Cory A Reed

Phone: +1 512 471 4936
Cory Reed is Associate Professor of Spanish. His research focuses on the study of genre and performance in early modern drama; the representation of identity in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century literature; literary and cultural responses to the emergence of scientific discourse in early modern Spain; and cognitive cultural studies. He is the author of The Novelist as Playwright: Cervantes and the Entremés nuevo and journal articles on Don Quijote, Cervantes's Novelas ejemplares, early modern drama, film, and opera as a literary/dramatic form. He is finishing a second book, Cervantes and the Aesthetic of Instrumentality: Science, Technology, and Agency in Don Quijote, and beginning new research projects on utopia and performance in early modern Spanish drama, and on cognitive approaches to early modern literature and culture. Dr. Reed serves on the executive council of the Cervantes Society of America as Communications Director and represents the University of Texas on the Representative Council of the Newberry Renaissance Consortium. He also directed the interdisciplinary Tracking Cultures Program, which analyzes the historical roots of Southwestern in colonial Mexico and early modern Spain.