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Search results for "adolescents"


Steven  Abrams

Steven Abrams

Interim Assistant Dean of Admissions, Department of Pediatrics, Dell Medical School
+1 512 495 4700

Expertise: pediatrics, mineral requirements of children of all ages, growth of preterm infants and the use of specialized nutritional practices,

Aprile D Benner

Aprile D Benner

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 232 1964

Expertise: Human development; adolescence and young childhood; social, emotional, and cognitive growth and maturation of young people

Molly S Bray

Molly S Bray

Department Chair, Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 3958

Expertise: Child and Adolescent Health, Epigenetics, Health & Medicine, Nutritional Sciences

Catherine  Calder

Catherine Calder

Professor, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 475 8802

Expertise: Spatial statistics, Bayesian modeling and computation, and statistical network analysis. Focused on applications in the environmental, social, and health sciences.

Shannon E Cavanagh

Shannon E Cavanagh

Department Chair, Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8319

Expertise: Families, Family Demography, Life Course & Human Development, Gender, Interpersonal Relationships, Adolescents, Young Adulthood during economic/cultural change, Family relationships, Census, Race/Ethnicity and Family change

Jane D Champion

Jane D Champion

Professor, School of Nursing
+1 512 471 8208

Expertise: STI/HIV, substance abuse, adolescent and women’s health, unintended pregnancy, interpersonal violence

Jessica A Church-Lang

Jessica A Church-Lang

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 7009

Expertise: Brain networks, development of task control, development of reading, developmental disorders, neuroimaging

North Cooc

North Cooc

Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 471 7923

Expertise: Explores how family background, culture, and school contextual factors influence decisions and trajectories within special education.

Robert L Crosnoe

Robert L Crosnoe

Senior Associate Dean for Research, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 8329

Expertise: Life Course & Human Development, Children & Youth, Education, Health, Family, Immigration, Adolescents.

Catherine  Cubbin

Catherine Cubbin

Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 232 0625

Expertise: Social epidemiology; social inequalities in health; neighborhood environments and health; public health

Jaimie N Davis

Jaimie N Davis

Acting Director, School of Human Ecology, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0971

Expertise: child and adolescent health, nutritional sciences, obesity, behaviour

Michele Y Deitch

Michele Y Deitch

Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 232 2562, +1 512 296 7212

Expertise: juvenile justice; prison reform; crime and criminal justice

Toni Falbo

Toni Falbo

Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0603, +1 512 471 8020

Expertise: Falbo uses both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to address problems in education and health. She is an internationally recognized expert on only children, including their academic, social, emotional, and health outcomes. Falbo is also an expert on conducting cross-cultural research and research aimed at improving the education of ethnic minorities in the U.S.

Cynthia G Franklin

Cynthia G Franklin

Professor, School of Social Work
+1 512 471 0533

Expertise: School mental health, Solution-focused Brief Therapy, dropout prevention, at-risk youth, research on how to design schools that promote achievement and a safe, respectful and violent free culture.

Elizabeth T Gershoff

Elizabeth T Gershoff

Director, Population Research Center, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: Child and youth development; adolescence; parenting; parental discipline; violence; early childhood education

William R Kelly

William R Kelly

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 4142

Expertise: Criminal Justice/Criminology/Ecology of Crime, Program and Policy Research and Evaluation, Research Methodology and Statistics

Su Yeong  Kim

Su Yeong Kim

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 5524, +1 512 475 6014

Expertise: Development of children of immigrants in the United States, with a focus on children of Chinese and Mexican origin; parenting; parent-child relationships

Leigh L Linden

Leigh L Linden

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 8556

Expertise: Economic development; poor countries; economics of education

Molly A Lopez

Molly A Lopez

Research Associate Professor, Office of the Associate Dean for Research
+1 512 232 0614

Expertise: mental health services, evidence-based practice, trauma-informed care, cognitive behavioral therapies, workforce competency, systems of care.

Alexandra  Loukas

Alexandra Loukas

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, College of Education
+1 512 232 9388

Expertise: Focuses on adolescent and young adult problem behavior development, and tobacco use and cessation.

Lynn M Monnat

Lynn M Monnat

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry

Mark F O'Reilly

Mark F O'Reilly

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education

Expertise: Assesses and supports individuals with intellectual disabilities and develops social skill/communication interventions for children with ASD.

Keryn E Pasch

Keryn E Pasch

Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 8295

Expertise: Examines the relation between marketing influence on youth and young adult risk behavior such as substance use, nutrition, sleep and energy drink consumption.

Sarah R Powell

Sarah R Powell

Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 475 6556

Expertise: Develops and tests interventions for students with mathematics difficulties, emphasizing word-problem solving, mathematics writing, data-based decision making, and the vocabulary within mathematics.

Catherine  Riegle-Crumb

Catherine Riegle-Crumb

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 2388, +1 512 475 8642

Expertise: Focuses on the social construction of gender and racial/ethnic inequality in educational opportunities and experiences in STEM fields from a sociological perspective. Methodological expertise in quantitative research methods and analyses of large scale datasets.

Erin M Rodriguez

Erin M Rodriguez

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0283
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: Dr. Erin Rodríguez studies family, sociocultural, and contextual influences on children’s development and health outcomes, with a focus on understanding and reducing health disparities affecting low-SES Latinx youth.

Stephen  Russell

Stephen Russell

Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 0753, +1 512 471 8391

Expertise: Adolescent sexuality; LGBT youth; parent-adolescent relationships; childhood development

Allison  Skerrett

Allison Skerrett

Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education
+1 512 232 4883

Expertise: Focuses on secondary English and literacy education in urban contexts, including among transnational youth.

Mary A Steinhardt

Mary A Steinhardt

Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 3535

Expertise: Focuses on how individuals successfully adapt to stress and build health resilience.

Marie-Anne Suizzo

Marie-Anne Suizzo

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education
+1 512 471 0379, +1 512 471 4155

Expertise: Studies how cultural beliefs and values shape parent-child relationships, parental socialization, and children's and adolescents' development and learning.

Elizabeth  Swanson

Elizabeth Swanson

Research Professor, Department of Special Education, College of Education
+1 512 232 2320

Expertise: All of my work focuses on developing and testing for efficacy literacy practices for struggling readers. This includes: * infusing literacy practices into elementary and middle school content area classes; * empowering parents to provide reading support to their own children; * providing intervention to struggling readers; * translating research to practice for teachers; * designing effective professional development; * translating research into usable products for parents.

Fatima A Varner

Fatima A Varner

Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences
+1 512 471 8580

Expertise: adolescene and young adulthood, human development, culture, parenting and caregiving

Patrick P Wong

Patrick P Wong

Associate Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8962

Expertise: social policy, family and child welfare, children services, mental health, poverty issues, housing, community development

David S Yeager

David S Yeager

Professor, Department of Psychology, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Social-cognitive development during adolescence; Motivation; Behavior change; Aggression and bullying; Research methodology and psychological measurement; Psychological interventions

Cara  Young

Cara Young

Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Expertise: Child and adolescent health; adolescent mental health promotion and prevention; mindfulness; mental health stigma; provision of primary health care