Douglas S Bruster

Phone: +1 512 471 3635
Douglas Bruster is the Mody C. Boatright Regents Professor of American and English Literature and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor. In addition to UT Austin, he has taught at Harvard, the University of Chicago and the University of Paris. Brusters research centers on Shakespeare, drama and literary history. His discoveries have been featured in such venues as The New York Times and National Public Radio.
Bruster's books on Shakespeare and early modern drama include "Drama and the Market in the Age of Shakespeare," "Quoting Shakespeare, Shakespeare and the Question of Culture," "Prologues to Shakespeares Theatre," "To Be or Not To Be" and "Shakespeare and the Power of Performance." He is editor of Thomas Middletons The Changeling, the morality plays Everyman and Mankind, and A Midsummer Night's Dream.