Gerald E Speitel, Jr

Phone: +1 512 471 7995
Gerald E. Speitel Jr. has over 20 years of experience in treatment processes for engineered and natural systems. Prior to his employment at the University of Texas, Dr. Speitel worked at the University of Houston and for several consulting environmental engineering firms. Dr. Speitel currently manages a group of 8 graduate research assistants working on a variety of projects dealing with treatment processes for hazardous organic chemicals, fate and transport of chemicals in the subsurface, and drinking water treatment. He is a registered professional engineer in Texas, and actively participates in a variety of professional societies. Dr. Speitel's research has been recognized by national awards from the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Water Works Association, and the Association of Environmental Engineering Professors. Dr. Speitel's research generally focuses on treatment processes for hazardous organic chemicals. Particular emphases include 1) development of microbial cultures and biological treatment processes for organic chemicals that are difficult to biodegrade, especially chlorinated solvents, 2) biological and chemical oxidation processes for the control of disinfection by-products and their precursors in drinking water treatment, 3) adsorption and simultaneous biodegradation and adsorption of organic chemicals in granular activated carbon columns, 4) mathematical modeling of the fate and transport of chemicals in the subsurface and engineered treatment processes, and 5) treatment process design focusing on optimal (least cost) selection and design of treatment processes and combinations of treatment processes.