Corwin Zigler

Phone: +1 512 475 8722
orwin (Cory) Zigler joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in 2018, sharing joint appointments in the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences and the Department of Womens Health at Dell Medical School.
Prior to joining UT, he was faculty in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He currently serves as associate editor for the journals Biometrics and Biostatistics, and is heavily involved through elected positions in the Health Policy Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association. He has received research funding from NIH, EPA, and the Health Effects Institute, and his career awards include the 2010 Carolbeth Korn Prize for the most outstanding graduating student in the UCLA School of Public Health, a 2012 Young Investigator Award from the Statistics in Epidemiology Section of the American Statistical Association, and the 2019 Rothman Prize for the best paper published in Epidemiology.
Zigler's research is motivated by problems in public health and epidemiology. Specific areas of statistical methods development include methods for causal inference with interference, intermediate variables (mediation analysis, principal stratification), confounding in high dimensions, model uncertainty/model averaging, treatment effect heterogeneity, spatial statistics, missing data, environmental health data science, and tools for transparent/reproducible research.
Most of his research is motivated by problems in public health and epidemiology. Key areas of focus are evaluation of environmental health policies and comparative effectiveness of clinical therapies using large administrative data, but he has worked in a wide range of problems in public health and biomedical science.