M Bayani Cardenas

M Bayani Cardenas
Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Jackson School of Geosciences

Phone: +1 512 471 6897
Email: cardenas@jsg.utexas.edu
CV (pdf)

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)


Welcome to this webpage and thank you for visiting.

Our research group studies hydrologic flow and transport processes. We pursue basic knowledge and the development of solutions to environmental and societal water issues. We are motivated by problems that cross disciplinary boundaries. This requires drawing ideas and techniques from different fields. Thus, we apply various approaches including conventional hydrologic and water quality monitoring, geophysical surveys, remote-sensing, analogue experiments, and mathematical modeling including theoretical methods and computational simulations.

Examples of recent research topics include: groundwater-surface water interactions and associated nutrient transport and transformation, coastal hydrogeology and submarine groundwater discharge, ecohydrology of semi-arid and temperate biomes, pore scale flow and transport phenomena, flow and transport in fractures, energy balance and thermal regime of aquatic systems, hydrogeology of springs, and hydrogeologic processes in cold regions.

If you are passionate about water and the environment, independent, hard-working, possess a 'can do' attitude, and have a strong interest in addressing fundamental problems with direct applications to relevant issues, you will fit in well in our group. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining or collaborating with our group.

For further information, you can browse through the related webpage tabs here and please visit this website

For prospective graduate students, please visit here for more information.

For prospective post-doctoral fellows, opportunities are described here.

For information on the 2025 GSA Hydrogeology Division Birdsall-Dreiss and LaMoreaux International Distinguished Lectures, please read this.

Media Rep Contact

Anton Caputo (primary)