Shiv Ganesh

Shiv Ganesh (PhD, Purdue University, 2000), is joining Moody College in Jan. 2019 as a professor in the Department of Communication Studies. Ganesh studies communication and collective organizing in the context of globalization and digital technologies. His work spans critical-institutional and poststructural approaches to communication, and is currently comprised of two strands; studies of technological transformations in collective action; and studies of dialogue, conflict and social change. His research is largely qualitative but has incorporated quantitative elements, and he has done fieldwork in a number of countries, including India, Aoteaora New Zealand, the United States, and Sweden. Current projects include a study of advocacy and voice amongst indigenous people displaced by the creation of environmental reserves in India, as well as a large-scale survey of digital interaction and engagement dynamics amongst global networks of activists. His research has appeared in a number of journals including Communication Monographs, Communication Theory, Human Relations, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Management Communication Quarterly, Media, Culture & Society, and Organization Studies. Ganesh is a former editor-in-chief of the National Communication Associations Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, and is on the editorial board of several other journals, including Communication Theory, Information, Communication & Society, Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Management Communication Quarterly, Organization, and Womens Studies in Communication. His research has won several awards from both the International Communication Association and the National Communication Association. Ganesh comes to Moody College from Massey University in New Zealand, where he served as a professor of communication and head of the School of Communication, journalism and marketing.