M Bayani Cardenas

Phone: +1 512 471 6897
Email: cardenas@jsg.utexas.edu
CV (pdf)
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Our research group studies hydrologic flow and transport processes. We pursue basic knowledge and the development of solutions to environmental and societal water issues. We are motivated by problems that cross disciplinary boundaries. This requires drawing ideas and techniques from different fields. Thus, we apply various approaches including conventional hydrologic and water quality monitoring, geophysical surveys, remote-sensing, analogue experiments, and mathematical modeling including theoretical methods and computational simulations.
Examples of recent research topics include: groundwater-surface water interactions and associated nutrient transport and transformation, coastal hydrogeology and submarine groundwater discharge, ecohydrology of semi-arid and temperate biomes, pore scale flow and transport phenomena, flow and transport in fractures, energy balance and thermal regime of aquatic systems, hydrogeology of springs, and hydrogeologic processes in cold regions.
If you are passionate about water and the environment, independent, hard-working, possess a 'can do' attitude, and have a strong interest in addressing fundamental problems with direct applications to relevant issues, you will fit in well in our group. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining or collaborating with our group.
For further information, you can browse through the related webpage tabs here and please visit this website
For prospective graduate students, please visit here for more information.
For prospective post-doctoral fellows, opportunities are described here.
For information on the 2025 GSA Hydrogeology Division Birdsall-Dreiss and LaMoreaux International Distinguished Lectures, please read this.
Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science (Hydrology), New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2006
M.S. in Geology (Hydrogeology), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2002
B.S. in Geology, University of the Philippines-Diliman, 1999
Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Member, Kohout Early Career Award Committee, Geological Society of America Hydrogeology Division (2013)
Editor, Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union (2013)
Member, Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award Committee, American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section (2012)
Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union (2010 - 2013)
Associate Editor, Reviews of Geophysics, American Geophysical Union (2010)
Member, Groundwater Technical Committee, American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section (2010)
Member, O. E. Meinzer Award Committee, Geological Society of America Hydrogeology Division (2010)
Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal, International Association of Hydrogeologists (2009 - 2012)
Manuscript Reviewer, > 30 different journals, Various publishers and societies
Proposal Reviewer and Panelist, US NSF, DOE, USGS, Swiss NSF, Israel NSF, universities, organizations, foreign agencies,
Publications (url)
Faculty Science Performance Award - University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences (2017)
Faculty Science Performance Award - University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences (2016)
Faculty Science Performance Award - University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences (2015)
Faculty Science Performance Award - University of Texas Department of Geological Sciences (2013)
GSA Kohout Early Career Award - Geological Society of America Hydrogeology Division (2012)
Fred Holmsley Moore Distinguished Lecturer - University of Virginia (2012)
Editor Citation for Excellence in Refereeing (Geophysical Research Letters) - American Geophysical Union (2011)
Editor Citation for Excellence in Refereeing (Water Resources Research) - American Geophysical Union (2011)
AGU Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award - American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section (2011)
G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences (2010)
NSF CAREER Award - National Science Foundation (2010)
Big XII Faculty Fellowship - Big XII (2009)
Top Referee Award (Journal of Hydrology) - Elsevier (2009)
Balik Scientist - Department of Science and Technology, Philippines (2008)
G. Moses and Carolyn G. Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Texas Jackson School of Geosciences (2007)
AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award (Hydrology Section) - American Geophysical Union (2004)
AGU Horton Research Grant - American Geophysical Union (2004)
CH2M-Hill Outstanding Hydrology Teaching Assistant - New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (2003)
Frank M. Kottlowski Fellowship - New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (2002 - 2006)
AAPG Paul Danheim Nelson Award - American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2001)
Yatkola-Edwards Research Grant - University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2001)
Outstanding BS Geology Graduate - University of the Philippines-Diliman (1999)
Arthur Saldivar-Sali Award - University of the Philippines-Diliman (1999)
Water cycling across terrestrial-aquatic interfaces from pore to planetary scales, University of Minnesota, (2022)
The importance of hydrology on the fate of carbon trapped in permafrost in the Arctic, Brown University, (2022)
A global perspective on groundwater age and turnover rates: insights on renewability, vulnerability and elasticity, Texas A&M University, (2022)
The fate of carbon trapped in permafrost in the Arctic: one of the biggest hazards of the planet, Badong International Geohazards Symposium, (2021)
Groundwater and surface water as a single resource: novel insight from Philippine studies, Geological Society of the Philippines, webinar (2020)
Coastal groundwater, coral reefs, calderas and carbon cycling: Connections that are common?, Old Dominion University, (2020)
A global perspective on groundwater resources: renewability, vulnerability, and elasticity, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (2020)
Cascading disequilibrium: a glimpse into dynamic hydro-biogeochemical processes in hyporheic zones, Goldschmidt Meeting, Barcelona (2019)
Land-ocean subsurface connections in volcanic terrain and its impact on coastal ocean acidification, University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute, (2019)
Perpetual hyporheic motion (and reaction): a glimpse into dynamic coupled physical and biogeochemical processes in hyporheic zones, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, (2018)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, Tuebingen University, (2018)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, Gottingen University, (2018)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, University of Southern Denmark, (2018)
Denitrification in the banks of fluctuating rivers: the effects of river stage amplitude, sediment hydraulic conductivity and dispersivity, and ambient groundwater flow, International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress, (2018)
A global perspective on groundwater age and turnover rates: renewability, vulnerability, and elasticity, Hohai University, (2018)
A global perspective on groundwater age and turnover rates: renewability, vulnerability, and elasticity, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, University of Utah, (2017)
A global perspective on groundwater age and turnover rates: renewability, vulnerability, and elasticity, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, Wuhan University, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), (2017)
A global perspective on groundwater age and turnover rates: renewability, vulnerability, and elasticity, Wuhan University, (2017)
How the pulse of a river affects its liver, Hohai University, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces, and why it matters from the pore scale to the continental scale, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces: how it works and why it matters from the pore to the continental scale, Johns Hopkins University, (2017)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces, and why it matters from the pore scale to the continental scale, Hohai University, (2016)
Taking stock of Earth's groundwater and its renewability, Hohai University, (2016)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces, and why it matters from the pore scale to the continental scale, China University of Geosciences-Beijing, (2016)
Taking stock of Earth's groundwater and its renewal, China University of Geosciences-Beijing, (2016)
Paleo-climate insights from Palawan stalagmites: the Western Pacific region's response to global climate change, Palawan State University, Puerto Princesa, Philippines (2015)
Paleo-climate insights from Palawan stalagmites: the Western Pacific region's response to global climate change, Western Palawan University, Puerto Princesa, Philippines (2015)
Paleo-climate insights from Palawan stalagmites: the Western Pacific region's response to global climate change, Holy Trinity University, Puerto Princesa, Philippines (2015)
Devastation of aquifers from super typhoon Haiyan's storm surge, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, (2015)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces, and why it matters from the pore scale to the continental scale, University of Michigan, (2015)
Devastation of aquifers from super typhoon Haiyan's storm surge, Mapua Institute of Technology, (2015)
Taking stock of Earth's groundwater and its renewability, Mapua Institute of Technology, (2015)
Devastation of aquifers from super typhoon Haiyan's storm surge, Ateneo de Manila University, (2015)
Devastation of aquifers from super typhoon Haiyan's storm surge, University of the Philippines-Los Banos, (2015)
Taking stock of Earth's groundwater and its renewability, University of the Philippines- Los Banos, (2015)
Taking stock of Earth's groundwater and its renewability, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2015)
Devastation of aquifers from super typhoon Haiyan's storm surge, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2015)
Water cycling across aquatic interfaces and why it matters from the pore scale to the continental scale, Baylor University, (2015)
The residence times of surface water-groundwater exchange from 10^-3 to 10^3 m and why long tails matter, European Geosciences Union, Vienna (2014)
Pore-scale controls on the trapping of supercritical CO2 in reservoirs, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2013)
Groundwater inputs into the coastal ocean: large-scale patterns, local dynamics, and implications on material and energy budgets, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2013)
River-groundwater interactions: local processes with global consequences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, (2013)
Terrestrial smokers: thermal springs due to hydrothermal convection of groundwater connected to surface water, University of Wisconsin-Madison, (2013)
The old and the new: the use of classical regional groundwater flow models to address problems of the future, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (2013)
Coupled processes along the surface water-groundwater interface: advances from modeling and measurements, Oregon State University, (2013)
How the pulse of a river affects its liver, Portland State University and USGS, (2013)
How the pulse of a river affects its liver, Texas Riparian Association, (2012)
Applications of electrical resistivity imaging for characterizing groundwater-surface water interactions from local to regional scales, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, (2012)
Groundwater inputs into the coastal ocean: large-scale patterns, local dynamics, and implications on material and energy budgets, University of Texas - Marine Science Institute, (2012)
How can a limestone outcrop warm up a very cold river?, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2012)
Discovery and analysis of terrestrial smokers in Taal Volcano, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2012)
Geophysical imaging of ground water-surface water interactions in rivers, lakes and the coastal ocean, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2012)
Coastal sediment as bio-geo-reactors powered by waves, University of Virginia, (2012)
Coupled processes along the surface water-groundwater interface: advances from modeling and measurements, University of Virginia, (2012)
How the pulse of a river affects its liver, University of Virginia, (2012)
Coastal sediment as bio-geo-reactors powered by waves, Texas A&M University, (2011)
River-aquifer connectivity as a restoration target: what, why and how, EAWAG, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, (2011)
The surface water-groundwater continuum: hydraulics, biogeochemistry and geophysics, University of California-Berkeley, (2011)
Effects of dams on groundwater-surface water interactions, University of Texas-San Antonio, (2010)
Time-averaged versus transient forcing by waves of porewater circulation and transport in permeable sediment, Joint Ocean Sciences Meeting by American Geophysical Union, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, The Oceanographic Society, Portland, Oregon (2010)
The effects of river dynamics on river-aquifer interactions, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Philippines (2010)
Fluid dynamic interactions near sediment-water interfaces in aquatic and coastal environments, American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico (2010)
Constraining denitrification in permeable coastal sediment using linked biogeochemical and hydrodynamic models, Max-Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany (2009)
Towards the 'hyporheic meter'-predicting hyporheic exchange from bedforms to bars to bends, European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. (2009)
Effects of inertia and directionality on flow and transport in a rough asymmetric fracture, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (2009)
The familiar as a frontier: persistent transient stream-groundwater interactions, Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon (2009)
Coastal sediment as bio-geo-reactors powered by waves, University of Texas-Arlington, University of Texas-Arlington (2009)
Power-law scaling of residence times: the geomorphological signature of ground water-surface water connection at nested scales, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2008)
Constraining denitrification in permeable coastal sediment using linked biogeochemical and hydrodynamic models, University of the Philippines-Diliman, (2008)
Ground water-surface water connection at nested scales, National Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics, University of Minnesota, University of Minnesota St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (2008)
Understanding processes in streambeds with reductive models and high-resolution data, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (2007)
Power-law scaling of residence times: the geomorphological signature of ground water-surface water connection at nested scales, Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado (2007)
Exchange across the surface water-ground water interface from bedforms to bends to basins, Hyporheic Zone Network Workshop Keynote Lecture, University of Sheffield, UK (2007)
Complex surface water-ground water interactions revealed, University of Texas at Austin, Institute of Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Geological Sciences (2007)
Understanding surface water-ground water interactions from bedforms to basin using high-fidelity models, University of Nevada-Reno, (2007)
Dynamics of fluids, solutes, and heat along sediment-water interfaces: a multiphysics modeling study, Gordon Research Conference on Permeable Sediments Plenary Lecture, Colby College, Maine (2006)
Multiphysics modeling of processes along sediment-water interfaces: towards fundamental understanding and mechanistic predictions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (2006)
Flumes, finite-elements, field observations, Fourier-series and fractals: fundamental linkages in hyporheic zone research, Geological Society of America Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2006)
Crossing boundaries: The ground water-surface water interface, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Geological Sciences (2006)
Crossing boundaries: The ground water-surface water interface, University of Virginia, (2006)
Crossing boundaries: The ground water-surface water interface, University of Wyoming, (2006)
Crossing boundaries: The ground water-surface water interface, University of Pittsburgh, (2006)
Crossing boundaries: The ground water-surface water interface, Georgia State University, (2006)