Kerry H Cook

Kerry H Cook
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Phone: +1 512 232 7931
CV (pdf)

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)


Kerry Cook came to The University of Texas at Austin in August, 2008. She began her career at NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab at Princeton University, followed by 18 years as a professor at Cornell University where she taught courses in Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Atmospheric Physics and was a founder of the Science of Earth Systems major. She is a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, and has served on the Board of Trustees of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and as an editor of the Journal of Climate. She is currently the Chair of the American Meteorological Society's Board of Climate Variability and Change and serves on the NSF GEO Advisory Council.

Dr. Cook's research centers on predicting and understanding climate change and climate variability around the world, including Africa, South America, the central U.S., and home in Austin, TX. She and her group use numerical models of the climate system, including atmosphere, ocean, and vegetation components, along with observational analysis to improve our understanding about how features and processes at the earth's surface interact with atmospheric circulation and precipitation fields.

Dr. Cook has published a text on Climate Dynamics (2013, Princeton University Press); a second edition is expected in 2024. Supplemental resources for Climate Dynamics are available at:

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)