Browse By Name

Fred Valdez
Professor, Department of Anthropology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 0060, +1 512 471 5946
Expertise: Archaeology, ceramic technology; Texas, Mesoamerica

Angela Valenzuela
Professor, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 232 6008
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Specializes in urban education from a sociological and multicultural perspective, with a focus on minority youth in schools, particularly at the K-12 level.

Jonathan W Valvano
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 471 5141
Expertise: Biomedical instrumentation; Finite element analysis of thermal and electrical systems; Electrical, mechanical, and thermal measurements; Hardware/software co-simulation of real-time embedded systems

Eric van Oort
Professor, Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
+1 512 471 6262
Expertise: Drilling automation, real-time operations monitoring, remote command & control; Shale-fluid interaction and novel shale drilling fluids, use of nano-particles; Zonal isolation / cementing; Borehole instability / lost circulation prevention, and artificial borehole strengthening; Hydraulic fracturing and associated water management; Fit-for-purpose rig design and well manufacturing; Quantum computing

Anita L Vangelisti
Interim Dean, Moody College of Communication, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 5251
Expertise: communication and emotion; family communication; communication in romantic relationships; secrecy; hurt feelings; social pain

Philip L Varghese
Professor and Stanley P. Finch Centennial Professorship in Engineering & Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Cockrell School of Engineering
+1 512 471 3110
Expertise: Laser Based Sensors; Flow Diagnostics Using Raman and Rayleigh Scattering; Optimal Modeling of Nonequilibrium Flows

Anita Varma
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Role of solidarity in U.S. journalism

Fatima A Varner
Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 8580
Expertise: adolescene and young adulthood, human development, culture, parenting and caregiving

Sharon Vaughn
Executive Director, Meadows and VGC, College of Education
+1 512 423 8207
Expertise: Investigates effective interventions for a diverse group of students with reading difficulties and students who are English language learners.
Mary M Velasquez
Professor, School of Social Work
Expertise: Motivational Interviewing, evidence-based interventions, integrated behavioral health, smoking cessation, alcohol abuse, prenatal health.

Haris Vikalo
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 512 232 7922
Expertise: Wireless communications; Statistical signal processing; Algorithm complexity

Sriram Vishwanath
Professor, Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
+1 650 823 4072
Expertise: Networks; Wireless systems; System security; Information theory; Resource allocation in systems; Networked control; Energy systems; Bioinformatics

Paul Von hippel
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 537 8112
Expertise: Demographic Analysis, Education Policy, Healthcare, Statistics

Etienne E Vouga
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 7482
Expertise: computer graphics, applied mathematics, scientifiic computing, visualizing, geometry processing and design