Browse By Name

Debra J Umberson
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6330
Expertise: Population Health ( Structural Determinants of Mental and Physical Health; Stress and Social Support; Health Behavior; Health Disparities; Sexual Minority Health); Family and Gender (Gender and Relationships; Same-Sex Couples; Marital Status and Health; Relationship Quality and Health; Family Status and Health; Intergenerational Relationships; Family and Bereavement); Aging and the Life Course (Psychosocial Epidemiology across the Life Course; Aging and the Family; Death and Dying; Marriage and Intimate Partnerships).

Sean J Upshaw
Assistant Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: culture-centered health communication; visual communication; health and culture; health message design; health promotion messaging; health information messages; health communication; media messaging; communication education

Luis Urrieta
Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4129
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Follows trends around cultural and racial identities, agency, migration, and social movements in education.