio-temporal Scaling of Landscape Change Dynamics and Dynamism, Resilience and Vulnerability of Socio-Ecological Systems in Developing States, and Ecologies of Global Health

Robert L Crosnoe
Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8329
Expertise: Life Course & Human Development, Children & Youth, Education, Health, Family, Immigration, Adolescents.
Catherine Cubbin
Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 232 0625
Expertise: Social epidemiology; social inequalities in health; neighborhood environments and health; public health
Heather E Cuevas
Assistant Professor, School of Nursing

Molly E Cummings
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 6243, +1 512 471 5163
Expertise: sensory ecology, genomic response, evolution, biodiversity, organismal biology, behavior

Jamein Cunningham
Assistant Professor, School of Law
Expertise: Intersectionality of institutional discrimination, access to social justice, crime and criminal justice, race and economic inequality

Isabella Cunningham
Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 1101, +1 512 471 8126
Expertise: legal and ethical aspects of advertising; media effectiveness and messaging appeals; trademarks and intellectual property; deceptive advertising; brand placement and brand equity

Joe Cutbirth
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: How public narratives develop ad their effects on civic participation and communication leadership; civic participation; behavioral ethics; journalism