Jeffrey G Paine

Phone: +1 512 471 1260, +1 512 471 1534
CV (pdf)
Jeff coordinates near-surface geophysics projects at the Bureau. His principal research interest, geophysical applications in the shallow subsurface, combines an academic background in geophysics and extensive professional experience in near-surface strata. He specializes in applying borehole, surface, and airborne electromagnetic induction methods and seismic reflection and refraction methods to help solve geological, hydrological, environmental, and engineering problems. He has served as principal investigator in more than 45 studies funded by State, Federal, and regional agencies and has published more than 130 articles, reports, and abstracts. He is the 2010 recipient of the Gold Award from the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society.
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1991
M.S. in Geological Sciences, University of Washington, 1982
B.S. in Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1980
Near-surface geophysics in hydrogeology and environmental and Quaternary geology; coastal geology; Quaternary geology and geomorphology; computer applications in the geological sciences
Co-convenor, Workshop: Hydraulic Fracturing 101, 2012 Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Envrionmental Problems (2012)
Member, Career Panel, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (2012)
Member, Advisory Council, Division of Environmental Geosciences, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2011 - 2012)
Chair, Short Course and Workshop Organizing Committee, SAGEEP 2012, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2011 - 2012)
Chair, Short Course and Workshop Organizing Committee, SAGEEP 2011, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2010 - 2011)
Vice President, Division of Environmental Geosciences, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2009 - 2010)
Past President, Board of Directors, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2008 - 2009)
President, Board of Directors, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2007 - 2008)
Editor, FastTIMES magazine, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2007 - 2009)
President Elect, Board of Directors, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2006 - 2007)
Session Chair, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems: Novel Geophysical Applications, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2005)
Member-at-Large, Board of Directors, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2005)
Session Chair, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems: Mining and Landfill Site Investigations, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2003)
Member, Evaluations Task Force, Bureau of Economic Geology (2001)
Member, Technical Program Committee, Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (2001)
Session Chair, Near-surface seismic acquisition, processing, and interpretation, Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (2001)
Session Chair, Electromagnetics and resistivity, Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists (2001)
Member, Technical Advisory Board, Bureau of Economic Geology (2000 - 2001)
Chair, Recovery Plan Committee, Reporting to UT Vice President Juan Sanchez, Bureau of Economic Geology (2000)
Review Panelist, Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Panel, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Earth Science Enterprise (1997 - 2002)
Associate Editor, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience (1995 - 2002)
Member, Standing Advisory Committee, Southern Coastal Corridor Cultural Resource Planning Region (1987 - 1991)
Expert Witness, State of Texas v. Matcha, Testimony on the Effect of Hurricane Alicia on Texas Beaches, (1984)
Publications (pdf)
Gold Award - Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (2010)
Best Paper - Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (2003)
Conductivity measuring to access brine impact, IEAGHG Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage Workshop, Bozeman, Montana (2012)
Near-surface geophysics and the sponsored-research realm, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada (2012)
Historical shoreline change through 2007, Texas Gulf coast: rates, contributing causes, and Holocene context, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas (2012)
Hydrofracturing 101: What is it, what are the issues, and how can geophysics help?, Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (2012)
Integrated, student-led hydrogeophysical investigations at a suspected central Texas sinkhole, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Tucson, Arizona (2012)
EM investigations to assess near-surface effects of hydrofracturing on water quality, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Tucson, Arizona (2012)
Lessons for data integration, EPA Geophysical Techniques Workshop for Shallow Ground Water, Dallas, Texas (2011)
Ground-based EM techniques, EPA Geophysical Techniques Workshop for Shallow Ground Water, Dallas, Texas (2011)
Measuring conductivity to detect brine displacement: examples from Texas oil fields, 7th IEAGHG Network Monitoring Meeting, Potsdam, Germany (2011)
The Great Wenchuan Earthquake (M 7.9), May 2008: surface rupture, landslides, lakes, and damage to infrastructure, Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Meeting, Bastrop, Texas (2011)
Assessing collapse risk in evaporite sinkhole-prone areas using gravimetry and radar interferometry, Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas (2011)
Assessing collapse risk in evaporite sinkhole-prone areas using gravimetry and radar interferometry, 4th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Chengdu and Wuhan, China (2010)
Rapid-response gravity survey at Daisetta, Texas, Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (Texas Section) and the Houston Geological Society, Daisetta, Texas (2009)
Overview of near-surface geophysics in engineering and environmental studies, Texas Mining and Reclamation Association Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas (2008)
Stream-axis EM from a helicopter: identifying salinity sources in a large river basin, 14th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Houston, Texas (2007)
Applying geophysics to environmental and engineering problems, Association of Exploration Geologists, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India (2006)
Applying geophysics to environmental and engineering problems: a Texas sampler, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas (2006)
Streambed induction logs: an airborne approach to identifying salinity sources and quantifying salinity loads, Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Seattle, WA (2006)
Hydrogeophysical field methods, Hydrogeology Field Methods class, GEO 376L, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2005)
EM applications to water-quality studies, Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, Austin, Texas (2005)
Airborne geophysical investigations of salinization along the Colorado River, presented at Upper Colorado River Stakeholders' Meeting, Ballinger, TX (2005)
Applying airborne electromagnetic induction in groundwater salinization and resource studies, West Texas, presented to Society of Petroleum Engineers, Permian, Midland, Texas (2005)
Airborne geophysical investigations of salinization along Petronila Creek, presented at Petronila Creek Stakeholders' Meeting, Robstown, Texas (2005)
Combining airborne EM and surface-water analyses to identify natural and oil-field salinity sources that degrade water quality in two Texas streams, presented at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah (2005)
Delineating salinity sources along the Colorado River and Petronila Creek using airborne geophysics, presented to Red River Authority, Wichita Falls, Texas (2005)
Combining EM and lidar to map coastal wetlands: an example from Mustang Island, Texas, presented at the 18th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Atlanta, Georgia (2005)
Lecturer, Hydrogeophysics (GEO 391), Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2004)
Geophysical investigations of salinization along the Colorado River, presented at Upper Colorado River Stakeholders' Meeting, Ballinger, Texas (2004)
Assessing groundwater perching horizons using synthetic, ground, and airborne TDEM data at the Pantex Plant, Texas, presented to the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Colorado Springs, Colorado (2004)
Evaluating the perched aquifer and Ogallala fine-grained zone using airborne geophysics, presented at Pantex Groundwater Public Meeting, Panhandle, Texas (2004)
Geophysical investigations of salinization along Petronila Creek, presented at Petronila Creek Stakeholders' Meeting, Robstown, Texas (2004)
Oil-field salinization screening on the Edwards Plateau using airborne geophysics, presented at the Aquifers of the Edwards Plateau Conference, San Angelo, Texas (2004)
Evaluating the integrity of the Ogallala fine-grained zones using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented at U.S. Department of Energy/State of Texas Agreement in Principle Quarterly Status Meeting, Austin, Texas (2003)
GPR investigation of the UT Charter School site, Travis County, Texas, presented to the University of Texas System and The University of Texas at Austin Environmental Health and Safety Office, Austin, Texas (2003)
Near-surface geophysics: instruments, platforms, and applications, presented to Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Austin, Texas (2003)
Applying airborne electromagnetic induction in groundwater salinization and resource studies, West Texas, presented at the Ninth European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Prague, Czech Republic (2003)
Airborne geophysics: applications and advances in environmental and engineering investigations, presented at Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, San Antonio, Texas (2003)
Assessing vibration susceptibility over shallow and deep bedrock using accelerometers and walkaway surveys, presented at the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, San Antonio, Texas (2003)
Applying airborne electromagnetic induction in groundwater salinization and resource studies, West Texas, presented at the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, San Antonio, Texas (2003)
Evaluating the integrity of the Ogallala FGZ using airborne geophysics, presented to U.S. Department of Energy and BWXT Pantex, Amarillo, Texas (2003)
Time-domain electromagnetic survey of Pantex, presented at Pantex Groundwater Public Meeting, Amarillo, Texas (2003)
Geophysics applied to oil field environmental assessment: instruments, platforms, and applications, presented at Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies 52nd Annual Convention as part of short course titled Regulation, Assessment, and Remediation of Oil Field Exploration and Production Sites, Texas and Louisiana, Austin, Texas (2002)
Hydrogeological applications of airborne electromagnetic induction imaging, presented to World Bank, Austin, Texas (2002)
Applications of airborne electromagnetic induction in identifying groundwater resources and assessing salinization, presented to International Boundary and Water Commission and Mexican Federal and State officials, El Paso, Texas (2002)
Assessing Lacy Creek salinization using airborne geophysics, presented to Upper Colorado River Authority and Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District, Sterling City, Texas (2002)
Assessing Lacy Creek salinization using airborne geophysics, presented to Railroad Commission of Texas, Upper Colorado River Authority, and Sterling County Underground Water Conservation District, Sterling City, Texas (2002)
Near-surface geophysical methods in hydrogeological investigations: lecture and field demonstration of electromagnetic methods for field methods, presented to Hydrogeology class, GEO376L, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2002)
Comparing ground motion at the current and proposed sites of the Metrology Laboratory, presented to General Services Commission, Austin, Texas (2002)
Geophysical investigations of oilfield salinization in the Red River Basin, Texas, presented at LBG-Guyton Associates, Austin, Texas (2001)
Identifying and assessing groundwater in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented at LBG-Guyton Associates, Austin, Texas (2001)
Identifying and assessing ground water in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented at Airborne Geophysics seminar , Austin, Texas (2001)
Evaluating the integrity of the Ogallala fine-grained zones using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented at Innovative Technology and Remediation Demonstration, Pantex Southeast Groundwater Project Technical Advisory Group meeting, Austin, Texas (2001)
Geophysical investigations of oil-field salinization in the Red River Basin, Texas, presented at Airborne Geophysics seminar, Austin, Texas (2001)
Applying airborne and ground geophysics in ground-water resource and contamination investigations, presented at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (2001)
Comparing ground motion at the current and proposed sites of the Metrology Laboratory, presented to Texas Department of Agriculture, Austin, Texas (2001)
Hydrogeological applications of airborne electromagnetic induction imaging, presented at Technical Sessions, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2001)
Establishing acceptable ground motion at the TDA Metrology Laboratory, presented to Texas Department of Agriculture, Austin, Texas (2001)
Near-surface geophysics for groundwater resources, Bureau of Economic Geology Advisory Committee meeting, Austin, Texas (2001)
Near-surface geophysical methods in hydrogeological investigations: lecture and field demonstration of electromagnetic methods for field methods, presented to Hydrogeology class, GEO376L, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2001)
Imaging Cenozoic coastal-plain deposits and predicting ground-water quality using airborne 3-D EM, presented at Texas A&M University, Austin, Texas (2000)
Imaging Cenozoic coastal-plain deposits and predicting groundwater quality using airborne 3-D EM, Bureau of Economic Geology Research Seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2000)
Near-surface geophysical methods in hydrogeological investigations: lecture and field demonstration of electromagnetic methods , presented to Hydrogeology class, GEO376L, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2000)
Identifying and assessing groundwater in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented at Region M meeting, Harlingen, Texas (2000)
Perched groundwater stratigraphic control, presented at Innovative Technology Remediation Demonstration meeting, Pantex Southeast Groundwater Project, Amarillo, Texas (2000)
Perched groundwater leakage: geophysics scoping evaluation, presented at Innovative Treatment Remediation Demonstration meeting, Pantex Southeast Groundwater Project, Amarillo, Texas (2000)
Identifying and assessing ground water in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented to Executive Administrator, Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas (2000)
Identifying and assessing ground water in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas using airborne electromagnetic induction, presented to Texas Water Development Board and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Austin, Texas (2000)
Delineating Colorado River salinization sources using reconnaissance airborne EM, presented to Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee, San Angelo, Texas, (1999)
Delineating Colorado River salinization sources using reconnaissance airborne EM, presented to Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee, Big Spring, Texas, (1999)
Assessing salinization sources and extent using EM methods, Hydrogeology Brown Bag Seminar, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, (1999)
Geophysical investigations at the Montague County site, presented at the District Oilfield Cleanup Coordinators' Conference, Austin, Texas, (1998)
Estimating depth to bedrock feasibility study, presented at Texas Department of Transportation Research Management Committee Meeting, Austin, Texas, (1997)
Identifying salinity sources in West Texas using geophysical methods, presented to Upper Colorado River Authority, San Angelo, Texas, (1997)
Application of research in geology, geologic processes, and geophysics to Texas transportation issues, presented at the Center for Transportation Research Symposium, Kerrville, Texas, (1997)
Combining high-resolution airborne and ground-based geophysical methods to identify salinity sources in West Texas, presented to the Center for Remote Sensing, The University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, (1997)
Near-Surface Applications of Seismic Reflection and Electromagnetic Induction Methods, Exploration Geophysics class, GEO465K, The University of Texas at Austin, (1997)
Near-Surface Geophysical Methods in Hydrogeological Investigations: lecture and field demonstration of electromagnetic methods, Hydrogeology Field Methods class, GEO376L, The University of Texas at Austin, (1997)
Locating salinity sources with remotely sensed geophysical data, presented at EPA/NASA Remote Sensing Environmental Monitoring Conference, Washington, D.C., (1996)
Shallow reflection programs at DOE's Pantex Plant, Texas: different methods, different results, presented at Shallow Seismic Reflection Workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, (1996)
Geophysical screening of salinity sources in West Texas, presentation for Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee meeting, Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin, Texas, (1996)
Applying 3-D seismic data to image geologic features and identify reservoir compartments: analysis at T-C-B field, South Texas, presentation for New Oil from Old Fields short course, Houston Geological Society, Houston, Texas, (1996)
Geophysical identification of reservoir architecture, presentation for DOE Deltas New Oil from Old Fields short course, South Texas Geological Society, San Antonio, Texas, (1996)
Finding salinity sources in West Texas with airborne and ground-based electromagnetic surveys, presented at Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, (1996)
Hydrogeological applications of seismic reflection and electromagnetic methods, Hydrogeology Seminar, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (1996)
Electromagnetic Induction Methods, lecture for Vadose Zone Hydrogeology class, GEO391, The University of Texas at Austin, (1995)
Shallow Seismic Reflection and Refraction Methods in Hydrogeological Investigations, lecture and field demonstration for Field Methods in Hydrogeology class, GEO376L, The University of Texas at Austin, (1995)
Geophysics in the shallow subsurface: it's not just for prospecting anymore, presented at Panhandle Geological Society monthly meeting, Amarillo, Texas, (1994)
Determining the role of subsidence in the formation of playa basins using shallow seismic reflection methods, presented at the Playa Basin Symposium, Texas Tech University, Water Resources Center, Lubbock, Texas, (1994)
Geophysics in the shallow subsurface: it's not just for prospecting anymore, presented at Austin Geological Society monthly meeting, Austin, Texas, (1994)
Environmental and Groundwater Geophysics: Shallow Seismic Reflection Surveying and Electromagnetic Methods, lecture for Field Methods in Hydrogeology class, GEO376L, The University of Texas at Austin, (1993)
Shallow Seismic Methods in Environmental and Hydrogeological Studies, lecture for Geophysics for Geology Majors class, GEO368K, The University of Texas at Austin, (1993)
Shallow seismic studies of a large playa basin near Amarillo, Texas, presented at 6th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, San Diego, California, (1993)
To bedrock and beyond: rationale, methods, and results of shallow seismic studies at the Bureau of Economic Geology, Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, (1993)
Shallow Seismic Methods in Environmental and Hydrogeological Studies, presented at Hydrogeology Seminar, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (1992)
Sea Level and Vertical Movement along the Texas Coast: Inferences from Historical, Holocene, and Late Pleistocene Sea Levels, presented at Geological Perspectives on Global Change, Geodynamics Research Institute Symposium, Texas A&M University, (1991)
Historical Shoreline Changes in the Galveston Bay System, presented at Galveston Bay Characterization Workshop, Houston, Texas, (1991)
Patterns of Erosion and Deposition on Galveston Island during and after a Major Hurricane, presented at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Engineering Research Center, Vicksburg, Mississippi, (1990)
Recent Vertical Movement and Sea-Level Changes, Texas Coastal Zone, presented at American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, (1990)
Late Quaternary Depositional Units, Sea Level, and Vertical Movement along the Central Texas Coast, presented at Technical Sessions, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (1990)
Coastal Plain Development along the Central Texas Coast during the Late Quaternary, presented at Geological Society of America annual meeting, Dallas, Texas, (1990)
Impact of Hurricane Gilbert on Beaches of the Texas Coast, presented (with R. A. Morton) at Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, (1989)
Potential for Non-Energy Mineral Development in the Texas Exclusive Economic Zone, presented at Ninth Annual Information Transfer Meeting, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, Louisiana, (1988)
Late Quaternary Development of the San Jacinto River Valley Margin at Peggy Lake, Upper Texas Coast, presented at Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies convention, San Antonio, Texas, (1987)
Sea-Level Control of Clay Dune Development at the Swan Lake Site, Copano Bay, Texas: Evidence for a Holocene Highstand?, presented at Geological Society of America convention, Waco, Texas, (1987)
Late Quaternary Evolution of the Texas Coast, presented at the Third Texas Coastal Bend Archeological Palaver, Corpus Christi, Texas, (1986)
Barrier Island Response to Major Storms: Erosion, Deposition, and Recovery at Galveston Island, Texas, presented to Geological Society of America convention, Orlando, Florida, (1985)
Xenoliths at Mount St. Helens: Do They Represent Major Volcanic Arc Constituents?, presented to University Student Geological Society, The University of Texas at Austin, (1984)
A Higher Holocene Sea-Level Highstand in Texas?, Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, (1984)
Legal and Geologic Impacts of Hurricane Alicia, presented (with R. A. Morton) at Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, (1984)
Shoreline Changes in Corpus Christi and Galveston Bays, Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, (1983)
Crustal Structure in Southwestern Washington: Implications from Wave Velocities in Mount St. Helens Lava Inclusions, presented to American Geophysical Union convention, San Francisco, California, (1981)