Sheldon Landsberger

Professor and Hayden Head Centennial Professorship, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
Professor, Applied Research Laboratories
Phone: +1 512 796 0287
Professor, Applied Research Laboratories
Phone: +1 512 796 0287
Dr. Landsberger has been involved in characterization of airborne particles in urban, rural and remote regions for heavy metal contaminants. He has used various statistical models to distinguish the trace elements from natural and industrial sources. Dr. Landsberger also has been involved in characterization of solid waste either from combustion or industrial processes. He has developed experimental and modeling methods to study the leaching dynamics of heavy metals into the ground water aquifers. Dr. Landsberger has been involved in experiemental radioactive waste management in addition to the development of non-destructive elemental analysis using neutron activation methods.