Jeeyun Oh

Phone: +1 512 471 8134
Jeeyun Oh is an associate professor in the Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations at UT Austin. She received her Ph.D. in mass communications from The Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on how new media interfaces, affordances, and algorithms influence users cognitive and emotional processing of persuasive messages. Her experimental research has explored the potential of interactive media technologies to enhance user engagement and persuasion, by extending theories in social psychology, media effects, health/environmental communication, and human-computer interaction. Her work has been published in various journals across different disciplines, including the Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, Communication Research, New Media & Society, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Science Communication, Health Communication, Psychology & Marketing, and Computers in Human Behaviors. She is a member of the editorial review board of Journal of Advertising.
Oh is currently investigating how new media users deal with the increasing autonomy of artificial intelligence technology (e.g., ChatGPT, smart devices/apps, social media algorithms) emotionally and cognitively by using interview, survey, and experimental methods. Emotional outcomes such as feelings of creepiness and cognitive outcomes like perceived personalization and privacy invasion are examined as the key variables that influence our sense of agency, empowerment, and wellbeing.