John M Hoberman

Phone: +1 512 232 6368
John Hoberman is a social and cultural historian who has researched and published extensively in the fields of sports studies, race studies, human enhancements, medical history, and globalization studies. In fact, he just completed a a ten-day trans-Atlantic crossing from Liverpool, England, to Chester, PA on board a German container ship to get an inside look at this global industry.
Hoberman's work in sports studies encompasses race relations, politics and the Olympics, and performance-enhancing drug use. His interests in medical history include the social and medical impacts of androgenic drugs (anabolic steroids) and the history of medical racism in the United States. He has lectured at many medical schools and other medical institutions on this topic.
Hoberman is the author of "Sport and Political Ideology" (1984), "The Olympic Crisis: Sport, Politics, and the Moral Order" (1986), "Mortal Engines: The Science of Performance and the Dehumanization of Sport" (1992), "Darwins Athletes: How Sport Has Damaged Black America and Preserved the Myth of Race" (1997), "Testosterone Dreams: Rejuvenation, Aphrodisia, Doping" ((2005), "Black & Blue: The Origins and Consequences of Medical Racism" (2012), and "Age of Globalization," the text of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) broadcast on the edX global platform during 2013 and 2014 and published online by the University of Texas Press in January 2014. His upcoming book titled "Dopers in Uniform: Anabolic Steroids, Hard-Muscled Cops, and Global Demand for Androgenic Drugs" (2016).
Hoberman has also published widely for general audiences. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, The Nation, The Wilson Quarterly, Society, Scientific American, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The National (Canada), and Der Spiegel (Germany). Interviews with Prof. Hoberman have appeared in Norwegian, Swedish, French and German publications. Interviews on media outlets include all of the national networks: PBS, ABC. NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC (Australia), CBC (Canada), and BBC (UK).