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Search results for "mental health"

Ricardo C Ainslie
M. K. Hage Centennial Professor in Education, Counseling Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0364, +1 512 471 4407
Expertise: Explores the intersection of psychology and culture through such topics as the psychological experience of immigration, ethnic conflicts and the impact of violence within communities, and the relationship between individual and collective identity. Is also interested in US-Mexico health, including addressing health disparities.

Jacqueline L Angel
Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 2956
Expertise: Hispanic health and demographics; aging policy; social policies; long-term care; ethnic studies

Lucy Atkinson
Associate Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 6665
Expertise: communication in the context of sustainability and the environment; focusing on the ways message components (like visual elements, argument frames, source factors) in environmental communication campaigns influence environmental attitudes; beliefs and behaviors; environmental communication; sustainability; advertising; immersive media (virtual reality and augmented reality); AI-generated messaging; communication and public opinion about Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

Elisa V Borah
Research Associate Professor, Office of the Associate Dean for Research
Expertise: Military social work, mental health, treatment for PTSD, behavioral health, evidence-based interventions.

Chris Brownson
Clinical Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 475 6990
Expertise: Research interests include mental health public policy, college student mental health and suicide prevention, collaborative care models of behavioral health in primary care, and the intersection of mental health and academic success.

Esther Calzada
Associate Dean for Research, School of Social Work
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Latino children, parenting, academic achievement, mental health, immigration, acculturation

Jane D Champion
Professor, School of Nursing
+1 512 471 8208
Expertise: STI/HIV, substance abuse, adolescent and womens health, unintended pregnancy, interpersonal violence

Namkee Choi
Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 232 9590
Expertise: Geriatric mental health, depression treatment in aging services, social policy for older adults.
Kasey Claborn
Associate Professor, School of Social Work
Expertise: Kasey Claborn is a licensed clinical psychologist and assistant professor of Social Work and Psychiatry at The University of Texas at Austin. She is the Steve Hicks Fellow of Addiction and Recovery Services and Director for the Addictions Research Institute. Claborn is the Principal Investigator for several projects funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the Health Resources and Services Administration. Claborns research focuses on improving the addiction system of care through community based participatory research methods and system science. She has expertise in drug policy, designing and building digital technologies to improve care coordination and community overdose prevention efforts. In 2021, Claborn received an international award from Google for her work in building innovative technologies for social impact. Claborns current work seeks to use innovative methods to combine traditional and non-traditional overdose surveillance methods to inform data-driven community response.

Cynthia G Franklin
Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 471 0533
Expertise: School mental health, Solution-focused Brief Therapy, dropout prevention, at-risk youth, research on how to design schools that promote achievement and a safe, respectful and violent free culture.

Kristin A Garling
Assistant Director- Programs, Moody College of Communication
+1 512 471 0861
Expertise: Healthcare communications, patient engagement, patient-centric communication, health solutions, public health, rural health education and advocacy, healthcare professional development, chronic disease, medication therapy management, health outcomes

Jennifer Glass
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8355
Expertise: Work and family issues, telecommuting and new labor practices, STEM labor force retention

Laurie B Green
Associate Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 736 1002
Expertise: Comparative Race Studies; African American Studies; Gender Studies; Working-Class History;
Migration; Urban History; Poverty and Public Health; Social Movements; Political and Cultural
History; Race Relations, Gender Issues

Carole K Holahan
Professor Emerita, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
Expertise: Studies psychosocial factors in health behavior and health and well-being in adulthood and aging.

William R Kelly
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 4142
Expertise: Criminal Justice/Criminology/Ecology of Crime, Program and Policy Research and Evaluation, Research Methodology and Statistics

Lara Latimer
Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7190
Expertise: Teaches from a holistic health perspective with a focus on personal health, including mental health, meditation and other stress management techniques.

William Lawson
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry
Expertise: Mental Health, Violence and Mental Illness, Racial and Ethnic Issues in Mental Health, Mental Disorders, Substance Abuse, Ethnic Disparities in Care, Access to Care, Ethnic Issues in Pharmacotherapy

Molly A Lopez
Research Associate Professor, Office of the Associate Dean for Research
+1 512 232 0614
Expertise: mental health services, evidence-based practice, trauma-informed care, cognitive behavioral therapies, workforce competency, systems of care.

Arthur B Markman
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Extended Education Ventures
+1 512 232 4645
Expertise: Similarity, Analogical Reasoning and Analogical Problem Solving, Decision Making , Consumer Behavior, Motivation and Preference, Category Use and Category Learning, Taxonomic Hierarchies and Conceptual Combination, Symbolic and Connectionist models of Analogy, Similarity and Categorization, Knowledge Representation and Causal Mental Models

Roselia Mendez Murillo
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: conducting qualitative work; particularly conducting interviews with Latina/o/x/e families; stress, resilience, thriving of Latinx families within the context of language brokering; undocumented status; living separated due to migration reasons

Charles B Nemeroff
The Matthew P. Nemeroff Endowed Chair, Dell Medical School

Nik Palomares
Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Moody College of Communication
Expertise: Mental health; how communication effects psychological wellbeing; cyberbullying; how people respond to fact-checking of information and misinformation online
Sarah J Rehnborg
A&P Hourly Employment, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 232 7062, +1 512 475 7616
Expertise: Non-Profit Management, Civil society, Education Policy

Pedro Reyes
Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Aaron B Rochlen
Clinical Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0361, +1 512 471 4409
Expertise: Research focuses on men and traditional masculinity, with a particular emphasis on men's mental health, depression, help-seeking patterns, and their underutilization of counseling services.
<em>Note: Dr. Rochlen will not be taking new students for the 2024 academic year.</em>

Erin M Rodriguez
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0283
Spanish Speaker
Expertise: Dr. Erin Rodríguez studies family, sociocultural, and contextual influences on childrens development and health outcomes, with a focus on understanding and reducing health disparities affecting low-SES Latinx youth.
Gabriela L Stein
Department Chair, Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1883

Mary A Steinhardt
Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 3535
Expertise: Focuses on how individuals successfully adapt to stress and build health resilience.

Steve Strakowski
Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Psychiatry
+1 512 495 5047
Expertise: Mental Health, Psychiatry

Hirofumi Tanaka
Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 4801
Expertise: Effects of vascular dysfunction due to aging, and the lifestyle habits that can prevent or reverse dysfunction.
Role of peripheral vascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of cognitive and cerebrovascular dysfunction
Reduction in physiological functional capacity with advancing age
Community-based studies in minority cardiovascular health
Masters athletes as a model of successful aging
Health benefits of swimming

Michael J Telch
Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 3393, +1 512 475 8488, +1 512 560 4100
Expertise: Agrophobia; Anxiety and phobic disorders; Behavioral medicine; Behavioral therapies; Cognitive processes of behavior change; Therapy outcome evaluation

Debra J Umberson
Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 6330
Expertise: Population Health ( Structural Determinants of Mental and Physical Health; Stress and Social Support; Health Behavior; Health Disparities; Sexual Minority Health); Family and Gender (Gender and Relationships; Same-Sex Couples; Marital Status and Health; Relationship Quality and Health; Family Status and Health; Intergenerational Relationships; Family and Bereavement); Aging and the Life Course (Psychosocial Epidemiology across the Life Course; Aging and the Family; Death and Dying; Marriage and Intimate Partnerships).

David C Warner
Professor Emeritus, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
Expertise: Health policy; health finance; diabetes costs; border health; health insurance; mental health policy; Mexican health system; business, economics & labor.

Patrick P Wong
Associate Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8962
Expertise: social policy, family and child welfare, children services, mental health, poverty issues, housing, community development

Cara Young
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Expertise: Child and adolescent health; adolescent mental health promotion and prevention; mindfulness; mental health stigma; provision of primary health care