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Search results for "poverty"


Javier  Auyero

Javier Auyero

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 232 8073

Expertise: Urban Ethnography, Urban Poverty and Social Inequality, Collective Action, Latin American Studies, Social and Cultural Theory

Henry A Dietz

Henry A Dietz

Professor and University Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Government, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Latin American politics: urban poverty and politics, civil-military relations, parties and party systems, Peru

Elizabeth T Gershoff

Elizabeth T Gershoff

Director, Population Research Center, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, College of Natural Sciences

Expertise: Child and youth development; adolescence; parenting; parental discipline; violence; early childhood education

Laurie B Green

Laurie B Green

Associate Professor, Department of History, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 736 1002

Expertise: Comparative Race Studies; African American Studies; Gender Studies; Working-Class History; Migration; Urban History; Poverty and Public Health; Social Movements; Political and Cultural History; Race Relations, Gender Issues

Jihye  Lee

Jihye Lee

Assistant Professor, Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Computational inequality, AI, government, public benefits, advertising, financial constraints, digital inequality, media psychology

Leigh L Linden

Leigh L Linden

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 475 8556

Expertise: Economic development; poor countries; economics of education

Becky M Pettit

Becky M Pettit

Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts
+1 512 471 9850

Expertise: Social Inequality, Race and Ethnicity, Gender, Labor Markets, Research Methods, criminal justice, incarceration, families in poverty, mass incarceration, school to prison pipeline, demography

Heath J Prince

Heath J Prince

Research Scientist, Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 2193

Expertise: workforce development, labor markets, measuring poverty in developing countries

Pedro  Reyes

Pedro Reyes

Department Chair, Educational Leadership and Policy, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education
+1 512 475 8569
Spanish Speaker

Expertise: I study student success for children experiencing poverty. I analyze how school leadership and state policy facilitate student success across the education pipeline.

Rebecca M Torres

Rebecca M Torres

Professor, Department of Geography and the Environment, College of Liberal Arts

Expertise: Rural and Community Development; International and Internal Migration; U.S. Latino Communities; Globalization and Agricultural Restructuring; Tourism in Developing Nations; Gender; Activist Scholarship and Community Engagement; Latin America

Anita  Varma

Anita Varma

Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Media, Moody College of Communication

Expertise: Role of solidarity in U.S. journalism

Paul  Von hippel

Paul Von hippel

Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 537 8112

Expertise: Demographic Analysis, Education Policy, Healthcare, Statistics

Peter M Ward

Peter M Ward

Professor and C.B. Smith Sr. Centennial Chair in US-Mexico Relations, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs

Expertise: Latin American urbanization, contemporary Mexican politics, community development and housing policy in developing countries, planning in Mexico City, colonia-type housing in the United States, US-Mexico relations, Governance and politics and Latin America

Patrick P Wong

Patrick P Wong

Associate Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs
+1 512 471 8962

Expertise: social policy, family and child welfare, children services, mental health, poverty issues, housing, community development