Lance Bertelsen

Phone: +1 512 471 8769
Lance Bertelsencurrently holds the Iris Howard Regents Professorship in English Literature and has served six times as director of the Oxford English Summer Program and four times as faculty on the Normandy Scholar Program. His research centers on eighteenth-century popular and material culture and its relation to literature. He is the author of "The Nonsense Club" (Oxford, 1986) and "Henry Fielding at Work" (Palgrave, 2000). His current research concerns Captain James Cook's subordinates on the third voyage and their role in preserving and constructing its legacy. Bertelsen also has research interests in World War II; his essay, "San Pietro and the 'Art' and War" (Southwest Review, 1989) won the 1990 Texas Institute of Letters O.Henry Award, and he regularly teaches an Undergraduate Studies course called "Representing Warfare from Agincourt to the Pacific Theatre."