Robin D Moore

Affiliated Faculty, Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Affiliated Faculty, African and African Diaspora Studies Department, College of Liberal Arts
Affiliated Faculty, Center for Mexican American Studies, College of Liberal Arts
Phone: +1 512 471 0373, +1 512 471 7764
Robin Moore (PhD, The University of Texas at Austin, 1995), Professor of Ethnomusicology, has received awards including fellowships from the ACLS, the Rockefeller Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the National Humanities Center. His research interests include music and race, music curriculum reform, and music of Cuba and Latin America. His book publications include Nationalizing Blackness: afrocubanismo and artistic revolution in Havana, 1920-1940 (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997), Music and Revolution Cultural Change in Socialist Cuba (The University of California Press, 2006), Music in the Hispanic Caribbean (Oxford University Press, 2010), Musics of Latin America (W.W. Norton, 2012), Danzón: Circum-Caribbean Dialogues in Music and Dance (Oxford University Press, co-authored with Alejandro Madrid, 2013), College Music Curricula for a New Century (Oxford Press, 2017), and Fernando Ortiz on Music (Temple University Press, 2018). He remains active as a performer of traditional Latin American music and since 2005 has served as editor of the Latin American Music Review.