Elin Hartelius

Email: j.hartelius@austin.utexas.edu
Johanna Harteliuss research is in the areas of rhetorical theory and criticism with an focus on expertise and digital rhetoric. She studies the cultural and political implications of experts and laypersons constructions of knowledge and experience, particularly as these constitute points of entry into public discourse, traditional and virtual. Hartelius is the the award-winning author of The Rhetoric of Expertise and editor of The Rhetoric of U.S. Immigration: Identity, Community, Otherness.
Her scholarship has appeared in Argumentation and Advocacy, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Culture, Theory, and Critique, Management Communication Quarterly, Quarterly Journal of Speech, Review of Communication, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, and Southern Communication Journal. Her current book project, The Gifting Logos: Expertise in the Digital Commons, extends the investigation of cultural epistemology into digital networks.