Kenneth F Greene

Phone: +1 512 232 7206
Kenneth Greene specializes in research on authoritarian regimes and democratization, political parties and elections outside of the United States, Mexican politics, Latin American politics, and research methods.
His first book, Why Dominant Parties Lose: Mexico's Democratization in Comparative Perspective, shows why dominant parties are incredible durable and why many lost power by the close of the 20th century. He is co-editor of Mexico's Evolving Democracy: A Comparative Study of the 2012 Elections and was Principal Investigator on the Mexico 2012 Panel Study of voters as well as numerous surveys of voters, activists, and politicians in Mexico. His current projects include work on vote buying, campaign strategies, and voting behavior in new democracies. He has years of experience doing fieldwork on social movements and political parties in Mexico. His work has appeared in Political Analysis, the American Journal of Political Science, World Politics, Comparative Political Studies, PS: Political Science and Politics, Foreign Affairs en Español, Política y Gobierno, Cambridge University Press, and a dozen book chapters in English and Spanish-language edited volumes. He is fluent in Spanish and his interviews have appeared in a variety of Spanish and Engish language publications and radio and television programs in Mexico and the United States. He is available to talk about Mexican and Latin American politics in English or Spanish, for quotation or on background.