Sanjay K Banerjee

Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering #4, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cockrell School of Engineering
Phone: +1 512 471 6730, +1 512 924 4799
Sanjay Banerjee is the Cockrell Family Regents Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director, Microelectronics Research Center, at the University of Texas at Austin.
He received his B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1979, 1981 and 1983 respectively, all in electrical engineering. As a Member of the Technical Staff, Corporate Research, Development and Engineering of Texas Instruments Incorporated from 1983-1987, he worked on polysilicon transistors and dynamic random access trench memory cells used by Texas Instruments in the world's first 4Megabit DRAM. He has been Assistant Professor (1987-90), Associate Professor (1990-93), and Professor (1993-) at The University of Texas at Austin. He has over 1000 archival refereed publications/talks, 10 books/chapters, and 35 U.S. patents, and has supervised over 80 Ph.D. and 70 MS students.
His students have received 15 Best Papers Awards at various conferences, and he has presented over 150 invited talks. He received the Engineering Foundation Advisory Council Halliburton Award (1991), the Texas Atomic Energy Fellowship (1990-1997), Cullen Professorship (1997-2001) and the Hocott Research Award from UT Austin (2007). He has won the SIA/SRC University Researcher Award (2017), IEEE Grove Award (2014), Distinguished Alumnus Award, IIT (2005), Industrial R&D 100 Award (2004), ECS Callinan Award (2003), IEEE Millennium Medal (2000), NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award (1988), and several SRC Inventor Recognition Awards. He was a Distinguished Lecturer for IEEE Electron Devices Society, and the General Chair of the IEEE Device Research Conference, 2002.
He is a Fellow of IEEE, APS and AAAS. He is active in the areas of beyond-CMOS nanoelectronic transistors based on 2D materials and spintronics, fabrication and modeling of advanced MOSFETs, and solar cells.
He was elected a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) in 2021.
Research Areas
Electronics, Photonics and Quantum Systems (EPQS)
Research Interests
MOS and nanostructure device modeling
UHVCVD for Si-Ge-C heterostructure devices
Ultra-shallow junction technology and process modeling
Research Groups
Microelectronics Research Center