Chang Liu

Phone: +1 512 232 4128
Chang Liu has a Ph.D. from Indiana University at Bloomington on Speech and Hearing Science. He obtained his B.S. in 1997 at Peking University on Physiology and Biophysics.
Liu's basic research interests include the perception of speech and non-speech complex sounds, for native and non-native listeners, for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, speech intelligibility of non-native speakers, auditory model for speech processing, development of speech perception and speech production, and speech synthesis and recognition. Recent studies have focused on vowel perception, bilingual speech production and perception, spectral enhancement, auditory models of speech processing for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners and auditory processing for young children.
His current projects consist of speech production and perception of English non-native speakers. Speech enhancement for speech perception in noise for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Mandarin Chinese speech perception for different populations: young and elderly; normal- and impaired hearing. Tone perception for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners, for Chinese and English listeners, and for clinical populations with amusia and tone agnosia.