Bridget R Scanlon

Phone: +1 512 471 1534, +1 512 471 8241
CV (url)
Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 1985
Evaluation of the impact of climate variability and land use change on groundwater recharge, application of numerical models for simulating variably saturated flow and transport, controls on nitrate contamination in aquifers
Member, Committee on Integrated Observations on Hydrologic and Related Sciences, National Academy of Sciences (2005 - 2007)
Symposium Developer and Co-Chair, Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on the Water Cycle Committee, American Geophysical Union Fall Program (2005 - 2007)
Symposium Developer and Co-Chair, Fall Meeting, Impacts of Land Use/Land Cover Change on the Water Cycle, American Geophysical Union (2005)
Chair, Fall Program Committee for Hydrology, American Geophysical Union (2005)
Symposium Developer and Co-Chair, Sustainable Management of Water Resources, Geological Society of America (2004)
Co-Leader, Development of a Proposal for a CUAHSI Hydrologic Observatory in Texas, (2004 - 2005)
Member, Review Committee, Global Estimation of Groundwater Recharge for WHYMAP, IAEA, Vienna (2004 - 2005)
Member, Joint DOE/NSF Workshop: Water: Challenges at the Intersection of Human and Natural Systems, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2004)
Member, National Science Foundation, Ecohydrology Vision Workshop, Albuquerque, NM (2004)
Symposium Developer and Co-Chair, Assessing the Impacts of Vegetation on the Water Balance, American Geophysical Union (2003)
Member, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences (CUAHSI) Neuse Prototype Long-Term Hydrologic Observatory (LTHO) Design Team, National Science Foundation (2003 - 2004)
Workshop Facilitator, Groundwater Fluxes across Interfaces, Diffuse vs. Focused Fluxes Session, National Academy of Sciences, Wisconsin (2002)
Member, Committee on Groundwater Research, Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (2002 - 2004)
Member, Promotions Advisory Committee, Bureau of Economic Geology (2002)
Member, Fluxes across Interfaces, National Academy of Sciences (2002)
Member, Long-Term Stewardship, Department of Energy (2002)
Member, Texas Groundwater Protection Committee, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (2002)
Co-chair, Texas Groundwater Protection Committee, Research Subcommittee, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (2002)
Member, Surface water groundwater interaction, LCRA/SAWS (2002)
Member, Unsaturated Zone Hydrology Committee, American Geophysical Union (2002)
Member, Technical Advisory Group for Water Availability Modeling, Texas Water Development Board (2001)
Member, Technical Advisory Group on Groundwater Modeling and Contaminant Transport, Pantex, U.S. Department of Energy (2001 - 2002)
Member, Surveillance and Monitoring Workgroup, Long-Term Stewardship Program, Department of Energy (2001 - 2002)
Associate Editor, Vadose Zone Journal,, (2001 - 2004)
Member, Faculty Hiring Committee, Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin (2001 - 2002)
Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal (2000 - 2003)
Member, Technical Advisory Group for Water Availability Modeling for the Texas Water Development Board, (2000)
Member, Committee to Develop DOE Complex-Wide Vadose Zone Science and Technology Roadmap, Department of Energy (2000)
Technical Reviewer, Evaluation of Recharge Issues at the Hanford Site, Department of Energy (1999)
Member, Committee to Develop Global Water Cycle Plan, U.S. Global Change Research Program (1999 - 2000)
Session developer and co-chair, Measurement Techniques and Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Groundwater: Recharge in Response to Past, Present, and Future Climates, Geological Society of America (1999)
Member, National Academy of Sciences Committee Subsurface Contamination at DOE Complex Sites: Research Needs and Opportunities, National Academy of Sciences (1998 - 1999)
Session developer and co-chair, Monitoring and Modeling of the Performance of Engineered Covers for Waste Isolation, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, American Geophysical Union (1998)
Symposium Developer and Co-Chair, Recent Advances in Tracers in Vadose Zone Hydrology, Nice, France, European Geophysical Union (1998)
Member, Committee on Unsaturated Zone Hydrology, American Geophysical Union (1997 - 2005)
Technical Reviewer, Analysis of 36Cl Results from the High-Level Nuclear Waste Site at Yucca Mountain, Department of Energy (1997 - 1998)
Session Developer and Co-Chair, Use of Noninvasive Techniques for Evaluating Parameters in Unsaturated Systems, San Francisco, American Geophysical Union (1997)
Associate Editor, American Geophysical Union, Reviews of Geophysics (1997 - 2000)
Symposium developer and co-chair, Unsaturated Zone Hydrology, Geological Society of America (1996)
Member, Committee for Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geologists) (1996 - 1999)
Symposium developer and Co-Chair, The Role of Preferential Flow in the Unsaturated Zone, Denver, Geological Society of America (1996)
Associate Editor, Groundwater, Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers (1995 - 1998)
Technical Reviewer, Analysis of Preferential Flow at Yucca Mountain, Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (1995)
Technical Reviewer, Evaluation of Recharge Issues at the Hanford Site, Department of Energy (1995)
Member, Evaluation of Unsaturated Flow at the proposed low-level radioactive waste disposal site at Ward Valley, California, National Academy of Sciences (1994 - 1995)
Theme session developer and co-chair, Integration of Hydraulic and Geochemical Approaches in Vadose Zone Studies, Geological Society of America (1994)
Chairperson, Methods Applied to Evaluation of Recharge Rates at Low-Level and High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities at Workshop on Chloride and 36Cl Studies in the Arid Southwest, Las Vegas, (1993)
Session Co-Chair, Quantitative Hydrogeology, Boston, Geological Society of America (1993)
Convenor, review committee, and field-trip leader, Evaluate the unsaturated zone hydrology research at the Bureau and specifically the work related to low-level radioactive waste disposal at Eagle Flat, Texas, (1992)
Referee, Journal of Hydrology (1991 - 2001)
Referee, GroundWater (1991 - 2001)
Referee, Soil Science Society of America Journal (1991 - 2001)
Referee, Water Resources Research (1991 - 2001)
Session developer and co-chair, Hydrogeology of Arid Regions, Geological Society of America (1990)
Member, Short Course Committee, Geological Society of America (1990)
Member, INTRAVAL (International Validation of Flow and Transport Modeling), Program Committee, (1990)
Publications (url)
Groundwater-surface water interactions focusing on water quantity and water quality issues, 1-day short course presented to TCEQ, Austin, Texas (2005)
Evaluation of groundwater arsenic contamination in Texas, 4-hour short course presented to TCEQ, Austin, Texas (2005)
Fate and transport (with J. P. Nicot), presented to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Austin, Texas (2005)
Ecological controls on the water cycle in water-limited ecosystems, presented at Annual Meeting for the Society of Range Management, Fort Worth, Texas (2005)
Impact of climate variability and land use/land cover change on groundwater recharge in the Southwest U.S., presented to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California (2005)
Potential for collaboration between University of Texas and Comision Nacional del Agua, presented to Comision Nacional del Agua, Mexico City, Mexico (2005)
Comparison of different approaches for relating ecology and hydrology in semiarid regions, presented at American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, New Orleans, Louisiana (2005)
Overview of recharge studies in the Southwest U.S., presented at International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (2005)
Ecological controls on water cycle response to climate variability in water limited ecosystems, presented as U.T. Department of Geological Sciences Technical Talk, Austin, Texas (2004)
Fate and transport (with J. P. Nicot), presented to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Austin, Texas (2004)
Vadose zone hydrology (cotaught with Dr. McCray), 3-hour-credit course, GEO 391, presented at The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2004)
Fate and transport (with J. P. Nicot), presented to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Austin, Texas (2004)
Role of vegetation in controlling water balance at the land atmosphere interface in water limited ecosystems, presented at Texas A&M, College Station, Texas (2004)
Vegetational controls on water balance at the land atmosphere interface in semiarid to arid ecosystems, presented at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (2004)
Ecological controls on water cycle response to climate variability in desert regions, invited lecture presented at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (2004)
UT tech talk, presented at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon (2004)
Estimating rates of groundwater recharge, cotaught with Rick Healey at Geological Society of America meeting, Denver, Colorado (2004)
Impact of land-use change on groundwater recharge in the southwestern United States, presented at Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado (2004)
Measurement, monitoring, and modeling analyses of a proposed low-level nuclear waste facility in Texas, presented at Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado (2004)
Potential advances in quantifying the water cycle in karst systems using hydrologic observatory approach, presented at Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, Colorado (2004)
Evaluating the performance of ET covers for waste containment in semiarid/arid regions (with R. Reedy, K. Keese, and S. Dwyer), presented at EPA Alternative Covers Performance Conference, Denver, Colorado (2004)
Ecological controls on water cycle response to climate change in semiarid regions, presented at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (2004)
UT tech talk, presented at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (2004)
Impact of land use change on groundwater recharge in the Southern High Plains groundwater resources, presented at Challenges and Opportunities Meeting, Lubbock, Texas (2004)
Ecological controls on water cycle response to climate variability in water limited ecosystems, presented at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington (2004)
Evaluating climate, vegetation, and soil controls on groundwater recharge using unsaturated flow modeling, presented with K. E. Keese and R. C. Reedy at TWDB Conference on Aquifers of West Texas, San Angelo, Texas (2004)
Impact of land use change from natural to agricultural ecosystems on groundwater recharge, presented at American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, California (2004)
Estimating groundwater recharge in porous media aquifers in Texas, presented at Texas Groundwater 2004: Towards Sustainability: Texas State Capitol Extension, San Marcos, Texas (2004)
Estimating groundwater recharge in porous media aquifers in Texas, presented at Texas Groundwater 2004: Towards Sustainability: Texas State University Capitol Conference, San Marcos, Texas (2004)
Atmospheric and land surface measurements in a prototype hydrologic observatory (with W. Krajewski, J. Famiglietti, and C. J. Duffy), presented to American Geophysical Union, (2003)
Role of vegetation in controlling water balance at the land-atmosphere interface in water limited ecosystems (with D. Levitt, M. J. Sully, K. Keese, R. C. Reedy, J. Simunek, L. Desotell, and C. Lohrstrofer), presented to American Geophysical Union, (2003)
Fate and transport (with J. P. Nicot), presented to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Austin, Texas (2003)
Environmental isotope geochemistry (Co-taught with Dr. Banner), 3-hour-credit course, GEO 388H, presented at Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2003)
Estimating groundwater recharge to Texas aquifers using unsaturated zone modeling (with K. Keese and R. C. Reedy), poster presented to Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (2003)
Modeling Barton Springs aquifer, presented to Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Authority, Austin, Texas (2003)
Relationship between climate and vegetation dynamics in water limited systems, monitoring and modeling analysis, Bureau of Economic Geology Research Seminar, Austin, Texas (2003)
Groundwater surface water interactions, presented to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, Texas (2003)
Interactions of groundwater and surface water, presented at Regional EPA Meeting at TCEQ, Austin, Texas (2003)
Intercode comparisons for simulating the water balance of engineered covers in semiarid regions (with M. Christman, R. C. Reedy, I. Porro, J. Simunek, and G. N. Flerchinger), presented at the International Applied Phytotechnologies Conference, Chicago, Illinois (2003)
Assessment of groundwater surface water interactions, presented to EPA Region 6, Dallas, Texas (2003)
Review of techniques for estimating groundwater recharge, presented to the Irish Geological Survey, Dublin, Ireland (2003)
Techniques for estimating groundwater recharge, presented at 24th Biennium Groundwater Conference and 12th Annual Meeting: Groundwater Resources Association of California, Ontario, CA (2003)
Ecohydrological controls on the water cycle in desert systems, presented to the U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia (2003)
Defining the need for augmented recharge-techniques for quantifying recharge, presented to California Groundwater Resources Association, San Jose, California (2003)
Variations in flow and transport in thick desert vadose zones in response to paleoclimatic forcing (0-90 kyr), presented to Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (2002)
Unsaturated zone hydrology, presented to Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, Austin, Texas (2002)
Groundwater modeling in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer, Texas, presented to Austin Geological Society, Austin, Texas (2002)
Hydrologic processes in thick vadose zones in interdrainage semiarid regions: monitoring and modeling analysis, Bureau of Economic Geology research seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2002)
Unsaturated zone hydrology, presented to Department of Geological Sciences field class, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2002)
Aquifer demonstration, presented to Cedar Creek Elementary School, Austin, Texas (2002)
Groundwater recharge in Texas, presented to Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas (2002)
Unsaturated zone studies related to natural systems and evapotranspiration covers, presented to Pantex AIP, Austin, Texas (2002)
Monitoring and modeling of engineered covers, presented to the Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio (2002)
Overview of unsaturated flow studies in semiarid regions, presented to Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (2002)
Groundwater recharge in the Texas High Plains, presented at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado (2002)
Groundwater fluxes across interfaces, presented to National Academy of Sciences, Door County, Wisconsin (2002)
Comparison of various techniques for evaluating unsaturated flow in the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas, presented to the University of Arizona, Department of Hydrology, USGS, Tucson, Arizona (2002)
Isotope Hydrology, presented to Jay Banner's class, March and April, (2001)
Hydrogeology 346, presented to Jay Famiglietti's class, (2001)
Results of unsaturated zone monitoring at the Pantex Plant, presented at U.S. Department of Energy, Pantex, Amarillo, Texas (2001)
Suitability of alternative engineered covers for waste containment, presented at Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, Austin, Texas (2001)
Unsaturated zone hydrology, Short Course: Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission, Austin, Texas (2001)
Techniques for estimating groundwater recharge, Short Course: Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas (2001)
Groundwater modeling of the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer, presented at Regional Water Planning Group Meeting, Bastrop, Texas (2001)
Techniques for quantifying groundwater recharge, Short Course: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts (2001)
Use of engineered covers for waste containment, presented at Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, San Antonio, Texas (2001)
Results of numerical simulations of groundwater flow for the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer, presented to Lower Colorado River Authority and Regional Water Planning Group K , Austin, Texas (2000)
Overview of unsaturated flow studies for radioactive waste containment in the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology Research Seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2000)
Evaluation of groundwater availability in the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards aquifer on the basis of numerical simulations, presented to Lower Colorado Water Planning Group (Region K) and to Lower Colorado River Authority, Austin, Texas (2000)
3-D Visualization of geology and use of GIS to examine geology, presented to Math and Science Tek Teams , Austin, Texas (2000)
Techniques for quantifying recharge, Texas Water Development Board, Austin, Texas (2000)
Basic principles of unsaturated zone hydrology, presented to Department of Geological Sciences Field Class, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2000)
Overview of techniques for quantifying recharge, presented at National Ground Water Association Meeting, Austin, Texas (2000)
Numerical simulations of engineered cover performance for waste Containment, presented at Department of Geological Sciences, Seminar Series, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2000)
Overview of techniques for quantifying recharge, presented at National Groundwater Association Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas (2000)
EarthView Texas: using GIS to see local geology and hydrology, presented to Rio Hondo and Los Fresnos Independent School Districts, Brownsville, Texas (2000)
EarthView Texas: using GIS to see local geology and hydrology, presented at Rio Hondo and Los Fresnos ISD, Brownsville, Texas (2000)
Analysis of design, monitoring, and modeling issues related to engineered covers for waste containment, presented to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio (2000)
Numerical modeling and monitoring of engineered covers: workshop for educators, presented to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio (2000)
Comparison of different numerical codes for simulating unsaturated flow, presented to Department of Hydrology, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada (2000)
Groundwater recharge in arid climates: assessing the errors, presented at U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrology Meeting, Reno, Nevada (2000)
Groundwater recharge in arid climates: assessing errors, presented at USGS National Meeting, Reno, Nevada (2000)
Evaluation of natural recharge rates for characterizing waste disposal sites in semiarid regions, presented at Natural Recharge of Groundwater Symposium, Tempe, Arizona (2000)
Controls on unsaturated flow in semi-arid regions, presented to the U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Riverside, California, (1999)
Evaluation of unsaturated flow in arid settings, presented to the Department of Hydrology, Rehovot, Israel, (1999)
Uncertainties in estimating water fluxes and dating pore water in arid unsaturated zones, presented to the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (1999)
Evaluation of water fluxes and ages in an arid setting, presented at Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, (1998)
Monitoring techniques related to subsurface gas transport, presented at the University of Arizona, Maricopa Experimental Station, Phoenix, Arizona, (1998)
Use of environmental tracers to estimate water fluxes in the unsaturated zone, presented to Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (1998)
Ground water pollution and contaminant transport, 3-hour-credit graduate course presented at the Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (1998)
Uncertainties in estimating water fluxes and dating pore water in arid unsaturated zones, presented to the Department of Geology, The University of Texas at Dallas, (1997)
Evaluation of focused recharge beneath playas and implications for agricultural practices, presented to the Texas Agricultural Extension Service at Lubbock, (1997)
Overview of unsaturated zone hydrologic studies related to radioactive waste disposal in Texas, presented to The University of Texas at El Paso, (1997)
Future research areas in unsaturated zone hydrology, presented at the Bureau of Economic Geology Seminar Series, (1997)
Physical and environmental tracer data to quantify spatial and temporal variability in unsaturated flow, presented at the Summer School on European Water Resources and Climate Change Processes, University College, (1997)
Unsaturated zone hydrology, organic contaminant transport, and groundwater modeling, presented to University College, Department of Civil Engineering, Cork, Ireland (1997)
Basic Principles of Unsaturated Zone Hydrology, presented to Department of Civil Engineering class on Contaminant Hydrology, (1996)
Quantification of air flow through the unsaturated zone, presented at a Review Meeting on Monitoring Issues Related to the Unsaturated Zone held by the University of Arizona and the Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Maricopa, Arizona, (1996)
Evaluation of Liquid and Vapor Flow in Arid Unsaturated Zones, presented to the Department of Civil Engineering Seminar Series, (1996)
Geology 391, Unsaturated zone hydrology, presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, (1996)
Issues related to Ward Valley, the proposed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in California, presented to the Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Board, Austin, Texas, (1995)
Review of unsaturated zone studies in arid sites and implications for contaminant transport, presented to Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, San Francisco, California, (1995)
Review of unsaturated zone studies in arid sites and implications for contaminant transport, presented to Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, (1995)
Controls on subsurface flow in an arid setting including evaluation of preferred pathways, presented at the VII Evans Workshop, "Flow and Transport through Unsaturated Fractured Rock," Phoenix, Arizona, (1995)
Geology 391, Unsaturated zone hydrology, presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, (1995)
Evidence for focused recharge beneath playas in the Southern High Plains, Texas, presented at the Playa Basin Symposium, Texas Tech University, Water Resources Center, Lubbock, Texas, (1994)
Low-level radioactive waste disposal in arid settings, Texas as an example: presented to the Board on Radioactive Waste Management, National Academy of Sciences, Los Angeles, California, (1994)
Geology 391, Unsaturated zone hydrology, presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, (1994)
Evaluation of recharge rates using chemical tracers at low-level radioactive waste disposal sites in the Chihuahuan Desert, Texas, presented at Workshop on Chloride and 36Cl Studies in the Arid Southwest, Las Vegas, Nevada, (1993)
Long-term simulation of nonisothermal liquid and vapor flow in desert soils, case study Chihuahuan Desert, West Texas: presented at Southwest Research Institute, (1993)
Results of numerical simulations of nonisothermal liquid and vapor flow in arid systems, presented at Princeton University, Department of Civil Engineering, (1993)
Analysis of unsaturated flow in desert soils, presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, (1993)
Numerical simulations of unsaturated flow in semiarid systems, presented to The University of Arizona at Tucson, Department of Hydrology, Tucson, Arizona, (1992)
Evaluation of moisture flux in semiarid soils, presented to The University of Nevada at Reno, Department of Geology, Reno, Nevada, (1992)
Preferential flow in fissured sediments related to site characterization of a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in Texas, presented at the INTRAVAL workshop, Las Cruces, New Mexico, (1992)
Basic principles of unsaturated flow and solute transport, presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, (1992)
Basic principles of unsaturated flow and solute transport, presented at the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (1992)
Comparison of chemical and hydraulic approaches in evaluation of moisture flux in desert soils, presented at the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, (1991)
Importance of vapor transport in unsaturated flow in arid systems, a case study in the Chihuahuan Desert of Texas: presented at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, (1991)
Basic principles of unsaturated flow and solute transport, presented at the Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (1991)
Comparison of physical and chemical approaches to evaluation of moisture flux in desert soils, presented at the University of California, Davis, Department of Land, Air, and Water Research, (1990)
Bomb chlorine-36 analysis in the characterization of unsaturated flow at a proposed radioactive waste disposal facility, Chihuahuan Desert, Texas, presented at the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference, Paris, France, (1990)
Geology 382, Analysis of unsaturated flow related to radioactive waste disposal, presented at The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, (1990)
Relative importance of liquid and vapor transport in desert soils, Bureau of Economic Geology, (1990)
Analysis of unsaturated flow in the Chihuahuan Desert, West Texas, presented to the University of Rochester, Department of Geological Sciences, Rochester, New York, (1989)
Summary of unsaturated-zone studies in the Chihuahuan Desert related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, presented to the Texas Low-Level waste disposal Authority, Board of Directors, Austin, Texas, (1989)
Analysis of unsaturated flow related to low-level radioactive waste disposal in the Chihuahuan Desert, West Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, (1989)
Unsaturated-flow studies related to low-level radioactive waste disposal, sponsored by the American Nuclear Society and presented to the University of Nevada, (1989)
Physical controls on hydrochemical variability in a karst aquifer, presented to The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences, hydrogeology seminar, Austin, Texas, (1987)